The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture, Vol. I
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The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture
As a short description of what will be discovered in The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture, we list the following main points:
1) Salt and dust are one in the same in the Bible, though the word ‘salt’ seems to be used more often in the context of its impact on the ‘language of the body’;
2) Using the newly gained understanding of salt and dust, you will be presented with the knowledge of twelve, out of a total of thirty-four, mysteries of advanced cutting-edge science related to man’s (male & female) creation in the image and likeness of God;
3) As a result of the above, you should be able to gain a much better understanding of why the body is an integral part of our being created in the image and likeness of God;
4) Building upon this, you will acquire a better understanding of why God was so harsh on the OT peoples. You will discover that such harshness was a necessary step in order to preserve the seed of Abraham up until the time of Jesus. It could be accurately stated that ...; no righteous DNA from Mary; no human Jesus from the line of David; and, no Jesus being an incarnate member of the family of man (which was an essential condition for the salvation of man);
5) You will learn that the body is the biblical mouth through which the heart expresses its overflow into the visible world;
6) You will be given, through a deeper knowledge of salt, dust, and stone in the Bible, the knowledge necessary to understand more fully, what was Jesus’ mission on earth; and lastly,
7) Through STOSS it will be revealed, to a much greater degree, what were some of the effects brought about as a direct consequence of the completion of His mission upon the world—past, present, and future.