S T O S S Books
S T O S S Books
Picture of DNA which is Salt and Dust in the Bible

Salt, Dust, Light, and Water in the Bible

Study of Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Bible

S T O S S Books

The Study of Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible

S T O S S Books
Studying Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible
S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

What is salt, dust, and stone in the Bible
In Scripture, DNA is both dust and salt
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Original Sin: Part II of III
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger in Stephen Michael Leininger · Tuesday 05 Jan 2021

Original Sin: Part II of III


Why Eve’s Eyes Were Not Opened Until After Adam’s Fall

In Part I of this blog series, we endeavored to remedy a general lack of sufficient understanding concerning Original Sin, as Cardinal Ratzinger described. Specific questions answered were: 1) what was the knowledge classified as good & evil; 2) what is the meaning of Adam and Eve’s eyes opening; 3) does our DNA have any role to play in producing the consequences of concupiscence, and; 4) how does the spiritualized soul fit in with this understanding of Original Sin?
In Part II, we will dig deeper into the role of the body and the language thereof in inflaming or calming the war between the flesh and the spirit, i.e., concupiscence. Questions to be addressed are:
1). What do biological water, the dust of DNA, and biologically generated light have to do with the grace necessary to help us purify our biological impurities;
2). What role does the human heart play in this war between flesh and spirit and;
3).  What role did the body play in communicating sanctifying (small “s”) grace from pre–fallen Adam to fallen Eve?
Before going any further, I want to let you know that a good deal of time will be spent digging into the role the body plays in communicating (sending out) the grace of God. When thinking about the actions of a God we cannot see with our naked eyes, we tend to view our reception of His graces as something entirely ethereal or spiritual, something happening altogether within the soul. Thanks to Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, we see the body as an essential participant in both the reception and expression of His grace, flowing from each of us and onto others. That is why the body’s language is vital to understanding how God communicates his grace to each of us.
Our discussion concerning Adam and Eve and the effects of eating the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil will entail much time. I will explain the instrumentality of the body (our salt and dust of DNA) in the economy of grace and why God refers to us as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The body was made from the dust of the earth in great glory. Our body makes it possible (think Covenant of Salt) to sit in judgment of the angels (1 Cor. 6:3).
I apologize to those who are less interested in reading about so many details, some of which are scientific. This is not one of those situations where less is more. On the contrary, this is a situation where less is, simply put, not enough.

Role of Light, Water, and Dust in Opening of the Eyes

Had it not been for the Actual Gratuitous Grace from Adam’s spiritual and meta-sense-able heart,[1] sent out in the language of his body/mouth,[2] Eve’s eyes would have been opened before Adam’s fall from grace. Relative to Actual Gratuitous Grace, three biological components must work together to produce an impact on the intensity of the war that we define as concupiscence. All three work together synergistically to change every aspect of our biological function.
These three components show us why both Adam and Eve had to sin before Eve’s eyes were opened. The three parts are dust of the earth (nuclear DNA), structured biological living water that coats every human cell surface, and electromagnetic radiation, i.e., biologically generated light. An idealized diagram of structured biological water can be found in Covenants Part III: The Dead Sea & the Biology of Fallen Man. Much of what follows will be taken from the above–linked article.

Interaction of DNA and Structured Biological Water

As we proceed, it will become increasingly apparent why we can accurately characterize the Bible as the most advanced science book ever written. Not a textbook but an applied science book. He chose this presentation manner because the knowledge he was conveying was not only for scientists or intellectuals. Instead, it was for everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Of all the molecules in the human body, 98-99% of them are water molecules.[3] The average adult body is approximately 77% water by weight.[4] About 66% of all the water in our body is present within its cells.[5] That being the case, we need to understand biological water, or, as I like to call it, bio–living water.

Biological Water and Protons

Our body is a liquid crystalline (dust/salt and water) organism (our salt/dust of DNA is crystalline in structure). We are an organism that is also quantum coherent.[6] Think about that. Our body consists of trillions of living cells functioning with lightning speed as one cohesive and coherent organism. This coherence would not be possible without bio–living water. According to researchers at the University of Washington, electronic devices, such as computers and iPads, send and receive information via the flow of electrons (hence the description, electronic devices). However, protons or ions are employed in humans to accomplish the same thing.[7] These protons and ions carry biological information necessary to achieve biological organization, cohesiveness, and coherence—all at lightning speed.
While on the subject of liquid crystalline organisms, I want to add an interesting side note. In Scripture, the sea is a highly accurate symbol of fallen man’s biology—his salt of DNA and his hormonally polluted blood, primarily composed of biological water. The Dead Sea is a symbolic example of this, so it appears prominently in Ezekiel’s dream of the New Covenant of Salt Temple. After the resurrection, Revelation likens each of the saints in Heaven as part of a sea of translucent crystals. Remember that our salt of DNA is crystalline in structure.
I find it interesting that Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich described the vision she received of Adam’s creation from the dust of the earth this way: “The hill opened, and at Adam’s side arose a crystalline rock, formed apparently of precious stones.” Was God teaching Emmerich biological science? [Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, as recorded in the Journals of Clemens Brentano, arranged and edited by Carl E Schmoger CSSR, Vol 1 of 4, pp. 6-8].”[8] Many Scripture passages symbolically equate the human body with stones and/or precious stones (e.g., Rev. 2:17, Ez. 28:13, Josh. 4:3, Rev. 21:15-21, 1 Pt. 2:4-5, and Rev. 4:6.). All rocks and, therefore, stones are composed of minerals in crystalline form. Our DNA is composed of tiny stones (dust) in a crystalline matrix.
It is water, through forming a glass-like structure of water molecules (also known as the glassy state of water), which coats a protein’s surface. This hydration shell affects the speed of protein communication—even to the point of stopping it completely—with other cells in the body. Structured bio–living water affects communication within the cell (intracellular) and between cells in other parts of the body (extracellular).[9]
Research has now shown that individual protons (aka hydrogen ions) moving within and between cells are not traveling independently of the changing structure of the water molecules coating the cell, its contents (e.g., proteins), and even the cell structure itself. The ever–changing three–dimensional hydration shell coating all the surfaces within the cell, including proteins, is shaped by the cell’s environment. This water molecule topography enslaves the migrating proton and guides it through the cell.[10] ‘Topography’ is not generally used in cell physiology but helps visualize the occurring process. In its free state, the proton is attracted to water molecules because of the electrons within them. That is how the structured water enslaves and guides the proton. An interesting note is the fusion of hydrogen nuclei (a single positively–charged proton and a single negatively–charged electron), which powers the sun and produces light.
You may be asking yourself, what is the significance of information–carrying protons in the body’s functioning?
According to Dr. Mae-Wan Ho et al., research indicates that protons regulate enzymes’ function (a protein that significantly speeds up chemical reactions within the cell).[11] In other words, protons play a role in the speed with which proteins can do their job, even stopping chemical reactions within the body. The significance of this fact is profound. Extrapolating from that, we can say that protons play a role in whether our biological water is either fresh/pure or salty. An example of fresh versus salty water can be seen in Ezekiel’s dream of the New Covenant of Salt Temple (Ez. 47:1-12). In his dream, waters flow out from under the threshold of the Temple. It flows down into the Salt/Dead Sea. This living water purifies the Dead Sea, turning it into fresh, pure, life–giving water.
All living organisms are a liquid crystal mineral/dust/stone matrix. Research now points to the belief that the described cellular connectedness’ primary purpose is to facilitate ultra-fast communication (expression in the context of The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture [aka STOSS]) within the body. This connectedness enables the many trillions of cells that comprise the human body to function as a cohesive and coherent whole. How fast, you ask, does this communication occur? In a computer simulation of water molecules guiding protons through a nanotube tunnel of the cell, approximately seventeen water molecules traversed the nanotube every nanosecond (a nanosecond is one–billionth of a second). Ho et al. believe that every cell in the human organism is linked via proton channels through which water molecules escort the proton. A single cell is connected locally and globally within the human body.[12]
I want to tell you about a recently discovered water behavior that astounds scientists—an impossible behavior in the classical physical world. A water molecule (one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms) can behave as though it is a photon (i.e., light, a discreet packet—called quanta—of energy) when traveling through the ultra-confined nanotubes of the cell. A nanotube—only recently discovered through light microscopy—is somewhat like a cellular tunnel connecting one cell to other cells.[13] This quantum behavior means that the classical world’s physical laws no longer apply to biological water when exiting or entering the cell. The water molecule becomes delocalized (non–local means the particle no longer exists within the confines of classical space and time).[14] Quantum tunneling means the water molecule passes through the cell barrier/membrane without energy consumption, i.e., without generating heat.[15] This discovery is so new that scientists are unsure of the full ramifications of this understanding. This phenomenon has also existed with protons traveling through the microscopic fissures in ice.[16]

Biological Water and Genetic Function

Now that we have examined how structured water enables mind–boggling communication speed between our body’s cells let us now examine the effect that structured water has on our DNA’s function in general and our genes in particular. The impact of structured water on our biological function can produce positive or negative consequences (from the standpoint of Truth), depending on what is overflowing from our inner heart, i.e., our spiritual soul.

Water’s role in cell architecture and function

The living cell is in a state of continuous fluctuation. The ever–changing environment directly impacts the topographical structure of our bio–living water molecules. These fluctuations maintain balance within the cell. Without this balance, the organism cannot function properly.[17] According to biologist Vladimir Voeikov, increasing amounts of scientific evidence indicate that biological water, working together with the solid surfaces of and within the cell (e.g., proteins, DNA, and cell membranes), determines the organization of living organisms at all levels.[18] In other words, while in its state of perfect justice, Adam’s body would have been perfectly organized and ordered to a substantially perfect soul.
The structuring of water depends upon the environment within the cell, i.e., the cell’s energy state and ionic content.[19] The entire molecule of DNA within every cell contains a hydration shell of varying numbers of layers of water moleculesup to around one–hundred layers thick.[20] Furthermore, electromagnetic radiation, i.e., light, can affect the number of layers generated by the organic body.[21] The electrons of the water molecule and the moving electron, which produces the photon, influence the behavior of the single proton (hydrogen ion) traveling through the cell and into the cell nanotube.
The various ionic (ions are particles possessing a net negative or positive charge) attractions of electrons and protons direct the proton through the structured water and affect the topography of the 3-D structured biological water within the cell. This structural change is exceptionally significant. The thickness of the hydration shell itself will cause the DNA molecule to change its shapebending or straightening it.
What is the practical result of this light and water interaction? A protein surrounded by a stabilized water structure (high hydrogen bonding) will be less likely to unfold (protein unfolding or failing to fold correctly results in either the cessation of the function of the protein or causes the protein to malfunction[22]). On the other hand, a less stable water structure would allow for more protein flexibility and an increased possibility of unfolding.[23] Scientific research increasingly points to the notion that even major conversions of the shape of proteins result from structured water within the protein’s environment.[24][25]
Why is protein shape important? When the genes within one cell make a protein, it is meant to deliver its instructions to a different cell. Depending on the type of cell, each cell in the body has ‘receptors’ outside the cell wall. A protein and a receptor have a sort of lock-and-key relationship. The key is the protein, and the lock is the receptor. If the key’s shape does not correspond with the lock’s shape, the door will not open. As a result, the instructions the protein carries will not reach the cell's nucleus. When a protein is expressed, it folds into a particular shape to fit into the receptor of the target cell, thus opening the door. When the door opens to the target cell, it will receive and carry out the instructions via the newly received protein. One example of a protein’s impact on the body’s sanctification, or lack thereof, is the protein monoamine oxidase. Why is this protein essential? It is a protein that degrades amine neurotransmitters, such as:
1).  Dopamine (a primary hormone involved in addictionslusts),
2).  Norepinephrine (a stress hormone that is also engaged in fight–or–flight response, which has a severe effect on the entire body) and,
3).  Serotonin (affects the function of most of our 40 million brain cells, including those associated with mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, and more[26]).[27]
Studies have shown that conversions (shape changes) of minor populations of proteins can serve as the seed for shape changes in the entire population of the same kind of protein—creating a domino effect.[28] The above biological phenomena could harm the liquid crystalline human organism’s cohesion and coherence. In layman’s terms, the shape of a protein can change such that it triggers a biological process, strengthening the addiction. The result of this biological process is what Jesus was describing when he warned us of becoming slaves to sin. On the other hand, with the influence of structured bio–living water, this same protein could unfold so that it no longer fits the key (the cell receptor). When this happens, the protein’s instructions are not delivered successfully to the target cell’s nucleus. Consequently, the protein would not feed the appetite for sinful addiction. Consequently, the weight we must carry while running the race, as St. Paul describes it (2 Tim 4:7), would be lighter. Thus increasing the likelihood of finishing the race.

The Role of the Body in Communicating Grace

To understand how it was possible for pre–fallen Adam to prevent fallen Eve’s eyes from being opened, we first need to understand the body’s role in communicating, i.e., sending out rivers of living water.

Living Water Flows Out Through the Body

Jesus’ body, i.e., unchangeable Truth incarnate, is symbolized by stone (i.e., the collective ‘dust’ of trillions and trillions of copies of the dust of the earth of DNA in our body). God makes this link by referring to the Son of God as a fire-producing flint.[29] Flint is a stone (symbolizing unchangeable Truth Incarnate). Furthermore, according to God, this stone—this body — plays a direct role in “producing” fire. What is the fire? It is the Holy Spirit![30] Jesus told us, “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished” (Lk 12:49-50)!
Remember Tertullian’s words, “Flesh [the salt of DNA] is the condition on which salvation hinges.  . . . the flesh feeds on the Body and blood of Christ that the soul likewise may fatten on its God. They cannot then be separated in their recompense.”[31] In this case, their recompense is grace, the outpouring of the Spirit. Pope St. John Paul II tells us,
Through our communion in his body and blood, Christ also grants us his Spirit. Saint Ephrem [the Syrian of the 4th century] writes: “He called the bread his living body, and he filled it with himself and his Spirit.  . . .He who eats it [through the scriptural ‘mouth’] with faith, eats Fire and Spirit.  . . .Take and eat this, all of you, and eat with it the Holy Spirit. For it is truly my body and whoever eats it will have eternal life (Sermo IV in Hebdomadam Sanctam: CSCO 413/Syr. 182, 55).” The Church implores this divine Gift, the source of every other gift, in the Eucharistic epiclesis.[32]
Different places in Scripture refer to a foundation stone, a cornerstone (cf. Is. 28:16; Zech. 10:4; and Ps. 118:22, for example). This cornerstone is the Body of Jesus—the New Covenant Temple. Jesus’ body as the cornerstone is confirmed by St. Paul when he writes, “Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built into it [SML] for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Eph. 2:20-22). That which grew into a holy Temple was his body—neither his soul nor his divinity grew. The reason Paul says “grew” is this: through matrimony with his bride (the Church), we are living stones built into that Temple (1 Pt. 2:5), thus making it grow. Since the Sacrament of Baptism, trillions of temples have neither been nor will be built. There is only one Temple, and all the baptized are built into it.
According to God’s inspiration, Hildegard wrote that: 1) a stone is the very symbol of the Temple; 2) Jacob’s erection of the stone (Gen 28:11) was a foreshadowing of the Son of God becoming incarnate (dust/stone of DNA), and; 3) the stone is the symbol of Truth incarnate.[33] St. Cyprian of Carthage also directly links Jesus and stone by citing the following Scripture passages: 1) Is. 28:16 (the foundation stone from Zion); 2) Dt. 10:1-3 (the two stone tablets hewed after the first two were broken—the two that ended up in the Ark); 3) Jos. 24:25-27 (the witness stone); 4) Acts 4:10-11 (the rejected cornerstone); 5) Gen. 28:11 (Jacob’s stone ‘pillow’ and pillar); 6) Ex. 17:12 (the stone seat Moses sat on during the battle with Amalek); 7) 1 Sam. 17:49 (the stone to the forehead of Goliath); and 8) 1 Sam. 7:12 (the stone that helpeth—called Ebenezer—set up by Samuel after conquering the Philistines).[34]
In his book, Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI talks about Jesus’ Body being the NC Temple from which flows cleansing, purifying Living Water. During this discussion, he quotes from the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas. I usually would not use an apocryphal Gospel as a source to support this STOSS, but if it’s good enough for the Pope to quote, then it’s good enough for me. Quoting the words of Jesus, Thomas writes, “Whoever drinks from my mouth shall become as I am (Barrett, Gospel, p.328).”[35] In other words, it is from the NC Temple of salt/stone,[36] i.e., the mouth of the resurrected Jesus, that we receive Living Water—the life of God, the Holy Spirit. Wherever this living stream of water flows, the result is cleansing and new life.[37] Furthermore, the Pope tells us when we become one with Christ, we too become fountains of the fruitful and Living Water—the Holy Spirit [cf. Jn. 7:37-39].[38]
In the sense–able realm, the Holy Spirit also shows us his power through Gratuitous Graces, a subset of Actual Graces.
Aquinas writes:
The Holy [Spirit] provides sufficiently for the Church in matters profitable unto salvation, to which purpose the gratuitous graces are directed. Now, just as the knowledge which a man receives from God needs to be brought to the knowledge of others through the gift of tongues and the grace of the word, so too the word uttered needs to be confirmed in order that it be rendered credible. This is done by the working of miracles, according to Mark 16:20, ‘And confirming the word with signs that followed’: and reasonably so. For it is natural to man to arrive at the intelligible truth through its sensible effects. Wherefore just as man led by his natural reason is able to arrive at some knowledge of God through His natural effects, so is he brought to a certain degree of supernatural knowledge of the objects of faith by certain supernatural effects which are called miracles. Therefore the working of miracles belongs to a gratuitous grace.[39]
Aquinas tells us the power of God, manifested through fallen man, is not dependent on the person’s holiness. He states, “Even the wicked can work miracles”[40] through the power of the Holy Spirit despite the absence of an indwelling of that Spirit within our human spirit. I submit that God designed the salt of DNA to be an effective instrument/conduit for manifesting God’s power in both the Old and New Covenants. The Bible shows us that DNA mediates the Holy Spirit’s power, the Living Water of the Holy Spirit. Let’s examine some examples in Scripture that support that belief.
1. Elisha’s bones: The resurrection of an unnamed dead person occurs after his corpse is thrown into a ditch, coming into contact with Elisha’s bones (2 Kgs. 13:20-21). The above event is not the only time Elisha’s Body is used as an instrument to accomplish a resurrection. Elisha instrumentally achieves the resurrection of the dead child by laying himself upon the child member–for–member in a stretched–out posture … a posture resembling the one Jesus would have on the cross (2 Kgs 4:32–35). Notice the extraordinary similarity of Jesus laying himself out entirely on the salt of DNA of the wood of the cross and the prophet laying himself out entirely on the dead children. That Jesus becomes one with the wood of the cross (symbolized by the nailing of his hands and feet in a member–for–member fashion) is a sure sign that through a covenant of salt between man and Jesus on the cross (a sacred covenantal bond), we can be resurrected by the Holy Spirit. The first time Elisha stretched himself upon the boy, his flesh became warm with biological life. The second time he did this, the boy sneezed seven times, symbolizing spiritual life through the seven gifts/sacraments of the Holy Spirit.[41] This passage is almost identical to Elijah’s story of resurrecting a dead child in 1 Kgs 17:17–24. As told in that Scripture passage, Elijah stretched himself out on the dead child three times before the child’s spirit returned to his lifeless body. Hmm! Three days was the number of days in which Jesus would rebuild the Temple, i.e., be resurrected from the dead through the Holy Spirit.
2. A hemorrhagic woman: was healed by merely touching the garments that Jesus was wearing (Mk. 5:28-30). Keep in mind there were no synthetic garments in those days. All garments at that time were made of animal or plant DNA. After the healing, Jesus perceived that the power (of the Holy Spirit) had gone forth from him. The power of Jesus’ Holy Spirit was mediated primarily via the salt/dust of Jesus’ DNA and secondarily through his garments’ DNA and into the woman, which produced in her Gratuitous Actual Grace.
3. Moses’ rod/staff: was cut from an almond tree[42] and consisted entirely of cells containing the salt/dust of DNA. At the time of the rod/staff’s placement in the Ark of the Covenant, Flavius Josephus (37-100 AD), a historian and eyewitness to much of the earliest events in Church history, described the rod as growing new branches upon which were also growing almonds.[43] Note: this would not be possible without bio–living water within the staff. When God commissioned Moses to lead His people out of bondage, he told Moses it would be through the rod/staff that he would perform the signs through which Gratuitous Grace would be given (Ex. 4:17). Through the salt of DNA of the wooden rod, the Holy Spirit would show the power of God. The first miracle that Pharaoh’s magicians could not mimic occurred when the Lord told Moses to instruct Aaron to stretch out the rod and strike the dust, turning ordinary dust into living gnats. Only God, through the Holy Spirit’s power, can cause organic life (containing the salt of DNA) to come from inorganic matter, such as geological dust. This miracle is reminiscent of man’s creation. Upon witnessing the miracle of dust transformed into gnats, “the magicians said to Pharaoh, ‘This is the finger of God’” (Ex. 8:19). The finger of God refers to the Holy Spirit. St. Augustine shares this interpretation.[44] All of the above helps to demonstrate that the Holy Spirit uses DNA to communicate Living Water.
4. Jacob’s Well: The Genesis story of Jacob’s Well foreshadows the incarnate Son of God, His Church, and His Resurrection. After receiving the blessing of his father, Jacob is sent to find a bride. When he came to a “certain place,” he took a stone, laid his head upon it, and went to sleep. As he slept, he dreamed of a ladder upon which angels ascended and descended. Then the Lord spoke to Jacob, saying, “Your descendants shall be like the dust of the earth” (Gen. 28:14). We know what dust of the earth means. When he awoke, he set up the stone upon which he slept as a pillar and anointed it with oil, and called the place Bethel (Gen. 28:28-29). Bethel is the Hebrew word for “house of God,”[45] which the Temple is. The stone pillar Jacob calls the house of God foreshadows the incarnate Jesus,[46] the Anointed One [recall that Jacob poured oil on the stone pillar], whose resurrected body will be the eternal Temple that will replace the old Temple.[47] This rebuilt Temple will become the dwelling place of God on earth (cf. Col. 1:18-20).
     Let’s continue our discussion of Jacob. The next day (after his dream), Jacob came upon a stone well. A heavy stone covered the well’s mouth (remember that the scriptural mouth is the entire human body of man). When Jacob saw the approaching Rachel (his future wife), he was struck by her beauty. He then rolled the heavy stone away from atop the mouth of the well and watered her sheep. What does the heavy stone covering the mouth of the water well represent? First, the heaviness of Jesus’ mortal body, a body meta-sense-ably bound by kinship to fallen man’s sinful salt of DNA—even though he was without sin. Second, the heavy stone that had to be rolled away from the mouth of Jesus’ burial tomb (a symbol of his dust/stone) after his death and resurrection. Rolling the heavy stone away from the mouth of Jacob’s well was a must to access the life–sustaining water (cf. Jn. 7:38-39; 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7) within the well. As John wrote, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it cannot bear fruit (Jn 12:24). When Jesus rises from death and exits the tomb, after the heavy stone cover is rolled away, we become a new creation—new living stones out of which living water flows out of our hearts. Giving this symbolic Living Water to Rachel’s sheep through the mouth of the stone well foreshadows the accomplishment of Jesus’ mission. St. Cyprian, one of the early Church fathers, tells us that Rachel was a type of the New Covenant Church[48] and that Jacob is a type of Christ[49] who is, in turn, the cornerstone of the rebuilt NC Temple.
5. Six Stone Jars at Cana: There are multiple layers of significance to the six stone jars, the meaning of which helps us to grasp the reason for their inclusion in this miracle. The miracle at Cana foreshadows what would be accomplished at the end of Jesus’ mission on earth — at the completion of his hour. The six stone jars filled with water (meant for the rite of purification) foreshadow the rebuilt NC Temple. When the centurion pierced the lifeless Body of Jesus, penetrating his heart, his blood and water flowed out from the wound (Jn. 19:33-34). The six stone jars represent the living stone (dust/stone of DNA), which is the resurrected body of Jesus (1 Pt. 2:4); out of the mouth of these jars (again representing Jesus’ body) comes Living Water that purifies. Furthermore, changing water into wine is the first time in Scripture that pure water is transformed into an organic substance, i.e., containing the DNA of the grape.
     The fact there were six jars (not five, or three, or whatever other number) is also significant. St. Augustine tells us, “We must not despise the science of numbers, which, in many passages of [H]oly Scripture, is found to be of eminent service to the careful interpreter. Neither has it been without reason numbered among God’s praises, ‘Thou hast ordered all things in number, and measure, and weight’[Wis. 11:20].”[50] Relative to the number six, Augustine writes, “And this number [six] is on that account called perfect, because it is completed in its own parts ... And Holy Scripture commends to us the perfection of this number, especially in this, that God finished His works in six days, and on the sixth-day man was made in the image of God.”[51] St. Methodius of Olympus writes that six “Is a symbol of Christ, because the number six proceeding from unity is composed of its proper parts, so that nothing in it is wanting or redundant, and is complete when resolved into its parts.”[52] In six days, God made creation perfectly (cf. Gen. 1:31), and the culmination of that perfect creation was man. However, the meaning of that number goes beyond that.
     As the first creation took place in six “days,” the six stone jars at the wedding feast of Cana symbolize the new creation that will become a reality with the culmination of Jesus’ mission—when all things are made new. St. Paul writes, “For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation” (Gal. 6:15). St. Leo the Great writes, “Let God’s people then recognize that they are a new creation in Christ.”[53] According to Pope Leo, people and “things” have been newly created. In other words, all creation has been made new by Jesus.[54]
A deeper understanding of the meaning of “new creations” can be found by reading the blog Evil Exists, Therefore God Does Not Exist.
Durrwell writes, “The gift of the Spirit tends to make the believer what Christ is: ‘a life-giving spirit’. Grace enables him to be a source of grace; each believer shares in the sanctification of others according to the power of the Spirit who sanctifies him. In Christ he shares in the union of the Trinity.”[55] How does the believer share this grace? It is through the mouth/body. JP II tells us that grace (the radiation of God’s love) is God’s Spirit breathed into our dust and, in turn, radiated (expressed) outwards through our bodies.[56]
I acknowledge that a lot of time is spent talking about the body. Still, it is vital to understand its significance in learning why were Eve’s eyes not opened until after Adam ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Also, since Jesus is fully human, we can understand our humanity by understanding his human nature and vice versa. Jesus is the physician of both our body and our soul. A covenant of salt is a sacred bond of our salt with his salt. Through knowledge of salt covenants, we understand why Eve’s eyes were not opened until after Adam’s fall from grace.

Is Glory of God Radiated Through the DNA of Our Body?

According to Scripture, it seems that the answer to the question above is yes. It appears that our body, comprised of both the salt/dust of the earth and bio–living water, was explicitly designed by God to mediate the glory of God. St. Hildegard writes, “Of all the strengths of God’s creation, Man’s is most profound, made in a wondrous way with great glory from the dust of the earth and so entangled with the strengths of the rest of creation that he can never be separated from them [emphasis SML].”[57] If man was made from the dust of the earth with great glory, that dust, existing in the state of original justice, should be designed to radiate the glory of God. It would do so through the presence of biologically structured living water working hand–in–hand with the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit dwelling in the spirit (upper powers of the one spiritual soul) of pre–fallen man.
The following are some examples that support this belief. In a later section of this blog, we will show that both Adam and Eve radiated Gods glory before their fall from grace. Both had physical bodies but did not have glorified bodies. Thus, it was the DNA of the human body through the spiritual soul that glory was mediated. Let us not forget that, before the Resurrection, Jesus also had a physical mortal (not yet glorified) body. Did he radiate the glory of God? Let’s see.
The Birth of Jesus
According to a vision from St. Bridget of Sweden, he did. She writes:
Then, [Mary’s] hands extended and her eyes fixed on the sky she stood as in an ecstasy, lost in contemplation, in a rapture of divine sweetness. And while she stood thus in prayer I saw the Child in her womb move; suddenly in a moment she gave birth to her own Son from whom radiated such ineffable light and splendour that the sun was not comparable to it while the divine light totally annihilated the material light of St. Joseph’s candle. So sudden and instantaneous was this birth that I could neither discover nor discern by what means it had occurred. All of a sudden I saw the glorious Infant lying on the ground naked and shining, His body [as an instrument of this “shining”—SML] pure from any soil or impurity.
The Transfiguration
In Scripture, we read, “[Jesus] was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light” (Mt 17:2). Notice that the light of Jesus’ Body during his Transfiguration caused his garments to become white as light, as well. In those days, all garments were made from materials containing DNA. The Holy Spirit dwelled in Jesus, as in Adam before the fall. The radiating light from Jesus’ luminescence caused a change in the functioning of foreign DNA, i.e., DNA in close proximity to him but not a part of his body. His clothing had no claim to be glorified. They became luminescent because of exposure to the light of Jesus’ glory. Scientists specializing in biological water and the cell refer to this phenomenon as Delayed Luminescence.[58] In this Scripture passage, nothing that was not composed of DNA was described as being luminescent. This luminescence also occurred with Moses on the Holy Mountain (Ex 34:33-35). In this case, Moses’ flesh radiated light after meeting God on that same Holy Mountain.
From The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture, Vol. II we read:
Pope Benedict XVI believes all of the great events in Jesus’ life are timed to coincide with the Jewish festival calendar; he believed the purpose for this timing was to create a link between each festival’s meaning, and its fulfillment in the material reality of eternal Truth made flesh, i.e., Jesus.[59] He links the Transfiguration of Jesus, the miracle where he and his garments were transformed into exceedingly bright light (Mt. 17:2, Mk. 9:2-3, Lk. 9:29), with the Feast of Tabernacles.[60] The fact that Jesus’ garments were also radiating light indicates that DNA mediates the glory of God[61] [This visible radiation of light was not the actual glory of God, but a manifestation of it produced via the body's language].
The linkage of the Transfiguration with the Feast of the Tabernacles is a view also shared by Dr. Scott Hahn. He links this Feast, which began as a celebration of the harvest, but became a feast that celebrated the building of the Temple (the Tabernacles).[62] The meaning of this Feast tells us much about Baptism and the Eucharist.[63] In the OT, the Temple/Tabernacle was the dwelling place of God. John 1:14 translates into, ‘The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.’[64] According to Hahn, the Temple embodies God’s covenant [of salt] with David.’[65] While I have made the case that all covenants between God and man are covenants of salt, Scripture specifically identifies God’s covenant with David as a covenant of salt (2 Chron. 13:4), i.e., a covenant of the salt of DNA.  . . .How is this germane to the inextricable linkage between the salt of DNA, light, and water?
Hahn tells us, ‘the priests daily poured out water from the Pool of Siloam on the altar steps (part of the ritual purification) and kept the Temple courts illuminated twenty-four hours a day [for the seven days of the feast (Dt. 16:14)] in anticipation of the eschatological [end-time] prophesies [i.e. the final “harvest”] (see Ezek. 47:1-12; Joel 3:18; Zech. 14:8). In the midst of this, Jesus claims himself to be the true source of water and light, and brings light to a blind man through the waters of Siloam, thus supporting his claim to be the true Temple [Coloe, God Dwells With Us, 115–143; Hoskins, Jesus as Temple, 160–170; Kerr, The Temple of Jesus’ Body, 226–241].’[66]
Moses Meets God Face–to–Face
After receiving the stone tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written, Exodus 34:29-35 tells us that Moses descended to the Hebrew people. Because he spoke with God face–to–face, Moses was radiating light, which alarmed and frightened the Hebrews. While this radiation was a direct consequence of this face–to–face encounter, it was not the consequence of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling within Moses’ spiritual soul. That would not have been possible before Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven. Thus, we can conclude that this radiation resulted from the mediation of Divine light through the biology of human flesh exposed to Divine Glory.
How can the flesh radiate God’s glory? One possible explanation would be through a biological phenomenon known as Delayed Luminescence (DL). It is the afterglow (or re-emission of photons) of biological tissue after it has been illuminated with either white light (all the colors of light combined in the visible light spectrum) or monochromatic light (a single wavelength).[67] This afterglow can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours. DL is not possible in single molecules. It can only happen in tissues, cells, and cell organelles because photon/light breathing occurs only in living and coherent organisms.
Scientists have discovered that the degree of water structuring within the cell was directly proportional to the intensity of the Delayed Luminescence, i.e., the greater the water structuring, the greater the intensity of the afterglow.[68] Tests have shown a one–to–one proportionality between the intensity of source EMR and the intensity of the afterglow (delayed luminescence) of the organism to which it was exposed. The proportionality is this: the greater the illumination from the source light, the greater the amplitude of the afterglow radiating from the exposed organism.[69] I have hypothesized that this phenomenon played a role in producing the markings on the Shroud of Turin and the face cloth of Jesus’ burial: the Sudarium of Oviedo, Spain.

Is Grace Expressed in the Language of the Body Sense–Able and/or Meta–sense–able?

Pope St. John Paul II speaks about the language of the body. Is that language only sense–able? No, it is not. It is also meta–sense–able, i.e., a part of physical creation, but not apparent to the naked five senses without the aid of instruments built for such observations. Our body has an extensive and efficacious meta–sense–able language. For example, all food and drink employ a meta–sense–able language that physically impacts other bodies. Jesus tells us his body is Real Food and Drink (John 6:54-56). The word “real” emphasizes that he speaks about his flesh and blood being literal food and drink. Both would possess and exhibit a meta–sense–able language specific to that organism, i.e., the body, in the case of Jesus in the Eucharist. In virtually every Eucharistic miracle in which Jesus’ flesh is made visible, it is later identified as heart muscle (myocardial) tissue. In other words, it is part of the muscle tissue that causes the heart to beat and generate electromagnetic radiation. See “Evidence Gleaned from Eucharistic Miracles” in Part I of this blog series. In the Eucharist, Jesus is communicating Actual Gratuitous Grace. It flows out from his heart and into the communicant's body and soul.
In every Sacrament, both Sanctifying and Actual graces are given.[70] Actual Graces are produced in the communicant via the meta–sense–able language of Jesus’ physical body and blood, hidden by the sacramental veil, in the Eucharist.[71] In Sacrosanctum Concilium, Pope St. Paul VI tells us, “to heal the contrite of heart [cf. Is. 61:1; Lk 4:18], to be a ‘bodily and spiritual medicine’ [St. Ignatius of Antioch, To the Ephesians, 7, 2.], the Mediator between God and man [cf. 1 Tim 2:5]. For His humanity, united with the person of the Word, was the instrument of our salvation” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 5), and “we must always bear about in our body the dying of Jesus, so that the life [which is the Holy Spirit–SML] also of Jesus may be made manifest in our bodily frame [cf. 2 Cor. 4:10-11.]”(Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 12). In other words, the Holy Spirit dwelling in our spirit produces rivers of Living Water in our physical bodily frame. We know that Jesus’ glorified resurrected body is present in the Eucharist, but is that body also physical?
As Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote:
[O]ur Lord Himself told us: “Scandals must come.” And this is natural when one remembers that the graces of God are communicated through “frail vessels” (2 Cor 4:7), where mediocrity is the rule, genius the rarity, and saints the exception. Quite apart from the Divine warrant that such failings are to be expected, does it not seem to be implied in the very nature of the Mystical Body? In the Incarnation our Lord assumed a physical body, a human nature, like unto ours in all things save sin. The remarkable thing about the assumption of that physical body from the womb of the Blessed Mother was that He, though God, did not dispense that body from the physical imperfections of all human bodies.[72]
In his papal encyclical, Mystici Corporis Christi, Pope Pius XII writes,
To distinguish the body of Christ in the Church from the body of Christ in the Eucharist, he writes, “By it we may distinguish the Body of the Church, which is a Society whose Head and Ruler is Christ, from His physical Body [SML], which, born of the Virgin Mother of God, now sits at the right hand of the Father and is hidden [SML, i.e. his physical body is there, but hidden] under the Eucharistic veils [by veils is meant the sacred species of bread and wine].[73]
St. Robert Bellarmine says,
The Body of Christ, because of its special mode of existence in the Eucharist, does not express any relation to surrounding bodies. Therefore, we can truly say that the Body of Christ, as it is in the Eucharist, is true, real, natural, living, quantified, having color, and that His flesh is corporeal, not spiritual [SML]. But we do not say that the Body of Christ in the Eucharist is sensible, visible, tangible, or extended, although it is such in Heaven. The reason is because these names imply a relation to surrounding bodies, which the Body of Christ does not have in the Eucharist.” [Bellarminus, “De Sacramento Eucharistiae,” V, lib. 1, cap. 2 (Naples, 1858), 250].[74]
What St. Robert Bellarmine is saying is this: Jesus’ functioning body, especially his biological heart of Jesus, affects the function of the communicant’s body, but not vice–versa.
JP II tells us, “Man cannot, in a certain sense, express this singular language of his personal existence and of his vocation without the body… words of the spirit—words of love, of giving, of fidelity—demand an adequate language of the body [SML]. Without that, they cannot be fully expressed.”[75] West tells us spiritual love cannot be separated from the language of the body.[76]
Fetal Maternal Microchimerism and Meta–Sense–Able Grace
When we combine teachings from Scripture with science, we can gain compelling knowledge relative to the ability of Jesus’ Body and Blood, present in the Eucharist, to utilize meta–sense–able grace to heal/purify the communicant's body. The following is an example.
Here’s a fascinating fact about the physical bond between Jesus and Mary, especially the bond of the heart. It is a recent discovery. It may lead to profound theological insights into the depth of the bond between Jesus and his Mother, Mary. Researchers at Arizona  State University[77] have shown that mothers retain some of their baby's functioning cells, even up to the time of their death in their 70s.[78]
This phenomenon is called fetal-maternal microchimerism. The above–mentioned cells could reside in the brain, heart (these fetal cells are stem cells and can differentiate into functioning beating heart cells), bones, liver, lungs, other organs, and the mother’s circulating blood.[79] Retained fetal cells integrate into the mother’s tissue; they grow and proliferate.[80] In other words, they are living/functioning cells, just not originating from the mother. Let me repeat what was written earlier in this blog. Studies have shown that conversions (shape changes) of minor populations of proteins can serve as the seed for shape changes in the entire population of the same kind of protein—creating a domino effect.[81]
Shape changes of proteins produce a profound impact on biological function. I believe it is highly likely that some of Jesus’ stem cells present in Mary’s body differentiated into heart cells, which would impact the entire population of Mary’s heart. These Gratuitous and/or Sanctifying grace(s) flowing out from Jesus’ living and functioning cells would be communicated meta–sense–ably, not sense–ably!
Think about this: parts of the incarnate Word of God did reside (and probably still reside) in Mary’s Body. When we partake of the Eucharist, Jesus’ Real Presence within us is only temporary. In Mary, it is likely eternal. Could this be part of the mystery of Mary’s being the Mediatrix of all grace?[82]
Through a unique physical bond between Jesus and his Mother (a covenant of salt), Mary became the mediator between fallen man and the Savior; the Savior is the mediator between man and God. Pope Pius X helps us to understand this more fully. He wrote:
Moreover it was not only the prerogative of the Most Holy Mother to have furnished the material of His flesh to the Only Son of God, Who was to be born with human members (S. Bede Ven. L. Iv. in Luc. xl.), of which material should be prepared the Victim for the salvation of men; but hers was also the office of tending and nourishing that Victim, and at the appointed time presenting Him for the sacrifice.  . . . When the supreme hour of the Son came, beside the Cross of Jesus there stood Mary His Mother, not merely occupied in contemplating the cruel spectacle, but rejoicing that her Only Son was offered for the salvation of mankind, and so entirely participating in His Passion, that if it had been possible she would have gladly borne all the torments that her Son bore (S. Bonav. 1. Sent d. 48, ad Litt. dub. 4).
And from this community of will and suffering between Christ and Mary she merited to become most worthily the Reparatrix of the lost world (Eadmeri Mon. De Excellentia Virg. Mariae, c. 9) and Dispensatrix of all the gifts that Our Savior purchased for us by His Death and by His Blood.  . . . It cannot, of course, be denied that the dispensation of these treasures is the particular and peculiar right of Jesus Christ, for they are the exclusive fruit of His Death, who by His nature is the mediator between God and man. Nevertheless, by this companionship in sorrow and suffering already mentioned between the Mother and the Son, it has been allowed to the august Virgin to be the most powerful mediatrix and advocate of the whole world with her Divine Son (Pius IX. Ineffabilis).  . . .The source, then, is Jesus Christ “of whose fullness we have all received” (John i., 16), “from whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together by what every joint supplieth, according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in charity” (Ephesians iv., 16). But Mary, as St. Bernard justly remarks, is the channel (Serm. de temp on the Nativ. B. V. De Aquaeductu n. 4); or, if you will, the connecting portion the function of which is to join the body to the head and to transmit to the body the influences and volitions of the head - We mean the neck. Yes, says St. Bernardine of Sienna, “she is the neck of Our Head, by which He communicates to His mystical body all spiritual gifts” (Quadrag. de Evangel. aetern. Serm. x., a. 3, c. iii.).[83]
Mary is the neck that mediates the communication of the Head with the body. Here are a series of quotes from Archbishop Fulton Sheens book, The Mystical Body of Christ. Together, they help us understand the potential significance of fetal-maternal microchimerism relative to Mary and her Son, Jesus.
1).  “The Church is best construed as the prolongation of the Incarnation through space and time” [Fulton J. Sheen, The Mystical Body of Christ. Ave Maria Press. Kindle Edition., Location 93];
2).  “The Church is not so much the perfect society as a living organism, the mystical body of which Jesus is the head and the Holy Spirit the life force” [Ibid, Location 114];
3).  “The two words ‘Mystical Body’ are first actually combined by St. John Chrysostom in speaking of the Eucharist” [p. 4];
4).  “It is the fullness of that Christ-Life, [the physical glorified heart–SML], beating and throbbing at this very hour in millions of souls, which gives flesh and blood to His teaching and His example” [p.15]. The science of microchimerism tells us that Mary’s beating heart could very well have contained some myocardial cells of Jesus’ heart, and;
5).  “[Jesus’] life, death, Resurrection, and Ascension are the instruments of Divinity for our sanctification, our life, our resurrection, our ascension. But it may be asked: Why should His human nature acquire such power even though it be a perfect human nature? The reason is because of its union with the Person of God. There is an old Latin axiom, which sounds abstract, but which is very easily verifiable in the language of every-day: Actiones sunt suppositorum. Actions belong to the person—not to the nature” (pp. 24-25). In other words, the act of mediating belongs to the Mother of the Son through her person, which is intimately united to her Son in his Person as God and man.
The doctrine of concomitance informs us that Jesus’ living bodyeven the tiniest part of itcan never be separated from the entire Jesus in his humanity and his Divinity. The significance of concomitance will be demonstrated in Part III of this blog series. Could the doctrine of concomitance be one of the reasons Mary was taken into Heaven, body and soul? No part of Jesus’ glorified body could ever be subject to cell death and decay. We know that all created grace enters into creation via the incarnate Jesus.[84] I do not have those answers, but trying to answer those questions sounds intriguing.
In Part III of this blog series, we will discuss the power of the human heart in greater detail when directed by the spiritualized soul in which dwells the Holy Spirit. Together with Parts I and II, Part III will help us to answer the question: Why weren’t fallen Eve’s eyes not opened until after Adam fell.
Updated: 02/16/2024
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[1] The sense–able component of an expression/communication refers to something that can be perceived by one or more of the naked five senses. Additionally, there is a component of expression that cannot be experienced in that manner. However, it can be sensed, either directly or indirectly, through the aid of some form of instrumentation. While the word meta-sense-able describes something invisible, it is not to be confused with the spiritual and divine.
[2] Obviously, God does not have a physical mouth. So when we read in Scripture of the “mouth” of God (cf. 1 Kgs 8:15), are we to interpret it as a metaphor that helps us to understand that He is communicating? In Scripture, it is only the Word of God (Jn. 3:17; 5:23) and the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26) who are described as being sent. The Father is never described as such. The Father is always the one who sends. The Father is the mouth of God. The Father is not expressed; the Father is the one who expresses. In Scripture, it is the mouth which sends the Word. In the Word is sent the Breath, i.e. the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn. 20:21-23; Is. 55:10-11). Man also has a mouth (not the biological mouth, but a scriptural mouth) through which all expression is sent out. While the entire body serves as the scriptural mouth, the human heart is the most prominent part of that scriptural mouth.
[3] Ventura, “DNA and Cell Reprogramming Via Epigenetic Information Delivered By Magnetic Fields, Sound Vibration and Coherent Water,” Webinar transcript.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., “How Much of Your Body Is Water,” ThoughtCo, https://www.thoughtco.com/how-much-of-your-body-is-water-609406: March 29, 2017 (accessed 4/21/2017).
[6] Mae-Wan Ho, Zhou Yu-Ming, Julian Haffegee and others, "The Liquid Cyrstalline Organism and Biological Water," Water and the Cell, eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 220-221.
[7] University of Washington, "Proton-based transistor could let machines communicate with living things," PhysOrg.com, http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-09-proton-based-transistor-machines.html: PhysOrg.com, September 20th, 2011 (accessed 01/10/2012).
[8] Hugh Owen, “Adam and Eve in the Writings of the Mystical Saints and Doctors of the Church,” The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, https://kolbecenter.org/adam-and-eve-writings-mystical-saints-doctors-church/#_ftnref30, accessed August 17, 2020.
[9] S.E. Pagnotta, F. Bruni, “The Glassy State of Water: A Stop and Go Device for Biological Processes,” Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 93-112.
[10] Pagnotta et al., Water and the Cell, 103, 106, and 109.
[11] Mae-Wan Ho et al., Water and the Cell, 231;
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[12] Mae-Wan Ho et al., Water and the Cell, 231.
[13] Amy Maxmen, “Nanotubes help cells pass messages,” Nature, http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100920/full/news.2010.482.html, September 20, 2010 (accessed 01/20/2012)],[ DOE/Oak Ridge National Laboratory. "New state of water molecule discovered." ScienceDaily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160422163157.htm (accessed June 4, 2016).
Journal Source: Alexander I. Kolesnikov, George F. Reiter, Narayani Choudhury, Timothy R. Prisk, Eugene Mamontov, Andrey Podlesnyak, George Ehlers, Andrew G. Seel, David J. Wesolowski, Lawrence M. Anovitz. “Quantum Tunneling of Water in Beryl: A New State of the Water Molecule.” Physical Review Letters, 2016; 116 (16) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.167802.
[14] Ibid.
[15] Institute Of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. "Exotic quantum effects can govern the chemistry around us." ScienceDaily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/04/160407111526.htm (accessed June 4, 2016).
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[16] Ramya H. Tunuguntla, Frances I. Allen, Kyunghoon Kim, Allison Belliveau, & Aleksandr Noy. “Ultrafast proton transport in sub-1-nm diameter carbon nanotube porins.” Nature Nanotechnology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2016.43, April 4, 2016 (accessed 8/18/2016).
[17] Frank Mayer, Denys Wheatley, and Michael Hoppert, Some Properties of Interfacial Water: Determinants for Cell Architecture and Function, in Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 254.
[18] Vladimir L. Voeikov, “Biological Significance of Active Oxygen-Dependent Processes in Aqueous Systems,” Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 286.
[19] Martin F. Chaplin, “Information Exchange within Intracellular Water,” ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatley, Water and the Cell, (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 114-117.
[20] W. Drost-Hanson, “Vicinal Hydration of Biopolymers: Cell Biological Consequences,” eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, and Denys N. Wheatley, Water and the Cell (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 210-211.
[21] Hassan Khesbak, Olesya Savchuk, Satoru Tsushima, Karim Fahmy. “The Role of Water H-Bond Imbalances in B-DNA Substate Transitions and Peptide Recognition Revealed by Time-Resolved FTIR Spectroscopy.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011; 133 (15): 5834 https://doi.org/10.1021/ja108863v. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja108863v ; cited in Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres (2011, April 26), Water molecules characterize the structure of DNA genetic material, ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110426091122.htm.
[22] Frank Mayer, Denys Wheatley, and Michael Hoppert, “Some Properties of Interfacial Water: Determinants for Cell Architecture and Function,” in Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006),253-270.
[23] Mayer et al., Interfacial Water, 259.
[24] Mayer et al., Interfacial Water, 268.
[25] cf. Rockefeller University. “By tracking water molecules, physicists hope to unlock secrets of life.” ScienceDaily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100227215943.htm (accessed June 5, 2016).
Journal Source: Kumar et al., “A tetrahedral entropy for water.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009; 106 (52): 22130 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0911094106.
[26] Colett Bouchez, “Recognizing the Symptoms of Depression,” WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/depression/features/serotonin#1, (accessed 01/23/2012).
[27] Mayer et al., Water and the Cell, 267.
[28] Ibid., 268.
[29] St. Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist”Press, 1990), 414-415.
[30]. Ibid.
[31]. Tertullian (Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus), On The Resurrection of The Flesh (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), n. 8.
[32]. John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n. 17.
[33]. Hildegard, Scivias, 380-381.
[34]. St. Cyprian of Carthage, “Treatise 12,” The Treatises of Cyprian (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), n. 16.
[35]. Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Jesus of Nazareth Part One, translated by Adrian J. Walker (New York, NY: Doubleday, 2007), Kindle Edition, 247-248.
[36]. Ibid., 245-246.
[37]. Ibid., 247.
[38]. Ibid., 248.
[39]. Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 178, a. 1, [I answer].
[40]. Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 178, a. 2, [I answer].
[41]. Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue, 288-289.
[42]. Josephus, Flavius; Marsh, Ernest; Whiston, William (2010-10-07). The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus (Kindle Locations 3599-3600). Unknown. Kindle Edition.
[43]. Josephus, The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus, Kindle Locations 3599-3600.
[44]. Translated by J.G. Cunningham. “Letters of St. Augustine-Letter 55,” n. 29, From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. 1. Edited by Philip Schaff. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1887.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102055.htm, (accessed 04/15, 2012).
[45]. John Corbett, “Bethel,” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 2. (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907), from http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02532d.htm, (accessed August 10, 2011).
[46]. Hildegard, Scivias, 381.
[47]. Cyprian, “Treatise 12,” Book 1, n. 15.
[48]. Cyprian, “Treatise 12,” Book II, Section 20.
[49]. Hildegard, Scivias, 153 and 395.
[50]. St. Augustine, City of God, (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), Book 11, n. 30.
[51]. Augustine, On the Trinity, Book IV, n. 4.
[52]. Methodius, Banquest of the Ten Virgins, (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), Discourse 8, Chapter 10.
[53]. Pope St. Leo the Great, “Sermon 71,” (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008).
[54]. Ibid.
[55]. Francois-Xavier Durrwell, Holy Spirit of God (original English translation published by Geoffrey Chapman, a division of Cassell, Ltd., 1986; reprint published by Servant Books, Cinncinati, OH, 2006), 110-111.
[56]. West, Theology of the Body Explained, 105.
[57]. St. Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias, 98.
[58] Mae-Wan Ho, Zhou Yu-Ming, Julian Haffegee and others, "The Liquid Cyrstalline Organism and Biological Water," Water and the Cell, eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 228.
[59]. Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Jesus of Nazareth Part One, translated by Adrian J. Walker (New York, NY: Doubleday, 2007), Kindle Edition, p. 306-307.
[60]. Ibid., 306.
[61] In Scripture, garments, robes, clothing were used to describe the human body, the flesh. Example are; Mt. 22:11-13; Ex 19:10-11; Gen 35:2-3; Rev 7:14, 22:14). God, Himself, describes the body as being a garment. These are His words to St. Catherine of Siena: “I sent My Word, My own Son, clothed [SML] in your own very nature, the corrupted clay of Adam. [Catherine of Siena. Dialog of Catherine of Siena, Kindle Location 796.]”
[62]. Scott Hahn, “Temple, Sign, and Sacrament: Towards a New Perspective on the Gospel of John,” Letter & Spirit, (Steubenville, Ohio), Vol. 4, (2008), 114.
[63]. Ibid., 108.
[64]. Ibid., 113.
[65]. Ibid., 109.
[66]. Ibid., 114.
[67]. Yu Yan, F.-A. Popp, S. Sigrist, D. Schlesinger, A. Dolt, Zhongchen Yan, S. Cohen, A. Chotia, and D. Busch. “The Oscillation Behavior Of The Delayed Luminescence Of Plant Leaves.” ed. L.V. Beloussov;V.L. Voeikov;V.S. Martynyuk. Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology (Kindle Locations 863-864). Kindle Edition.
[68]. Mae-Wan Ho et al., Water and the Cell, 228-230.
[69]. Yan et al., Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology, Kindle Locations 915-916.
[70] John A. Hardon S.J., “History and Theology of Grace: Actual Graces,” The Real Presence Association, http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Grace/Grace_013.htm: therealpresence.org, 1998 (accessed 05/08/2014). Used with permission from Inter Mirifica.
[71] John Hardon, “Sacramental Grace,” Catholic Dictionary: An Abridged and Updated Edition of Modern Catholic Dictionary, The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group. Kindle Edition, p. 442.
[72] Fulton J. Sheen, The Mystical Body of Christ (pp. 105-106), Ave Maria Press, Kindle Edition.
[73]. Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi, n.60, ©Libreria Editrice Vaticana http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/pius_xii/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-xii_enc_29061943_mystici-corporis-christi_en.html#top, 6/29/1943 (accessed 08/21/2013).
[74]. John A. Hardon S.J., “Doctrine of the Real Presence in the Encyclical Mediator Dei,” chap. in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, Vol. 51, _10 (Inter Mirifica, July 1951; www.therealpresence.org, 2000). Used with permission from Inter Mirifica.
[75]. Pope John Paul II, in his general audience of January 12, 1983, “The Language of the Body in the Structure of Marriage,” Theology of the Body, Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), n.7.
[76]. Christopher West, Theology of the Body Explained (Boston, MA: Pauline Books and Media, 2003), 85.
[77]. Boddy A, Fortunato A, Aktipis A, et al. Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb. Bioessays. 2015. Abstract can be read at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.201500059/abstract.
[78]. Laura Sanders, “Children’s cells live on in mothers,” Science News, https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/growth-curve/childrens-cells-live-mothers; May 10, 2015 (accessed 04/12/2016).
[79]. Ibid.
[80]. Kristin Magaldi, “Fetal Cells Can Be Found In A New Mother's Body And Will Effect Her Health Even After Pregnancy,” Medical Daily; http://www.medicaldaily.com/fetal-cells-can-be-found-new-mothers-body-and-will-effect-her-health-even-after-350234, Aug 28, 2015 (accessed 04/12/2016).
[81] Ibid., 268.
[82] Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, February 1904), n. 14: https://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-x/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-x_enc_02021904_ad-diem-illum-laetissimum.html.
[83] Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, February 1904), n. 12-13: https://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-x/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-x_enc_02021904_ad-diem-illum-laetissimum.html.
[84] Summa, III, q. 64, a. 1.

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