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S T O S S Books
Picture of DNA which is Salt and Dust in the Bible

Salt, Dust, Light, and Water in the Bible

Study of Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Bible

S T O S S Books

The Study of Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible

S T O S S Books
Studying Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible
S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

What is salt, dust, and stone in the Bible
In Scripture, DNA is both dust and salt
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34 Mysteries of Biological Science in Scripture
Atheists Pg > Atheists Bible Challenge
Scripture contains 34 mysteries of advanced biological sciences
By Stephen Michael Leininger
Posted on 05/07/2023

The Thirty-Four Mysteries of Biology Hidden in Scripture

Table of Contents

The Thirty-Four Mysteries of Biology Hidden in Scripture
The Thirty-Four Mysteries of the Biological Sciences in Scripture Are:

The Economy of Grace Within Rational/Spiritual Man

Why Are the Biological Scientific Mysteries Hidden in Scripture Important

To begin with, to know ourselves, we must understand the Incarnate Son of God. The word “incarnation” points directly to Jesus’ human body. According to the Catechism, “In reality, it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear.[1][2] Knowing the biological sciences of His Human Body will teach us a great deal about our humanity!
By doing so, we acquire an adequate anthropology of the spiritual and biological foundation of the Economy of Grace inherent in all rational human persons. It is an Economy that allows all rational human beings to obtain the grace necessary for eternal life. According to the self-identified Theology of the Body Evangelization Team:
Between 1979 and 1984, Pope St. John Paul II delivered a series of Wednesday audiences that eventually became known as the Theology of the Body (TOB) [all emphasis SML]. This profound teaching offered what St. John Paul called an “adequate anthropology” [i.e., scientific explanation of humanity] — an examination of what it means to be human, made in God’s image and likeness, and how that reality is made visible through the human body, giving a Sacramental View of Reality.
Pope St. John Paul II the Great has answered the question posed at the beginning of this article. The TOB teaches us that the body, and it alone, can express into visible creation the invisible: the Spiritual and the Divine life of Grace. In other words, through the instrumentality of the physical body, fallen Man is redeemed and made capable of both receiving and expressing Love and Grace. God deliberately designed us with that purpose in mind. The adequate anthropology becomes clear when we understand the meaning of the spiritual soul, which God breathed into each rational human.
Informed by God Himself, St. Hildegard of Bingen writes:
Of all the strengths of God’s creation, Man’s is most profound, made in a wondrous way with great glory from the dust of the earth and so entangled with the strengths of the rest of creation that he can never be separated from them;* for the elements of the world, created for Man’s service, wait on him, and Man, enthroned as it were in their midst, by divine disposition presides over them, as David says, inspired by Me [God]:
“Thou hast crowned him with glory and worship, and given him dominion over all the works of Thy hands” [Psalms 8:6–7]. Which is to say: You, O God, Who have marvellously [sic] made all things, have crowned Man with the gold and purple crown of intellect and with the sublime garment [Flesh] of visible beauty, thus placing him like a prince above the height of Your perfect works, which You have distributed justly and rightly among Your creatures. Before all Your other creatures You have conferred on Man great and wonderful dignities.[3]
* Something to think about: In the Glory Be prayer, we say, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. After our bodily death, the body will be resurrected into eternal life (if we remain faithful until our death) at the Last Judgement. When our bodies become glorified, they stay physical but no longer mortal. Our glorified physical bodies are still the dust of the earth. Just from this standpoint alone, the world cannot end.
For man, the scriptural mouth is the entire human body. It breathes in that which can either enlighten (through the grace of the Holy Spirit) or darken (with pride and lust). Pope St. John Paul II’s words bear repeating:
The body, in fact, and it alone is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God.[4]
The body is the means through which we express either spiritual love (i.e., the Language of the Spirit) or artificial/chemical/imitation love. Both options are sent out/expressed accurately in the Language of the Body. The thirty-four biological mysteries discovered in the Bible help us better understand what constitutes TRUE spiritual love and, therefore, artificial/chemical love.
The above helps us to understand why the thirty-four-plus mysteries of biological sciences hidden in Scripture are so important. The “making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and divine,” is done through the Language of the Body. The thirty-four mysteries teach us the invisible vocabulary of that Language. Additionally, it is vital to know that the biological language of the body is both visible (i.e., sense-able) and invisible (meta-sense-able).
The Theology of the Salt (TOS) results from over twenty years of research on the relationship between science (mainly the biological sciences) and Scripture. I believe TOS can be classified as a synergistic branch of TOB. Through the hermeneutic of STOSS (The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture), this article will reveal the thirty-four mysteries of biological science hidden in Scripture. So advanced are these biological mysteries that modern-day scientists have only recently begun to uncover them more fully. Think about this; the first book of Scripture was written circa three-thousand-five-hundred years ago.
The mysteries are not written in Scripture in a textbook fashion. Instead, they are written and hidden in an Applied Sciences way. Why Applied Science? The Bible was not written for scientists alone. It was written so that all could understand its words to the specific degree that each individual can receive it through God’s Grace.

Introduction to the Biological Mysteries Hidden in The Science & Theology of Salt* in Scripture:

*Light, Water, Dust, and Stone too
It is written that we can more thoroughly know ourselves by knowing our prototypethe Incarnate Son of God. Jesus Christ, True God, and True Man. On this Page, we will endeavor to help one gain a more profound knowledge of Jesus’ humanity and Adam’s. In turn, both will lead to a greater understanding of our humanity.
In an October 2017 interview by Catholic World Report, Fr. Thomas Joseph White tells us:
Thomas Aquinas affirms that we cannot love what we do not know [emphasis SML], and that when we grow in understanding of God, we can also grow in love for Him, precisely because we begin to understand more deeply who God is. There is no opposition between intellectual understanding and our emotions [SML] or intuitions, but we need intellectual analysis to test our initial intuitions, and to give structure to our emotional life. In fact, over time, it is the search for the truth that does the most to steady the internal development of the human person, and this search is most noble in the person. There is a prevalent suspicion in our culture today that having strong truth convictions will make a person unloving or unjust. Seeking the truth in the right way, however, is not only not opposed to being loving or just, but something they presuppose. Growth in spiritual love perfects or completes the human person but it presumes and is aided by truth. As we become more realistic, we are able to love more realistically.[5]
Created in the image and likeness of the Trinity, we cannot know and understand ourselves and why we have been given a body without gaining a deeper understanding of the Trinity. Nowhere in Scripture does it say that only man’s spiritual soul was created in the image and likeness of God—but not our bodies. The opposite is true. In Genesis, it is written, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Gen. 1:27). God the Father is Truth. God the Son is Truth known. God, the Holy Spirit, is Truth penetrated and on fire with Love to be shared.
The overflow of the human heart must be expressed (cf. Mt. 23:26). That expression is an integral part of Love. This overflow is where the biblical mouth comes in. God does not have a physical mouth. So, when we read in Scripture of the mouth of God (cf. 1 Kgs 8:15), are we to interpret it as a metaphor that helps us understand who or what is doing the communicating—the expressing/sending out? Absolutely!
Albert Einstein said, “Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.”[6] I would modify Einstein’s expression somewhat. I would say that adherents of Scientism who are willfully ignorant and disdainful of Scripture are doomed to fall far short of the whole truth of creation, especially in regards to man created in the image and likeness of God. Likewise, theologians and Scripture scholars ignorant of true science (as opposed to agenda/imitation science) will also be unable to fully understand Scripture and the Truth contained therein.
Scripture scholars and theologians describe the Bible as polyvalent, i.e., the words in Scripture contain multiple, maybe even infinite, layers of Truth. Each layer complements the others and deepens our understanding of God and his creation. STOSS is an endeavor to discover more profound meanings of God’s words. A comprehensive treatment of this theology could quickly fill several large books. However, STOSS presents a broad overview of the Theology of Salt—perhaps planting a seed that will grow and bear fruit.
There were times while writing STOSS when tears were shed. They were not tears of sorrow but of great joy combined with awe at how great and mighty this God we worship is, the God who allows us to glimpse His glory and majesty by penetrating the depths of his handy work, i.e., creation. Hopefully, you will find yourself shedding tears of joy and awe.

Man Was Made to Communicate Grace

It is a tenet of TOS that individual man can communicate to others the grace received from God. The credibility of this tenet is based on several factors, many of which are further elaborated elsewhere in the writings published on the STOSS Books website. For now, four sources help to reinforce the credibility of this tenet. They are: 1) the words of Jesus as relayed by St. Faustina; 2) the words of Scripture; 3) the words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen; and 4) JP II.
Let’s elaborate a bit about the instrumentality of the body in expressing grace:
1)      Jesus tells St. Faustina, “I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain them within itself, but radiates them to other souls.”[7]
2)     In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart [believer’s heart in this passage would correspond to Jesus saying “approaches with trust” in his conversation with Faustina] shall flow rivers of living water’ ” (Jn 7:37-38). This living water is the grace of the Holy Spirit, a river flowing out from the believer’s heart. Additionally, St. Paul writes, “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.” (Eph 4:29-30); and
3)     St. Paul wrote, “For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Cor. 4:6-7). Fulton Sheen viewed himself entirely as an earthen vessel [our clay bodies] that he titled his autobiography Treasure in Clay. In Sheen’s book, The Mystical Body of Christ, he wrote, “The graces of God are communicated through ‘frail vessels [SML].’ ”[8] Its members were small; its organs were in the process of formation.”[9] This communication of grace is why the Church is considered the “Prolongation of the Incarnation [of Jesus] through space and time.”[10]
4)     According to JPII, just as a sacrament is an outward sign of an inward (and unseen) reality of grace, the body itself enters into the “definition of a sacrament” (loosely speaking). This interpretation is so because it is a visible sign of an invisible reality. Not only is the body a sign of grace received, but it also visibly expresses what it has received (not possible without the body) and does so efficaciously for self and others. Furthermore, the body expresses grace and produces it, as we shall see later. Thus, the body contributes to grace becoming part of man. [10-11]

Summary of the Economy of Grace within Rational/Spiritual Man

1). The Incarnate Jesus: The Incarnate Jesus was completely human in every way except sin. Consequently, everything we discuss in this Section is completely applicable to Jesus. In fact, the Church teaches that all grace comes to man through Jesus’ humanity, which is hypostatically united to the Person of the Son of God.
2). The Spiritual Soul of Man: Man alone is created with a Spiritual Soul. In the Catechism, it reads:
Sometimes the soul is distinguished from the spirit: St. Paul for instance prays that God may sanctify his people ‘wholly’, with ‘spirit and soul and body’ kept sound and blameless at the Lord’s coming [1 Thess 5:23]. The Church teaches that this distinction does not introduce a duality [SML] into the soul [cf. Council of Constantinople IV (870): DS 657]. ‘Spirit’ signifies that from creation, man is ordered to a supernatural end and that his soul can gratuitously be raised beyond all it deserves to communion with God [cf. Vatican Council I, Dei Filius: DS 3005; Gaudium et Spes 22 § 5; Humani Generis: DS 3891].[12]
The upper powers of the spiritual soul, often identified as the human spirit, are intellect (not to be confused with the biological brain), free will (i.e., the root of Love and Charity), memory (i.e., the spiritual soul can never forget any knowledge it acquires), and; understanding (i.e., the ability—through the gift of grace—to penetrate and comprehend the thoughts of God). The lower powers are referred to as the soul. The soul controls and directs all the actions of the physical body.
We must not believe that the different powers of the spiritual soul (upper and lower powers) represent a duality. No distinct and segregated locations exist between the upper and lower powers of the spiritual soul. The spirit is not in a compartment separated from the soul and vice versa.
3). Where the Holy Spirit Dwells: Three historical events mark the time during/after which the Holy Spirit dwells in the spiritual soul of man. They are 1) Before the Fall, 2) after Jesus Redemption/Ascension and after Pentecost (when Baptism of water and Spirit were available), and 3) after a worthy Confession through which any mortal sins are forgiven. Then, the Holy Spirit dwells in the spirit/inner heart of the spiritual soul. We received Sanctifying Grace through this indwelling, i.e., Living Water (uppercase Living Water). Sanctifying Grace is a direct communication of the Holy Spirit with the upper powers, i.e., the spirit of man’s spiritual soul.
4). Overflow of the Spirit’s dwelling within the human spirit: This is where the Theology of the Body comes into play. Recall what St. JPII taught us:
The body, in fact, and it alone is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God.[13]
It is important to note that the Language of the Body through which this spiritual and divine is made visible in creation is both sense-able and meta-sense-able.
5). The Soul’s (the Lower Power of the Spiritual Soul) Overflow Language is what we call living water (lowercase): To understand the depth of the Language of the Body, we must understand the scope of the science behind that language. As Saint John Paul II wrote:
The body speaks not merely with the whole external expression of masculinity and femininity, but also with the internal structures of the organism, of the somatic [the entire body and its aggregate parts] and psychosomatic [relating to mind/mental] reaction.[14]
Some of the moving biological components which fall under the category of bio-living water are:
The visible movements of the body that others can experience through the five senses;
The meta-sense-able elements of the human voice;
The various energetic, communicative properties of the living human heart;
Sound waves;
Structured Biological Water;
The biological movement of electrons and protons within and around the body; and,
The energy of created light

Preface to the Biological Mysteries: The Connotations of our DNA

Before going any further, it would be worthwhile to briefly discuss the various terms used to refer to man’s DNA. This is important because our DNA has different connotations attached to the word used to describe the molecule. While referring to the same biological substance, the words used add a certain qualitative understanding to its meaning. After studying these words in the hermeneutic of STOSS for many years, I have picked up on the connotation attached to each word choice.
Here are the various terms, together with a description of the connotative implications of each word:


Dust refers to the complete collection of genes within one molecule of DNA, i.e., the complete genome contained in the nucleus of one particular cell. Our DNA, including its genome, is a comprehensive set of instructions for building a human bodya Manual for the Biology of Man. Incidentally, this title is actually an example of paradigmatic substitution (see Biological Mystery #1 for the context of this term). The word dust in Scripture is static. It refers to the architecture/structure of the DNA molecule. It does not equate with any genetic function. It simply—is.


The word stone refers to the body as a whole. It is like the distinction between select genes and the entire genome within a cell as a whole. A gene is one functional segment of a molecule of DNA. However, stone denotes the collective presence of the entire collection of DNA molecules within the body.[15] In Scripture, stone can be good. For example, referring to Jesus as a stone connotes the incarnate component of his human composite substance/nature as unchanging Truth. It can also possess a bad connotation. Referring to a fallen man’s heart as a heart of stone (cf. Ezekiel 36:26) connotes mans resistance to making positive changes in their heart in response to God’s graces. Being stiff-necked possesses a similar meaning. The human heart is the mouth of the spiritual soul. A heart of stone indicates the overflow of the heart is sin, thus no expression of grace.


Salt generally refers to the fallen state of one’s genome as a consequence of a rebellious heart. This helps us understand the different connotations of salt in Scripture, especially in the New Covenant versus Old Covenant. In the Old Covenant, salt generally refers to the fallen biological function of the genes within the various cells as the transmit harmful hormones through the bloodstream.
Scripture provides more reasons to believe that STOSS’ interpretation of salt in Scripture is the best for explaining all of the seemingly contradictory connotations of salt in Scripture.
Several passages in the OT employ these seemingly contradictory scriptural usages of salt. Here are some Bible Passages that contain a negative connotation of salt.
1). In Psalms, we read, “He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land [a metaphor for our pre-fallen bodies] into a salty waste [a metaphor for our salt of DNA after Original Sin, and the subsequent loss of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit], because of the wickedness of its inhabitants” (Ps 107:33-34).
2). In Deuteronomy, we read, “[S]ee the afflictions of that land and the sicknesses with which the Lord has made it sick—the whole land brimstone and salt, and a burnt-out waste, unsown, and growing nothing, where no grass can sprout” (Deut 29:22-23).
3). In Jeremiah, we read, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land” (Jer 17:5-6).
There are additional Passages, but the common theme contained in all of the Passages is this: as a result of sin (i.e., our fallen disordered nature), our bodies comprised of the salt of DNA have become a salt wasteland where (pre-Redemption) there is no life, no living water, a place where nothing grows, where no good fruits are found.
In contrast, here are a few Scripture Passages that possess a connotation of salt as good:
1). 2 Kgs 2:20-21: “He said, ‘Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.’ So they brought it to him. Then he went to the spring of water and threw salt in it, and said, ‘Thus says the Lord, I have made this water wholesome; henceforth neither death nor miscarriage shall come from it.’”
2). Ez 47:9: “And wherever the river goes every living creature which swarms will live, and there will be very many fish; for this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.”
3). Mt 5:13: “You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.”
4). Mk 9:50: “Salt is good; but if the salt has lost its saltness, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”
In light of the positive connotations of salt in some OC Passages, here are some of the more accepted traditional interpretations of salt:
1). Salt is used as a preservative. Therefore, it is a sign of an eternal covenant with God. It is a sign of eternal life;
2). Salt is a spice that adds flavor to our food. Therefore, it is a sign that our works must be joyful and filled with truth, not dull, and;
3). Since salt was a valuable commodity in Old Covenant days, it was a sign that the Messiah did not want to pay a high price for salt with no flavor, i.e., tepid/lukewarm.
These interpretations bear some truth but lack a unifying context that unites the good connotations of salt with the bad. Examples of this shortcoming are:
1). Salt certainly didn’t preserve the life of Idit. On the contrary, it was a component (symbolically and literally) of her death as a direct result of her disobedience to God’s command;
2). Salt certainly wasn’t a sign of life for the Salt Sea (aka the Dead Sea). To drink from it was to die. It was utterly devoid of all life and fruitfulness and;
3). When Abimelech conquered Shechem and all its inhabitants, he sowed the city with salt (Jdg 9:45) to make it a wasteland, as was the land of brimstone and salt described in Deuteronomy (Deut 29:22-23). So again, salt is often a sign of death and barrenness in Scripture.
How do we reconcile these seeming contradictions? As was said earlier, the traditional interpretations of salt in OC Passages lack a unifying context through which all connotations of salt are correctly understood. An understanding of DNA can provide that unifying context. The story of Idit contains a sign within a sign.
The hidden sign is the one modern science has helped us to uncover. We now know that salt/dust in Scripture is a concrete reality. We are ALL pillars of salt/dust/stone—literally and literalistically. The sign within a sign is the context that unifies all the other connotations of salt in Scripture. The unifying context is this: The body, the salt of a person's DNA in the state of Original Justice—i.e., Jesus, is good. A person whose salt of DNA is part of a disordered/fallen nature is bad, even deadly.

Salt and the Sea:

The Salt/Dead Sea symbolizes our genome’s disordered and sinful function!! When combined with the context of a Sea, Salt becomes a verb. It implies the actual functioning of our genes to produce harmful poisons coursing through our veins. To what am I referring? Answer: Our fallen salt of DNA produces addictive and lust-producing Hormones!
The sea is composed mainly of water with a specific concentration of crystalline salt. Hormones are always delivered to their target cell through the bloodstream. Blood contains mostly water (about 92% in plasma) mixed with red and white blood cells. White blood cells have DNA. Immature red blood cells contain DNA, but the nucleus is ejected from the cell when they mature. What is DNA classified as? Dust/Salt! According to biologist Vladimir Voeikov, there is increasing scientific evidence indicating that biological water, working together with the solid surfaces of, and within, the cell (e.g., proteins, DNA, and cell membranes), determine the organization and function of living organisms at all levels.[16]
We can see water as “alive” and “moving.” I refer to it as bio-living water. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi characterizes life as “water dancing [SML] to the tune of macromolecules.”[17] Incidentally, the salt of DNA and many of the proteins it produces are macromolecules. Mae-Wan-Ho et al. characterize this watery dance (as cited by Szent-Gyorgyi) as a sort of quantum “jazz” continually being improvised in response to its environment and is coherent beyond our wildest imaginings. Likewise, our body is a liquid crystalline (liquid stone) organism that is, in fact, quantum coherent.[18]
While many examples exist of the sea representing fallen man’s genome, the Dead/Salt Sea is the prime example. On the shores of the Dead Sea, Idit became a pillar of salt while turning back to look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Incidentally, these two cities are now buried by the waters of the Salt Sea.
Can you see why the Sea represents the biological functioning of fallen man’s salt of DNA? This interpretation becomes crystal clear when we read about Ezekiel’s dream of the New Covenant Temple. In Ezekiel’s dream of the rebuilt New Covenant Temple, the pure waters flowing out of the Temple purify the waters of the Dead/Salt Sea. For more details, go here.
In juxtaposition, the resurrected bodies of the just are not symbolized by salt or sea. In Revelations, we read, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more” (Rev. 21:1) and “before the throne there is as it were a sea of glass, like crystal” (Rev. 4:6). Recall that DNA is crystalline in structure. The sea of salt is a symbol of fallen man. The sea of glass is man resurrected into eternal Life.[19] There are many examples in Scripture that refer to these resurrected saints as precious stones (cf. Ez 28:13, Eph 2:20-22, 1 Pt 2:4-5, and Rev 21:15-21). Precious stones are crystalline. Verse 6 doesn’t say it is an actual sea of glass because Scripture is consistent with Revelation’s use of the sea as a symbol of fallen man’s body.
This symbolism can be seen by examining Revelations. The key to understanding the Beasts out of the sea (possessing the spirit of the Dragon) described in Revelation 13 is the last passage written in Chapter 12.[20] It reads, “Then the dragon took his stand [SML][21][22] on the sand [SML] of the seashore” (Rev 12:18).[23] This passage conveys Satan’s hatred for mankind. Furthermore, it conveys his plan to use our enslaved dust of DNA, i.e., where he takes his stand, to destroy the Church. Part I of III detailing Satans plan is revealed by following the link in the Endnote.[24]
The word sand (Satan is not corporeal, but he will dominate and attempt to rule or destroy the fallen dust of DNA) and the word seashore (Satan will use the fallen and disordered biology of man—the sea—to destroy him) have a direct link to fallen man. The dragon, who took his stand on the sand of the seashore,[25] is a description of Satan’s actions immediately after failing to destroy the woman and her male child (Chapter 12) and just as he sets out to make war with the rest of her offspring.
Unlike in the OC, the NC, salt is always considered a good thing—unless it lacks one thing. The one thing is identified as flavor or taste. Thanks to our more profound understanding of a Covenant of Salt, we can now know what flavor and taste mean. Both terms refer to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the heart/spirit of man. His dwelling in us directly results from the Covenant of Salt family bond between man and the physically risen body of the Son of God. Those born again in water and the Spirit (the Sacrament of Baptism) are no longer sinners while one body with Christ (cf. Rom 5:7-9). In other words, the body of one in whom the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is instrumentally used by the Holy Spirit as a channel of grace. The body lacking the indwelling of the Holy Spirit has lost its taste/flavor.


In Geology and Scripture, a natural rock formation is often called a rock. Any piece separated from that natural rock formation is generally called a stone.[26] In Exodus, I believe this is why Christ is symbolized by a rock (cf. Ex 17:6; 1 Cor 10:4) instead of a stone. He had not yet become incarnate and, thus, not yet been sent into material creation as a mortal man. As a Person of the Trinity, the Son of God can never be separated from God. However, by taking on a mortal body, the man Jesus could not ascend back to the Father until his redemptive mission had been accomplished (cf. Jn 12:24).
This return to the Father was essential for our salvation. As we read in John, Jesus had to “go to the Father” so that His body could enter into the Trinitarian dialogue, the result of which is the giving of the gift, i.e., the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:5-10), to his bride, the Church. This requirement is why, before Jesus’ ascension, his body (dust of the earth) could accurately be represented by a stone instead of a rock. After the bodily ascension of Jesus, it would be more appropriate to refer to the incarnate Jesus as a rock again; Hildegard tells us the Church sits on the strongest of rocks, i.e., the risen Christ.[27]
As has been said elsewhere, from a geological sciences standpoint, all stones (of any size and shape) come from an original rock formation, e.g., a mountain. Scripture also reflects this Truth as conveyed to human writers of Scripture.
Margaret Turek writes:
Moreover, sin is committed by someone whom God regards as his beloved son or child. “I am a father to Israel, Ephraim is my firstborn” (Jer 31:9). 67 [sic] Sinners are “children who refuse to listen” (Is 30:9); “their hearts are far from” God (Is 29:13); indeed sinners hide from the Lord (Is 29:15); they rebel against and desert God (Hos 7:13; Dan 3:29–30). They are “unmindful of the Rock that begot” [emphasis SML] them; they “forg[e]t the God who gave [them] birth” (Deut 32:18; cf. v.20). “Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth, for the LORD speaks: Sons I have raised and reared, but they have rebelled against me! . . . They have forsaken the LORD, spurned the Holy One of Israel” (Is 1:2, 4; cf. Hos 8:3).[28]
The Rock is a direct reference to Our Heavenly Father. We know this because it is only the Father who begets. The Son is the one begotten but does not beget. So likewise, the Holy Spirit proceeds but does not beget, nor is He begotten. We are the Father’s children, the Son’s brothers and sisters in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
When we put these facts together, we see why Heavenly Jerusalem is built on top of a mountain. In the Old Covenant, all encounters with God occurred where God dwelled, e.g., the burning bush on the mountain of God. Eventually, where God dwelled was in a house (bethel) called a temple. The Temple was built of geological stone on top of a rock mountain (e.g., Gen 12:18; Ex 3:12, 4:27, 19:12; Deut 9:21, Wis 9:8; Ez 43:12). Note: Deut 9:21 relates to the two stone tablets of the Law given to Moses and stored in the Ark of the Covenant. For more information about the OC temples, go here.

List of The Thirty-Four Biological Mysteries Hidden in the Bible

Let us begin the discussion on each of the thirty-four mysteries of biological sciences hidden in Scripture.

Biological Mystery #1

Man is made from dust; DNA IS the dust of the earth

Some examples of Scripture passages pointing to man as “dust and earth” are Gen 13:16, Gen 28:14, and Sirach 44:21. Many others can be added that tell us we are dust, and to dust, we all will all return. Ask any funeral director what remains after the human corpse decays or is cremated. Answer: Dust. When this discovery was revealed to me, I couldn’t understand why someone in the biological sciences community hadn’t already discovered the connection between DNA and dust/salt in Scripture. Finally, the answer was discovered after many discussions with biologists of differing specialties. The answer to that question can be read in the article, Why Biologists Don’t Connect DNA to Bible Dust Salt.
Since God employs geological terminology to reference salt, dust, and stone, let’s see how the geological sciences define a stone.
The rocks you see around youthe mountains, canyons & riverbeds, are all made of minerals. A rock is made up of two or more minerals [SML]. Think of a chocolate chip cookie as a rock. The cookie is made of flour, butter, sugar & chocolate. The cookie is like a rock, and the flour, butter, sugar & chocolate are like minerals. You need minerals to make rocks, but you don’t need rocks to make minerals. All rocks are made of minerals.[29]
Incidentally, this is why gold and silver are never accurately referred to as rock or stone. Each only contains one elemental mineral. Consequently, they use the terms nugget, bar, coin, etc.
Following is an interesting side note: Rev. 21:15-21 talks about the Heavenly Jerusalem, the New Covenant Temple. John tells us this rebuilt Temple (in Ezekiel’s Dream) is Jesus’ body. In Revelations, the Heavenly City is made of pure transparent gold. As was discussed earlier, man’s DNA consists of two elements from the Periodic Table. In contrast, gold is a single element. It is not combined with any other element. All fallen men (with the exception of Adam and Eve) are formed from the DNA of two separate parents.
Jesus, on the other hand is formed from one single perfect genome—Marys genome. Do you see a connection to his glorified body, the city of the Heavenly Temple of Jerusalem, represented by transparent gold?
How can we know this from a scientific standpoint. The incarnate Son of God could never be one-flesh with that which was not perfectly in the image and likeness of God. That is why Adam and Eve lost Supernatural grace. Through disobedience, they lost the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (cf. Jn 7:39). A recently discovered biological phenomenon known as fetal-maternal microchimerism helps us to understand the significance of this biological process as it applies to Jesus and his mother. FMC identifies a biological process in which stem cells from the baby and the mother exist from one to within the other and vice versa.[30]
From a theological standpoint, this biological exchange could not have been possible if Mary had not been given the singular grace of preservation from Original sin from the very instant of her conception. However, in 1854, Pope Pius IX, in the Papal Bull “Ineffabilis Deus,” defined Mary’s Immaculate Conception (conceived without Original Sin from the first instant of her conception) as infallible and unchangeable Truth.[31}
James D. Watson describes the solids that bind to the DNA Phosphate backbone as inorganic ions, i.e., inorganic solids. He was probably including the Periodic Elements of Sodium (Na+), Phosphate (PO4-3), and Magnesium (Mg+2) as it applies to DNA.[31A]
According to the geological sciences, a mineral is defined as possessing:
1. A naturally occurring inorganic solid,
2. A definite chemical composition and,
3. A crystalline structure.
The DNA backbone is composed of a sodium-phosphate ionic compound, which fulfills geology’s definition of a mineral, i.e., two Earth elements electrostatically bonded together. Additionally—and of vital importance—a second mineral exists in the DNA molecule. It is present in the nucleoside Adenine (Adenine Tri-Phosphate—ATP) base, which is designated by the letter “A”. ATP is a part of the rungs of the ladder of the double helix. McFarland tells us, “Magnesium (Mg+2) fits perfectly between the Oxygens on two adjacent Phosphates in ATP.”[32]
Therefore, combining two geological minerals (i.e., sodium phosphate and magnesium phosphate) bonded to the same DNA molecule means that DNA can be geologically and accurately defined as dust/salt of the Earth.
Many passages in Scripture inform us that man is made from the dust of the earth and to dust he will return after his death. Thus, God is teaching us something about man’s creation. The Holy Spirit uses the geological sciences (i.e., the dust of the earth) because this is the terminology that people living in the first few thousand years would receive some level of meaningful understanding. They could never have even begun to understand DNA or cell physiology. The science didn’t exist!
By using geological terminology, man would at least be given a rudimentary understanding of creation through myths pertaining to the time of origins. However, lest we misinterpret Genesis, we must understand the correct meaning of myth as it was used in the times of the Ancient Hebrews. In those times, myth did not mean fable, fairy tale, allegory, or metaphor. To truly understand the biological sciences hidden in Scripture, one must understand the meaning of the language of myth.
Can we be confident that when the Bible says man is made of dust, it is meant to be taken literally? Yes. If one interprets Genesis literally, one would have to admit that only Adam could have been made from actual geological dust, i.e., the dust of the earth. For all of us (except Eve and Jesus), at least two people (our mother and father) can vouch that we are not made from geological dust from our parent’s garden. For all the rest of us, our body is made through one event and one event only — the union of a sperm cell (except for Jesus) and an egg cell, both containing the biological salt of DNA. Therefore, the only material in either of those two cells that can correctly and scientifically be identified as dust is the salt/dust of DNA.
If you’re wondering about the cellular material in which the DNA resides—nope! Not salt! Not dust! The structural material of the cell is composed of complex chemicals called proteins. Therefore, only the molecules of DNA can be identified as salt/dust.
Scripture repeatedly tells us we are the dust of the earth (cf. Gen. 2:7, 3:19, 18:27; Tobit 3:6; Job 10:9; Eccl. 3:20; and many others) and to dust we will return. The Minister is not being symbolic on Ash Wednesday when saying, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” He is expressing a scientific truth to remind us of our humble origins.
Scripture verifies that our salt of DNA is also dust, i.e., tiny stones, but stones nonetheless. The above argument constitutes an open-and-shut case. I cannot conceive how Scripture passages equating man with dust can refer to anything but the salt/dust of DNA.
A more thorough explanation of salt and dust in Scripture can be found here.

Biological Mystery #2

In addition to dust, DNA is also an organic salt

Salt is mentioned forty-four times in the Old Covenant and six in the New Covenant. God has seen fit in the Old Covenant to give us a map legend. Most people are familiar with this visual device. A map legend is a sort of glossary that defines the meaning of symbols used in a map. The symbols enable one to read a map and easily interpret its information. For example, a typical road map might include a picture of an airplane or a green-colored road. If one looks at the map legend, next to those symbols will be the words airport and toll road, respectively. When map readers see an airplane on the map, they know an airport is at that location. Likewise, when seeing a green line, they know it represents a toll road.
What does this have to do with Scripture? First, God includes Idit (i.e., the likely name of Lot’s wife) as a type of Bible “map legend.” He tells us that salt in Scripture should be interpreted as directly referring to the human being in a very particular state.
Scripture reads, “Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. But Lot’s wife behind him looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (Gen 19: 24-26). I’m convinced that God did not turn Idit into a “different” substance (i.e., a geological substance) than she was already, i.e., organic salt of DNA. Consider this: every single one of us is a pillar of salt.
The difference between Idit and us is this: the latter are living and moving pillars of salt, while the former, because of her disobedience and hesitation, became a dead pillar of salt.
So, Idit is a sign of the death that follows when one breaks the Covenant of Salt, which God made with man. What other pillar serves as a type of the one who perfectly follows and represents a Covenant of Salt?
According to Genesis:
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I did not know it.” And he was afraid, and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
So Jacob rose early in the morning, and he took the stone which he had put under his head and set it up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it. He called the name of that place Bethel; but the name of the city was Luz at the first (Gen. 28:16-19).
By pouring oil on this pillar, Jacob anointed it. Who is the Anointed One of God? Who is the dwelling place of God on Earth? Who is the rebuilt Temple of God? The Risen Savior! Bethel means the House of God the New Covenant Temple. Jacob erected a stone pillar representing the New Covenant Temple of Jesus’ Body (Jn 2:19-21). What is the meaning of Bethlehem? House of Bread! What is a manger? A feeding trough. Jesus fulfilled the Covenant of Salt that man had broken (as symbolized by Lot’s wife — the biblical map legend) through disobedience.
It may be beneficial to read about the different connotations of terms for DNA in Scripture. To see the science behind why the dust of our DNA can also be classified as a salt, see Why Biologists Don’t Connect DNA to Bible Dust Salt.
 For a more thorough treatment of Lot’s wife and Covenants of Salt, read here. In this article, a detailed examination is made as to why Idit as a pillar of salt is a direct reference to her DNA.

Biological Mystery #3

In Scripture, the Sea is a Direct Reference to the Genetic Function of Fallen Man’s DNA

In the Preface to the Biological Mysteries: The Connotations of our DNA, salt in the Old Covenant has two main connotations: bad and good. Salt describes a state of being. However, when salt is combined with the sea, it becomes a verb. Sea denotes the functioning of fallen man’s genes within the genome. Why is that? Combined with the salt of DNA, the water brings to life the function of the genome within the body.
According to biologist Vladimir Voeikov, there are increasing amounts of scientific evidence indicating that biological water, working together with the solid surfaces of, and within, the human cell (e.g., proteins, DNA, and cell membranes), determine the organization and function of living organisms at all levels.[33]
Thus, we can see water as really alive and moving. In STOSS, biological water is also called structured bio-living water. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi characterizes life as “water dancing [SML] to the tune of macromolecules.”[34] Incidentally, the salt of DNA and many of the proteins it produces are classified as macromolecules. Mae-Wan-Ho et al. characterize this watery dance (as cited by Szent-Gyorgyi) as a sort of quantum jazz constantly being improvised in response to its biological environment and is also coherent beyond our wildest imaginings. Our body is a liquid crystalline (liquid stone) organism that is, in fact, quantum coherent.[35]
While many examples of the sea represent fallen man’s genome, the Dead/Salt Sea is the prime example. On the shores of the Dead Sea, Idit became a pillar of salt while turning back to look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In fact, these two cities are now buried by the waters of the Salt Sea.
In Ezekiel’s dream of the rebuilt New Covenant Temple, the pure waters flowing out of the Temple purify the waters of the Dead/Salt Sea. A crystal clear reference to the Living Water flowing from the rebuilt Temple, flowing out and healing the salt water of fallen man, symbolized by the Dead/Salt Sea. For more details, go here. This last link reveals why, in the NC, the salt of DNA ceases to have a negative connotation because, through Baptism, we are united to the salt that is always perfectly good, the resurrected and glorified body of Jesus Christ. The only time salt is bad in the New Covenant is when we lose that union (i.e., the salt loses its flavor/taste) through unrepentant mortal sin.

Biological Mystery #4

Each Molecule of DNA is About the Same Size as the Geo-dust in Clay

Each molecule of DNA within the nucleus of a cell is roughly the same size as geological dust present in the geological parameters of clay, a term used frequently in Scripture to denote biological plasticity. Coupling the meaning of clay with the bio-living water mentioned above, we begin to see the significance of clay in Scripture. See Scripture citations in Biological Mystery #5 below.

Biological Mystery #5

DNA, When Present Along with Structured Biological Water, Is Moldable—Like Clay

Below are three samples of Bible Passages referring to clay:
— Isaiah 64:8: Yet, O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou art our potter; we are all the work of thy hand.
— Jeremiah 18:4: And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.
— John 9:5-7: “ ‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ As he said this, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed the man’s eyes with the clay, saying to him, ‘Go, wash in the pool of Silo′am ” (which means Sent).
God revealed to Hildegard: “Out of clay God so shaped humanity that through this tiny spark of the [spirirtual] soul we become flesh and blood out of clay.”[36]
The Feast of Tabernacles
Pope Benedict XVI believes all the significant events in Jesus’ life are timed to coincide with the Jewish festival calendar. He felt the purpose of this timing was to create a link between each festival’s meaning and its fulfillment in the material reality of eternal Truth made flesh, i.e., Jesus’ actions relative to the Covenant of Salt.[37] The healing of the blind man and Transfiguration of Jesus (the miracle in which he and his garments were transformed into exceedingly bright light; see Mt 17:2, Mk 9:2-3, Lk 9:29), both occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles.[38]
The linkage of the Transfiguration with the Feast of the Tabernacles is a view also shared by Dr. Scott Hahn. He links this Feast, which began as a celebration of the harvest, but became a feast that celebrated the building of the Temple (the Tabernacles).[39] What did John tell us about the rebuilt temple? It was Jesus’ body (Jn 2:19-21)! In the OT, the Temple/Tabernacle was the dwelling place of God in physical creation. John 1:14 literally translates into, “The Word became flesh and tabernacled [SML] among us.”[40] The New Covenant Temple was Jesus’ salt/dust of DNA, his structured bio-living water, and his human spiritual heart within which the Holy Spirit fully dwelled, and from which that overflow was given to man.
John 9:5-7
The above provides deep insight into the thirty-four scientific mysteries. The miracle of the healing of the blind man is different from most if not all, other healings in Scripture. It is the first time, with the qualified exception of Mark 7:32-35 and 8:23-25 (both did, however, involve Jesus’ spit—representing bio-living water—in the healing), that Jesus used a prop that was external to his body to perform a miracle. The materials used for that prop are very important for understanding the miracle’s deeper meaning. Before sending the blind man off to be washed in the pool of Silo′am (a symbol of Baptism), he combines the earth’s dust with spit from his mouth to make clay/mud. Important note! Both clay and mud have very similar and significant biological meanings in Scripture.
He then applies the mixture to the blind man’s eyes. So, we have three components converging in these passages. 1) the salt/dust (representing Jesus’ Resurrected physical glorified body, i.e., the NC Temple, which was to be rebuilt in three days—Jn 2:19-21), 2) Jesus’ spit, symbolizing his structured bio-living water, and 3) the waters of Silo′am (representing the Living Waters of Baptism through which the powers of the Holy Spirit are employed to affect all miraculous healings). All three are critical components of the Feast of the Tabernacles, which was the occasion for this miracle.
Was Jesus biological spit (biological water) and mud a necessary, integral, and efficacious part of this miracle? No, not likely, which makes the fact he used them all the more significant to its interpretation. All three components of the miracle are symbolic of the means by which  the blind man would experience physical and spiritual healing/purification. John 9:5-7 is a perfect example of the Theology of the Body;   The Holy Spirits instrumental use of the human body to express Gratuitous grace. This Passage points to the physical matter of Jesus’ body, coupled with Divine Light, to affect the healing. Is there any evidence of the indwelling Divine Light of the Holy Spirit producing significant modifications to the function of the body—especially the human heart? Yes. See the Testimony of the Saints.
How did the blind man regain his sight?
Through the pool of Silo′am, which symbolizes the purification of Baptism through which we become members of the Mystical Body of Christ;
Which prepares us for our marriage to Jesus on the Cross at Mass;
Through the dust of the earth with which Jesus made healing clay/mud, representing the salt of his DNA (recall that the salt of DNA and the dust of the earth are the same things), through which we become living stones built into the resurrected/rebuilt Temple (1 Pt. 2:5), and;
Through the spit from Jesus’ mouth, he made the dust into clay/mud (cf. 2 Cor. 4:1-7; Rom. 9:21), which represents the structured biological water (including the biological water present in his blood) that works in conjunction with his salt of DNA to express the Light of Truth in the Holy Desire of the Holy Spirit.
Speaking of clay/mud, the Hebrew word for “dust” in Genesis is aphar, which translates as “dust (as powdered or gray); hence, clay, earth, mud [Strongs 6083].” Even atheist Richard Dawkins has admitted that Genesis may have accurately described how man was made. According to an article by Paul Baldwin, “Clay is made up of tiny crystals [DNA is crystalline in structure] which when fed with water [emphasis SML] are capable of growing, splitting off and giving rise to identical (or near-identical crystals) ... Mr. Cairns-Smith proposed biological molecules like DNA began to associate with these complex crystals and eventually a ‘genetic takeover’ took place.”[41] DNA is salt. DNA is dust. DNA is crystalline. Incidentally, I do not believe Adam and Eve were born. They were literally and literalistically made from the dust of the earth.
The use of clay in Scripture is significant. Clay is comprised of two primary substances:
1. Dust is even finer than silt, i.e., 2 microns or less (aka micrometer; two-thousandths of a millimeter).[42] Considering the size of our DNA (the nuclear volume of an entire sperm cell containing an entire DNA molecule is only about 30 microns[43]).
2. Water.
Speaking of biological water, Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, has developed a new water theory called revolutionary. He has discovered a fourth phase of water consisting of exclusion zones bounded by water molecules uniquely structured via the natural incorporation of hydronium ions (H3O+). This state has also been called the Gel State or Glassy State of Water.
According to Pollack, these hydration shells coat every solid cellular surface in the body. Outside the tight confines of the cell, structured water can project from a nucleating surface by distances up to a full meter. However, it takes millions of layers of these molecules to create that depth of layering.[44] Within the small spaces of the cell, the hydration shell will reach about one hundred layers.[44A] The importance of The Gel or Glassy State of Water is significant; I believe the Holy Spirit uses biological water to stop or slow down the corruption of some saint’s bodies by stopping or slowing metabolism within the corpse.
The discovery of structured water is revolutionizing our understanding of how the body functions. One such understanding is the profound interaction between structured bio-living water coupled with non-artificial and non-ionizing photons within organic bodies. It seems that when God teaches us about living water and the light of Truth, He isn’t only referring to the spiritual. Of course, that seems rather obvious in light of St. John Paul II’s exposition of the Theology of the Body coupled with the Language of the Body.
The combination of light, sound, and structured bio-living water significantly affects cellular function, including the expression of hormones. I must admit. After 20-plus years of researching the relationship between the biological sciences and the Bible, the knowledge I gained in this field brought tears of awe to my eyes. I let out audible groans of awe at the great and glorious wonder of God’s design of man.
I repeat a quote from St. Hildegard of Bingen. Informed by God Himself, St. Hildegard of Bingen writes:
This openly shows that, of all the strengths of God’s creation, Man’s is most profound, made in a wondrous way with great glory from the dust of the earth and so entangled with the strengths of the rest of creation that he can never be separated from them; for the elements of the world, created for Man’s service, wait on him, and Man, enthroned as it were in their midst, by divine disposition presides over them, as David says, inspired by Me [God]:
“Thou hast crowned him with glory and worship, and given him dominion over all the works of Thy hands” [Psalms 8:6–7]. Which is to say: You, O God, Who have marvellously [sic] made all things, have crowned Man with the gold and purple crown of intellect and with the sublime garment [Flesh] of visible beauty, thus placing him like a prince above the height of Your perfect works, which You have distributed justly and rightly among Your creatures. Before all Your other creatures You have conferred on Man great and wonderful dignities.[45]

Biological Mystery #6

The Science of Elemental Sulfur and Lot’s Wife

As a part of the blog series explaining Covenants of Salt, the Part dealing with the death of Lot’s wife shows how a deeper analysis of Genesis 19:24-26 shows us that she was not turned into a pillar of salt, but her salt of DNA body was encased in molten sulfur. Every one of us is a pillar of salt—of DNA. The difference is she became a dead immobile pillar of salt. Thanks to our Redemption, we are living moving pillars of salt.
Scripture tells us,
Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomor′rah brimstone [molten sulfur] and fire from the Lord out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. But Lot’s wife behind him looked back, and she became a pillar of salt (Gen. 19: 24-26).
In the above Passage, only the element brimstone (aka sulfur) is explicitly mentioned as falling from the heavens. Sulfur is an element in the Periodic Table. It is not a chemical salt. Let’s assume sulfur was somehow involved in the encasing process. Science has discovered an inverse proportionality between the amounts of sulfur in the human cell and the degree of water loss from that cell. The higher the sulfur content in the cell, the greater the loss of water—potentially leading to cell death.[46]
 I believe the symbolism relating to brimstone/sulfur is profound. In the immediate instance of the encasing of Lot’s wife in molten sulfur, Scripture teaches us the consequence of disobedience to God. The sulfur would have depleted the cellular water she needed to live, i.e., to possess structured bio-living water. Further examination reveals that the falling molten sulfur, which likely encased her, would have contributed nothing towards a valid description of her as a pillar of salt.
For a much deeper treatment of the science behind Lots wife becoming a pillar of salt, go here.

Biological Mystery #7

Role of Hormones in Addictions and Concupiscence

Scripture tells us that he who sins is a slave to sin. Here are three examples:
A). “Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin” (John 8:34).
B). “You who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed” (Rom 6:17).
C). “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (Rom 7:15).
Regarding such sins, Paul directly references the three lusts of which St. Paul informs us. He writes, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world” (1 Jn 2:16). All lusts are rooted, in one way or another, to the production of hormones by genes within our genome. Hormones are why we become slaves to sin. How powerful are these hormones? One of the consequences of Original Sin is hunger. It is the hormone ghrelin that creates the discomfort of hunger. How hard is fasting from food entirely for a day? A week? Forty days? How hard is it to conquer an addiction to sex? How hard is it for the alcoholic to remain dry?
Unlike most other proteins, the biological sciences tell us that hormones are carried to their target cells via the bloodstream.[47] Informed by God, Hildegard tells us that after Adam’s sin, man’s blood carried within itself:
1) sweet, but deadly, poison, i.e., hormones;[48]
2) shameful and turbulent acts, thus increasing the body’s appetite for those very crimes carried in the blood, i.e., slavery to sin;[49] and,
3) impure filth which changed Adam’s blood into a liquid of pollution.[50]
See the Dead Sea and Epigenetics for more detailed information.

Biological Mystery #8

The Epigenome: Biological Software for Programming Our Genome

We often hear the words: God made me this way. Therefore, they say, God approves of my being this way. Whether conscious of it or not, it is one of the biggest falsehoods used to justify disordered acts. We should, and must, love our Same-Sex-Attracted brothers and sisters. However, charity without Truth is not love. Likewise, truth without Charity is not Truth. The fact is, a cure for this inherited pre-disposition is on the scientific horizon. Pursuing that cure would be an example of TRUTH in Charity, i.e., True Love. The epigenome provides us with a greater understanding of many problems we are facing at this time.
Aside from the numerous references to our body as clay, many more than one Scripture passages directly point to a phenomenon directly responsible for changing (for better or worse) the function of the genes within the human body. But first, let’s turn to Genesis.
God designed our DNA to react and adapt to our behavior—even about what we think. The term STOSS coined to describe this phenomenon is BEIRBO, an acronym for Behavioral and Environmental Input w/Reactive Biological Output. Several Scripture Passages directly point to this biological phenomenon. In Genesis 30:25-36, we read of Jacob’s colored rods, or, as I like to call them, his BEIRBO rods.
After working for Laban (the father of his future bride, Rachel—a type of the Church) and greatly multiplying his flocks, Jacob agreed to take as his wages the spotted, striped, speckled, and black sheep of Laban’s flocks. Unbeknownst to Jacob, Laban had instructed his sons to sequester all of those decorated types of sheep far away from all the others so that only white sheep remained. Let’s pick the story up from there.
We read:
Then Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane, and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white of the rods. He set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the runnels, that is, the watering troughs, where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred when they came to drink, the flocks bred in front of the rods and so the flocks brought forth striped, speckled, and spotted. And Jacob separated the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the striped and all the black in the flock of Laban; and he put his own droves apart, and did not put them with Laban’s flock. Whenever the stronger of the flock were breeding Jacob laid the rods in the runnels before the eyes of the flock, that they might breed among the rods, but for the feebler of the flock he did not lay them there; so the feebler were Laban’s, and the stronger Jacob’s. (Gen. 30:37-42).
DNA's software alters genetic function through what is called epigenetic plasticity. Scripture references to clay and mud also refer to this phenomenon (e.g., Job 33:6, Sir 33:13, Jer 18:16, Is 45:9, and many others). Scripture has pre-warned man that this was scientific biological truth.
Bible Says: Sins of the Father to the Third & Fourth Generation
Science has shown that genetic function is altered by epigenetic markers, such as methyl and ethyl tags, that attach to the histones or individual genes. Furthermore, these modifications can be passed on to succeeding generations—up to the third or fourth generation (cf., Ex 20:5, 34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9). Here a few (of a continually growing number) of studies showing that Scripture is the most advanced biological science book ever written.
Heritable Phenotype Changes to Mice from Diet
Randy L. Jirtle was interviewed on PBS Nova ScienceNOW[51] concerning a study he and Robert Waterland undertook at Duke University.[52] In the study, mice were given foods with extra folic acid, vitamin B12, choline, and betaine. As a result, methyl tags were attached to the Agouti gene. This epigenetic tag caused the mice to become fat and their coats to change from brown to yellow.
In the interview, Jirtle told Neil Degrasse Tyson, when the epigenome was not altered in order to “fix” the agouti problem, the female obese mouse would produce succeeding generations of offspring with the same problem. When altering the diet, the problem was fixed and the succeeding generations returned to the brown coat and normal weight. According to Jirtle, we are what we ate, our parents ate, and even our grandparents ate.[53]
Studying the Mechanism of Sperm DNA Damage on Offspring
In a study titled, “Studying the mechanism of sperm DNA damage caused by folate deficiency,” data is presented supporting the transgenerational effects of the diet on the epigenome and, thus, on succeeding generations.[54]
Effects of Diet on the Human Body
Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of Neurosurgery and Physiological Sciences, analyzed over one-hundred-sixty studies (number based on cited studies in his paper) relating to the effects of diet on the human body. Following are only a few of the conclusions he wrote about in Nature Review Neuroscience. What we eat and drink will positively or negatively affect the likelihood of experiencing depression, mood disorders, dyslexia, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, dementia, brain function, and changes in the genetic expression of certain proteins that affect the brain’s cognitive and metabolic regulation. Similar to the previous study, he also referred to many studies that support the claim that what we eat today will most likely produce effects on the physical and mental health of our descendants. He further concludes what we eat will affect the brain function of our grandchildren.[55]
A Swedish study
A long-term study of 300 Dutch families showed the risk of diabetes and/or premature death was greater or lesser depending upon the food availability, or lack thereof, existing at the time their paternal grandparents were in childbearing years.[56]
Epigenetics of Holocaust Survivors
According to study author Natan Kellermann,
The Holocaust left its visible and invisible marks not only on the survivors, but also on their children. Instead of numbers tattooed on their forearms, however, they may have been marked epigenetically with a chemical coating upon their chromosomes, which would represent a kind of biological memory of what the parents experienced. as a result, some suffer from a general vulnerability to stress while others are more resilient. Previous research assumed that such transmission was caused by environmental factors, such as the parents' childrearing behavior. New research, however, indicates that these transgenerational effects may have been also (epi) genetically transmitted to their children.[57]

Biological Mystery #9

The Triggers for Epigenetic Reprogramming

The following research represents a small sample of all triggers for epigenetic change, often leading to trans-generational heredity (cf., Ex 20:5, 34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9). They are:
1. Food and drink;
2. Repeated behaviors that trigger fight, flight, or stress hormones such as norepinephrine, epinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol;
3. Repeated behaviors that result in the production of reward hormones/neurotransmitters such as dopamine (often associated with addictions), oxytocin, endorphins, and serotonin;
4. Repeated behaviors that feed the three lusts described by St. Paul—i.e., the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life (1 Jn 2:16). Typically, behaviors of this nature are also closely involved with numbers 2 and 3 above;
5. Traumatic experiences with parents, loved ones, and/or others;
6. Experiences that result in unhealthy and/or chronic levels of fear;
7. Both electromagnetic energy (i.e., light) and soundwaves,” and;
8. Environmental factors.
For each of the eight triggers listed above, the epigenetic roots are further discussed through scientific studies detailed here. Part II and Part III of this blog series also contain further such studies.

Biological Mystery #10

Epigenetic Changes Heritable to The Third and Fourth Generation

Epigenetics is defined as “the study of changes in gene function that are mitotically and/or meiotically heritable and that do not entail a change in the DNA sequence [i.e., the hardware of the DNA—SML].”[58] The epigenetic mechanism is analogous to the software that tells a computer what to do. It invokes functional change via chemical tags called methyl groups working with histones. The operating result will turn a gene’s production (expression) of proteins on or off. Genes altered by epigenetic methylation can be passed on to succeeding generations—up to the third or fourth generation[59][60] (cf., Ex 20:5, 34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9).
Bible Says: Sins of the Father to the Third & Fourth Generation
Science has shown that genetic function is altered by epigenetic markers, such as methyl and ethyl tags, that attach to the histones or individual genes. Furthermore, these modifications can be passed on to succeeding generations—up to the third or fourth generation (cf., Ex 20:5, 34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9). Here a few (of a continually growing number) of studies showing that Scripture is the most advanced biological science book ever written.
Heritable Phenotype Changes to Mice from Diet
Randy L. Jirtle was interviewed on PBS Nova ScienceNOW [61] concerning a study he and Robert Waterland undertook at Duke University.[62] In the study, mice were given foods with extra folic acid, vitamin B12, choline, and betaine. As a result, methyl tags were attached to the Agouti gene. This epigenetic tag caused the mice to become fat and their coats to change from brown to yellow.
In the interview, Jirtle told Neil Degrasse Tyson, when the epigenome was not altered in order to “fix” the agouti problem, the female obese mouse would produce succeeding generations of offspring with the same problem. When altering the diet, the problem was fixed and the succeeding generations returned to the brown coat and normal weight. According to Jirtle, we are what we ate, our parents ate, and even our grandparents ate.[63]
Studying the Mechanism of Sperm DNA Damage on Offspring
In a study titled, “Studying the mechanism of sperm DNA damage caused by folate deficiency,” data is presented supporting the transgenerational effects of the diet on the epigenome and, thus, on succeeding generations.[64]
Effects of Diet on the Human Body
Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, a UCLA professor of Neurosurgery and Physiological Sciences, analyzed over one-hundred-sixty studies (number based on cited studies in his paper) relating to the effects of diet on the human body. Following are only a few of the conclusions he wrote about in Nature Review Neuroscience. What we eat and drink will positively or negatively affect the likelihood of experiencing depression, mood disorders, dyslexia, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, dementia, brain function, and changes in the genetic expression of certain proteins that affect the brain’s cognitive and metabolic regulation. Similar to the previous study, he also referred to many studies that support the claim that what we eat today will most likely produce effects on the physical and mental health of our descendants. He further concludes what we eat will affect the brain function of our grandchildren. [65]
A Swedish study
A long-term study of 300 Dutch families showed the risk of diabetes and/or premature death was greater or lesser depending upon the food availability, or lack thereof, existing at the time their paternal grandparents were in childbearing years.[66]
Epigenetics of Holocaust Survivors
According to study author Natan Kellermann,
The Holocaust left its visible and invisible marks not only on the survivors, but also on their children. Instead of numbers tattooed on their forearms, however, they may have been marked epigenetically with a chemical coating upon their chromosomes, which would represent a kind of biological memory of what the parents experienced. as a result, some suffer from a general vulnerability to stress while others are more resilient. Previous research assumed that such transmission was caused by environmental factors, such as the parents' childrearing behavior. New research, however, indicates that these transgenerational effects may have been also (epi) genetically transmitted to their children.[67]

Biological Mystery #11

The Epigenome Reprograms Genetic Function Based on Morality

Scripture is not silent about the negative physical consequences of sin and the positive physical consequences of virtue. Examples of adverse effects are:
·   “For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died [SML]” (1 Cor 11:29-30). It sounds like some serious physical consequences for the sin of unworthily receiving our Lord in the Eucharist.
·   “For thy arrows have sunk into me, and thy hand has come down on me. There is no soundness in my flesh [SML] because of thy indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin” (Ps 38:2-3).
Now, look at some passages indicating the positive physical effects of obeying God’s laws. We read:
·   “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and abundant welfare will they give you” (Prov 3:1-2);
·   “Be not wise [prideful] in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones” (Prov 3:7-8).

The following would directly result from triggering the environmental and behavioral epigenetic mechanism. Thus, following God’s laws will affect us spiritually and physically—right down to the molecular level. Not following God’s laws will have the opposite effects (see below for a small sampling of these types of studies).
Let’s look at some examples from within scientific literature of the positive consequences indirectly referred to in the last two Scripture passages:
·   According to Dr. Herbert Benson, many physical ailments are linked to stress, heart attacks, severe headaches, back problems, and depression, to name a few. Therefore, methods employed to induce relaxation help to counteract stress and its resultant physical dysfunction. He cites reciting the rosary as a perfect way to accomplish this goal.[68]
·   According to recent research, forgiveness is a virtue that leads to very positive physical consequences. For example, becoming a forgiving person can lead to: A) a drop in the production of the stress hormone cortisol; B) a strengthening of the immune system; C) a reduction of back and stomach problems; and D) a reduction in the hormones that contribute to anger, depression, and many other negative emotions.[69]
Scripture recommends fasting (e.g., Judges 20:26, 1 Sam. 7:6, 2 Sam. 1:12, Is. 58:6). According to the American Heart Association, approximately 33% of adult Americans suffer from some heart-related disease. A study by Benjamin Horne at the Intermountain Medical Center in Utah discovered that people who fasted (abstained from all food for around 24 hours) regularly were 39% less likely to suffer from heart-related health problems. Researchers looked at the health records of approximately five thousand patients who had undergone x-ray examinations to detect the presence or absence of coronary artery disease. They found those who fasted regularly, whether for religious reasons (e.g., Mormons) or not (e.g., for health-conscious reasons), seemed to receive some heart-protective benefit.[70]

Biological Mystery #12

Biologically Generated Electromagnetic Energy (Light) Significantly Impacts Cell Function

St. Hildegard of Bingen (a Doctor of the Church) writes about the heart, “The [spiritual] heart [which overflows to the soul and thus the biological heart as member of the body according to St. Paul (Rom 12:4-5)] is the life and structure of our entire organism. It contains the whole body. Within it, our thoughts are arranged, and our will [one of the upper powers of the spirit within the spiritual soul—SML] is brought to maturity.”[71] The significance of this quote will become much more apparent as we discuss the science of the heart. First, we will discuss the properties of light electromagnetic energy.
The biological information conveyed through biologically generated light is critical to self-organizing molecular systems trying to pull themselves up from disorder.[72]Wherever there is an electrical current, there is, as a direct result, generated photons of light (EMR). The heart is the most powerful electromagnetic energy generator in the human body.[73][74] This energy field not only envelops every cell in the human body, but the magnetic field extends outward several feet or more in all directions from the body.[75][76] The electromagnetic field produced by the heart is five–thousand times stronger than the brain’s EM field. The heart's magnetic field can be detected at approximately three feet away using a Magnetometer. By comparison, the brain’s magnetic field can only be detected up to about three inches away.[77][78]
According to biophysicist Werner R. Loewenstein, the transition of a real photon into a virtual photon is the “bridge” between non-biological and biological organizations in the cosmos.[79] This electromagnetic force, i.e., light, governs the atomic actions within our body and the chemical bonding that produces them.[80] The information in these photons goes into the making of our DNA, our RNA, and all of the proteins produced by them.[81][82]
More detailed information on this topic can be found here and here.

Biological Mystery #13

Jesus Shows Us That the Human Heart Produces a Profound Impact on the Body and Spiritual Soul

Below are just a few of the biological phenomenon that distinguishes the heart from every other organ in the body. Each could easily qualify as an additive to the thirty-four Mysteries, but I will lump many of them into a single Mystery.
They are:
A). Through the vagus nerve (see BioMystery#16), the heart sends more information to the brain than it receives, indicating the heart, in many (if not most) instances, is informing the brain what to think and accomplish;
B). The heart possesses its own little brain, for lack of a better word, which is independent of the cranial brain[83] containing approximately 14,000 neurons.[84]
C). The heart materially affects the epigenome, including the stem cells within the ribs;
D). One of the means by which the heart communicates to the entire body is through pulse waves generated by the beating heart. It transmits hormonal information to the brain,[85] and;
E). The heart has been classified as an endocrine gland. It produces its own hormones.[86] Considering that the heart sends (via the vagus nerve) more information to the brain than it receives, it seems the heart is actually telling the brain how to react emotionally.
St. Hildegard of Bingen (a Doctor of the Church) writes about the human heart:
The [biological] heart is the life and structure of our entire organism. It contains the whole body. Within it, our thoughts are arranged, and our will [one of the upper powers of the spirit within the spiritual soul—SML] is brought to maturity.[87]
When we read The Economy of Grace Within Rational/Spiritual Man above, we can’t help but know that the inner heart produces a profound effect on the soul, which produces an equal effect on the body. Scripture tells us:
1). John wrote:
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (Jn 7:37-39).
2). In Proverbs, we read: “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov 4:23).
3). “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34).
4). Mark writes: “For it is from within, from the human heart, that evil intentions come: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, folly” (Mk 7:21-22). Remember, the Language of the Body will, and must, change to accurately reflect the overflow of the human spirit.
The science that backs up the above can be found here and here. In addition to the above, the testimony gained by examining the influence of Divine Light on the physical human heart can be found here.

Biological Mystery #14

The Science Behind Our Being Salt and Light

When Jesus tells us we are salt and light (e.g., Mt. 5:13- 16), he refers to more than spiritual light. He also refers to material light we generate from within our “clay jars” and radiate out to others via Gratuitous grace, which others receive as Actual external grace.[88][89] Our human bodies are made to radiate/mediate the Light of God’s Glory—spiritual soul and body.
The Transfiguration (Salt and Light par excellence) reveals Jesus’ glory. Combined with the above, we will also radiate God’s Glory upon our Resurrection. The Scripture account of the Transfiguration (Mt 17:1, Mk 9:2, Lk 9:28) tells us that his clothes radiated dazzling light. Were his clothes being glorified? Certainly not. Yet, they radiated the light of the Son of God’s Glory.
Dr. Mike Aquilina writes:
This revelation arrived as something more than mere “information.” The experience of the Trinitarian God was decidedly new. The eternal Word had “pitched his tent” among His people; that’s the literal meaning of the Greek in John 1:14. And, as if that were not close enough, He promised that they would share His life in a still deeper way. He would “abide” in them, and they would abide in Him (15:4-10). They would be “filled” with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; 4:8; 6:3; 6:5; 7:55; 13:52).[90]
Other aspects of our being salt and light can be explored mystically. These mystical experiences support the premise of this particular biological mystery but can’t necessarily be verified through the scientific method. Nevertheless, I will elaborate a little bit about them.
Was light generated from Adam’s body while still in the Garden of Eden? It is an indisputable scientific fact that our bodies generate coherent light in multiple wavelengths. Much of it is in the invisible to ultra-weak wavelength range. That is true for both post- and pre-fallen man. However, would the same radiation intensity level (or lack thereof) exist for man in the state of Original Justice versus in the fallen state? Let us see what the mystics have to say about this.
1). “When God created Adam, divine radiance surrounded the clay substance of which he was formed;”[91]
2). “Before Adam and Eve had transgressed against the divine commandment, they had been shining with splendor like the sun, and that light formed their clothing. After the transgression against the divine commandment, they were no longer shining like they had been before. ... It [creation] too lost its equilibrium and fell into unrest;”[92]
3). “Although his person [Adam] was more like to flesh than to spirit, yet he was dazzlingly white;[93][94] and,
4). “[Adam and Eve] were like two unspeakably noble and beautiful children, perfectly luminous, and clothed with beams of light as with a veil. From Adam’s mouth I saw issuing a broad stream of glittering light, and upon his forehead an expression of great majesty. Around his mouth played a sunbeam, but there was none around Eve’s. I saw Adam’s heart very much the same as in the men of the present day, but his breast was surrounded by rays of light [emphasis SML]. In the middle of his heart, I saw a sparkling halo of glory. In it was a tiny figure as if holding something in its hand. I think it symbolized the Third Person [the Holy Spirit] of the Godhead.”[95][96]
It is worth noting that Adam and Eve had not yet sinned. Consequently, the Holy Spirit dwelled fully within their spiritual soul. Another example involves Jesus. Before his death and Resurrection, there are two instances we are aware of where Jesus’ Glory was mediated through his humanity.
The first is his Transfiguration. The second was his birth. Remember, God tells us that no man can see Him face-to-face and live (Ex 33:20). Moses was required to view God’s Glory from His Backside, which, according to Augustine, was the Incarnate Jesus.[97] St. Augustine goes so far as to identify this as a common interpretation. This phenomenon indicates that God’s Glory was being mediated/buffered by his Humanity.
The second is the Nativity of Jesus. Unfortunately, in movies, virtually every depiction of the Nativity of Jesus, i.e., his human birth, is portrayed in the same manner as it occurs in every other delivery in which the person born is the offspring of a fallen/disordered rational human being. Seeing this inaccurate portrayal of the historical reality of the Messiah’s birth pains me.
The birth of Jesus informs us of the body’s ability to manifest/mediate the Glory of God—a purpose for which God specifically designed the body. In other words, the Glory of God is part of St. John Paul II’s Language of the Body. St. Bridget of Sweden (among others) was granted a vision of the Nativity. Remember, Jesus was fully human and, at birth, possessed a mortal body in which the fullness of the Holy Spirit dwelled. What does the Church say about the Divine birth of Jesus Christ?
In the Catechism of the Council of Trent, we read:
As the rays of the sun penetrate, without breaking, or injuring in the least, the solid substance of glass; after a similar, I say, but more exalted manner, did Jesus Christ come forth from his mother’s womb, without any injury to her maternal virginity, which, immaculate and perpetual, we celebrate with most just praises. This was the work of the Holy Ghost, who, in the conception and birth of the Son, so favoured the Virgin Mother, as to impart to her fecundity, and yet preserve her perpetual virginity.[98]
St. Bridget writes:
And while she thus stood in prayer, I beheld her Child move in her womb, and at once in a moment, and in the twinkling of an eye, she brought forth her Son, from whom such ineffable light and splendor radiated, that the sun could not be compared to it; nor did the torch which the old man had set, in any manner give light, because that divine splendor had totally annihilated the material splendor of the torch …. I immediately beheld that glorious Babe lying naked and most pure on the ground, His flesh most clean from all filth or impurity.”[99][100][101]
Similarly, during a vision of the Nativity received by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, God informed her that all mankind, before the fall, were intended to be born the same way Jesus was born in Bethlehem.[102][103]
Here is a clue that helps inform us of the reality of the human body mediating God’s Glory. It’s a philosophical axiom that the spiritual soul is the substantial form of the body. That is why Jesus, who existed in the state of Original Justice while on earth, was nevertheless able to suffer, feel pain, be hungry, experience cold, and die. These sufferings, generally associated with the fall, occurred in Jesus because his human spiritual soul willed that his mortal body would experience all the consequences of a fallen nature without having fallen/sinned. That’s what Scripture meant when it tells us that Jesus became sin (2 Cor 5:21).
Continuing our point, just as Jesus willed his body to become sin, he could, and did, also will his body to mediate—or not mediate—the manifestation of His Glory. Jesus’ human body did mediate His Glory (as evidenced by his Transfiguration and His Nativity), but he hid it after a short time.
The human body generates and emits electromagnetic fields in various frequencies, including microwave and optical[105] (although too weak to be seen by the naked eye). German physicist Fritz–Albert Popp discovered that the ultra-weak light emitted from the living organism is so coherent in the UV to red electromagnetic wave spectrum that human beings behave like a laser, but with a few significant differences.
These differences are:[104]
1) the radiation intensity from the living organism is several orders of magnitude weaker than a laser;
2) the degree of coherence of the radiation in the living organism is many orders higher than a technical laser; and
3) the radiation from the living organism is coherent over a range of wavelengths (polychromatic), while a laser is coherent in only one wavelength (monochromatic).
For a much more thorough explanation of the science behind our being salt and light, see #33 below.

Biological Mystery #15

The Science of the Overflow of the Spiritual Heart

At least three passages in Scripture tell us about the overflow of the spiritual heart, which is then expressed via the biological human heart. They are:
1). Psalm 73:6-8: “Therefore pride is their necklace; violence covers them as a garment. Their eyes swell out with fatness, their hearts overflow with follies. They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threaten oppression.”
2). Matthew 12:34: “You brood of vipers! how can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
3). Luke 6:45: “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Here are more passages that deal with the heart’s treasure:
Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Matthew 12:35: “The good man out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.”
Luke 6:45: “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Luke 12:34: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
One cannot fully understand or appreciate the deeper meaning of these passages without also understanding the spiritual soul, which separates us from animals. Animals do not have spiritual souls. They have souls that are not subsistent, i.i., when the body dies, the sensitive vegetative soul dies as well.
Whatever your spirit heart treasures, that is what it wants to possess or unite with, depending on whether your love is self-centered or other-centered. If what the heart wants is God, then Spirit-induced holy desire will lead it to unite with that of God, who is both Truth and Love. Your choice of treasure will cause the spiritual heart to overflow through the mouth, doing so in the Language of the Body.
As St. John Paul II tells us, the Language of the Body will include either a heart of stone or a heart of flesh. The following link will lead to the testimony of some saints whose experiences with the Holy Spirit demonstrate the physical impact of Divine Light on the physical human heart. These testimonies can be found here.

Biological Mystery #16

The Human Heart: The Largest Generator of Material Light in the Body

Some consider the mind the essential organ of the human body (the word brain gets zero mentions in Scripture). And yet, “mind” only gets 273 mentions in Scripture. So there must be a perfect reason Jesus wanted devotion to his Sacred Heart but not, for example, his Sacred Brain. Interestingly, God IS love. The word love is mentioned approximately 700 times in Scripture. On the other hand, the heart is mentioned over 830 times, so it must be vital to the Holy Spirit. After all, the Upper Powers of the Spiritual Soul are where the Holy Spirit (Uncreated Divine Charity and Truth penetrated) dwells.
Important note: It is part of the Magisterium that the Sacred Heart of Jesus is interpreted as referring to his biological human heart.[106] According to the Catechism:
[Jesus] has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our salvation [Cf. Jn 19:34],” is quite rightly considered the chief sign and symbol of that … love with which the divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father and all human beings” without exception [Pius XII, encyclical, Haurietis aquas (1956): DS 3924; cf. DS 3812.].[107]
Since Jesus’ Sacred Heart is part of what the Communicant receives in the Eucharist, the question becomes: How powerful is the biological Sacred Heart in purifying the physical body of those who receive him in the Eucharist? The human heart is the largest generator of EME of any organ in the body; its electromagnetic field affects every cell in the body, resulting in greater or lesser order/coherence.
According to Christopher West, the body is a window into the human spiritual heart.[108] A distinction must be made between the spiritual and biological heart. The inner heart (i.e., the spirit within the human spiritual soul) overflows. The biological heart is a component (and a vital one at that) of the scriptural mouth through which the expression of that outward overflow is sent. The biological heart expresses the purity, or lack thereof, of the spiritual soul’s heart.
Before man sinned, no discord existed in the body; there was only perfect harmony/order. According to JP II, precisely this harmony of the systems within the body gives voice to the purity of the heart.[109]
St. Hildegard of Bingen (a Doctor of the Church) writes about the human heart:
The [biological] heart is the life and structure of our entire organism. It contains the whole body. Within it, our thoughts are arranged, and our will [one of the upper powers of the spirit within the spiritual soul—SML] is brought to maturity.”[110]
The heart communicates with the entire body through four means.[111] They are:
1.       Neurologically (using the nervous system);[112]
2.      Biochemically (e.g., hormones);
3.      Energetically (e.g., electromagnetic energy); and,
4.      Biophysically, e.g., pulse waves[113] and soundwaves[114].
Researchers have made some fascinating discoveries concerning the physical heart, together with research conducted by Drs. J. Andrew Armour and Jeffrey Ardell,[115] we learn that the heart possesses its own complex non-cranial brain (an unofficial term), complete with a network of neurons, proteins, neurotransmitters, and other components necessary to function as such. This heart-brain is self-organizing and processes information independently of the cranial brain. The heart, detecting the presence of hormones and other neurochemicals circulating in the bloodstream, transmits this information to the cranial brain, causing physiologically appropriate changes to the brain’s function.[116]
The pseudo-brain within the heart acts independently of the cranial brain—even to the point of learning, feeling, sensing, and remembering independently.[117] As a result of this research, we now have a more thorough understanding of how heart transplants are even possible. Usually, the brain communicates with the heart via nerve fibers that make up the vagus nerve, which runs through the spinal column, among other routes. After a heart transplant, the nerve connections don’t reconnect for a long time, if ever. The transplanted heart can function in the new host because of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system, the heart-brain.[118]
As was said earlier, it was previously believed that the brain controls everything within the body. The body was simply following orders. This and other research have shown that the heart more often tells the cranial brain how to function and perceive. Not many physicians are even aware of this phenomenon.[119] So, when someone tells you to stop thinking with your heart, one can now tell them that would be biologically impossible.
Here’s a short biology lesson. The vagus nerve extends from the brain to the heart (as well as to other parts of the body).[120] Of the approximately 200,000 fibers in the mid-cervical section of the right and left vagus nerve,[121] roughly ninety percent (180,000) are afferent (ascending the body), i.e., sending information to the brain; approximately ten percent (20,000) are efferent (descending the body), i.e., receiving information from the brain. No other part of the body has that high a ratio of afferent to efferent nerve fibers.[122]
It was only recently discovered that the heart produces and releases hormones.[123] Due to these discoveries, the heart was reclassified as an endocrine, aka hormonal, gland in 1983.[124] It produces hormones that, until recently, were only thought to be produced by the brain and the ganglia. Among others, it makes the hormones norepinephrine (a stress hormone), dopamine (a “reward” hormone that is associated with addictions), epinephrine,[125] and oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone involved with creating enduring pair bonding, i.e., biological/chemical (so-called) love (not to be confused with spiritual love), childbirth, complex sexual/maternal behaviors, and lactation, to name a very few.[126] It has also been discovered that the levels of oxytocin produced by the heart are about the same as is produced in the brain.[127]
Now, we begin to see why the heart is associated with the biological ecstasy of love and the painful heartbreak that occurs when our love is not reciprocated. We can easily experience what we inaccurately refer to as love when the flesh expresses chemicals in response to sensual input. These sensual inputs can lead to excessive desire and addictive lust for that which triggers a hormonal release.
The cardioelectromagnetic energy discussed above not only envelops every cell in the human body,[128] but the magnetic field generated extends outward several feet or more in all directions from the body.[129][130] The magnetic field produced by the heart is many times stronger than the field generated by the brain.[131] A magnetometer can detect the heart’s magnetic field at approximately three feet away. In contrast, the brain’s magnetic field can only be detected about three inches away.[132] The heart’s electrical field is 60 times greater in amplitude (think of the height of a wave on the ocean) than the brain’s.[133]
In the article linked below is some testimony concerning saints whose experiences with the Holy Spirit demonstrate the influence of Divine Light on the physical human heart. They can be found here.

Biological Mystery #17

Mary’s One-Flesh Relationship with Her Divine Son

The following is a fascinating fact about the physical bond between Jesus and Mary, especially the bond of the heart. This biological phenomenon has only recently been discovered. It may lead to profound theological insights into the depth of the bond between Jesus and his mother. Researchers at Arizona State University have shown that mothers retain some of their baby's functioning cells, even up to the time of their death, much later in life (70s and 80s).[134] This phenomenon is called fetal-maternal microchimerism. These cells transferred from son to mother can reside in the mother’s brain, heart (fetal cells function like stem cells and can differentiate into beating heart cells), bones, liver, lungs, other organs, and in the mother’s circulating blood.[135] Retained fetal cells integrate into the mother’s tissue; they divide, multiply, and proliferate.[136]
In other words, they remain living/functioning cells. Think about the theological ramifications of this biological phenomenon! Parts of the Incarnate Word of God did reside (and probably still reside) in Mary’s mortal and then glorified body. When we partake of the Eucharist, Jesus’ Real Presence within us is only temporary. In Mary, it is likely forever. The doctrine of concomitance informs us that Jesus’ body—even the tiniest part of it—can never be separated from the entire Jesus in his humanity and his Divinity. Could that doctrine be applicable in the circumstances surrounding fetal-maternal microchimerism?
Consider this: When we consume Jesus in the Eucharist, it is considered a nuptial union. A one-flesh union. The ultimate fulfillment of the Covenant of Salt between God and man. However, once the host begins to be digested, the Real Presence is no longer there. But in Mary’s case, the temporary nature of this phenomenon is not applicable. Jesus’ cells residing in Mary’s body are never digested. Jesus is one-flesh with her for all eternity. Do Jesus’ cells present in her body produce spiritual and functional biological changes, especially to her Immaculate Heart? Science would seem to suggest the answer is yes. In several scientific examinations conducted during the investigation of various Eucharistic miracles, the tissue from which the sacramental veil is lifted is shown to contain myocardial (heart muscle) cells. Muscle cells that were still pulsating. Still generating electromagnetic radiation. In other words, it could be said that Jesus and his Mother possessed two hearts beating as one.
Could this be one of the reasons she was taken into Heaven body and soul? According to the Catechism:
No part of Jesus’ body could ever be subject to cell death and decay. During Christ’s period in the tomb, his divine person continued to assume both his soul and his body, although they were separated from each other by death. For this reason the dead Christ’s body “saw no corruption” (Acts 13:37).[137]
In other words, Jesus, the Son of God, remained entirely in possession of His body even though temporarily separated from it. This possession would likely apply to His cells remaining within Mary’s body. What are the theological implications of that theological fact?
We know that all Sanctifying, Gratuitous, and Actual grace enters into creation and is communicated to man via the incarnate Jesus.[138] Could this be part of the mystery of Mary’s being the Mediatrix of all grace?[139] I do not have those answers, but trying to answer those questions sounds intriguing.
The Mystery of the Visitation is the second scriptural example of the nuptial, one-flesh relationship that helps us understand the Eucharist’s efficacy as a necessary prerequisite to sanctification. Luke writes:
And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the voice of your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy” (Lk 1:41-44).
I believe this passage details the first instance of Mary exercising her role as the Mediatrix of all grace.[140] Furthermore, when analyzed in light of STOSS, it helps us to understand the means (i.e., the how) by which this title is justified. It should be noted, however, that Mary could only be the Mediatrix because of her extraordinary and unique one-flesh union with the incarnate Son of God.[141]
The Assumption of Mary into heaven, both body and soul, is a Dogma of the Catholic Church. Jesus is the Primary efficient cause for anyone receiving the Holy Spirit—he is the one mediator (1 Tim. 2:5). Still, through Mary’s one-flesh union with Him (Jesus’ flesh is 100% Mary’s flesh), Mary became the efficient secondary cause. Efficient cause means a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific something occurs as a result; the producer of an effect.[142]
The Visitation is an example of her role as Mediatrix of all grace. At the time of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, Jesus had only been very recently conceived of the Holy Spirit. While his spiritual soul would have been complete, his body would not yet have been close to being sufficiently formed to vocalize any words. Yet, in Luke’s account, it can be determined that Mary’s voice clearly played an instrumental role in the communication of the Holy Spirit to Elizabeth and her baby (John the Baptist). Furthermore, in biological Mystery #25, science shows a remarkable correlation between the human heart and the voice. Biological Mysteries #26, #27, and #29 demonstrate the profound effect that Mary’s voice (through her one-flesh union with her Son, Jesus) had on intrauterine John.
Because of the power of the voice on a baby, we can surmise that there was a good reason why Zechariah (John’s father) had his voice taken away after his disbelief at what the angel had told him. Every human ever born has two sets of DNA. One set comes from the father, and one set from the mother. You could say that they have a 50/50 shared-flesh relationship with each of their parents. In all of human history, there are only two instances where there is a 100% sense-able and meta-sense-able one-flesh relationship, where there are two bodies, but only one version, so to speak, of DNA. The first is Adam and Eve; the second is Mary and her Son, Jesus.
The one-flesh relationship between Mary and her Son is the summit of all one-flesh relationships. The significance of this cannot be overstated! In JP II’s Letter to the Families, he clarifies his belief that, on a purely human level, there can be no more intimate communion between two people than between a mother and her biological child.[143] So, the union of Mary with her son exceeds even that of Adam and Eve. To avoid misunderstanding, it should be noted that identical twins have identical sets of DNA, but each is still a 50/50 shared flesh with their parents.

Biological Mystery #18

The Role of Spiritual Faith in the Science of Human Biology

In Scripture, faith is repeatedly identified as a necessary prelude for success when Jesus heals (healing is a Gratuitous Grace of a person by the power of the Holy Spirit (e.g., Mt. 8:13, 9:2, 15:28; Mk. 5:3; and Acts 3:16)). Science has now given evidence to the meta-sense-ably created energy the Spirit may choose to use to affect the success of that gift.
Before proceeding, I want to circumvent any potential theological misunderstanding. Faith is one of the three Theological Virtues (the other two being Charity and Hope). Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, citing Peter, tells us, “[God] made no distinction between us and [the Gentiles], but cleansed their hearts by faith” ([Acts] 15:5-11). “Faith cleanses the heart ... Faith comes about because men are touched deep within by God’s Spirit, who opens and purifies their hearts.”[144] The virtue of Faith, existing in the spiritual heart, can overflow, i.e., be sent out through the scriptural mouth. In the form of Gratuitous grace, it can also be inhaled into the spirit through the same scriptural mouth—the physical human body. The openness talked about later is a physical example of the theological virtue of Faith in the human spirit.
According to St. Catherine of Siena, all virtues are bound together, so if one is present, the others are as well, though one virtue may be given as a source of the other virtues.[145] Archbishop Luis Martinez tells us: When the Holy Spirit gives Himself, the first gift received is charity.[146] Why? Charity is the created image of uncreated Love, i.e., the Holy Spirit.[147]
With Faith and Charity in the heart, what does the Holy Spirit want to accomplish? He wants to reproduce Jesus in us. How? By giving us the means to achieve a one-flesh union with Jesus. That which overflows from the spirit (our spiritual heart in which dwells the Holy Spirit) is a holy desire for union with Jesus and the openness to the power of the Holy Spirit. Through the Sacrament of the Eucharist, that union happens.
As has been said, the overflow of the spiritual heart flows out through the scriptural mouth, especially the human hearta member of the body/mouth. The scriptural mouth not only sends out the overflow of the spiritual heart but also takes/breathes what the spiritual heart desires. The human heart always desires to unite with what is beautiful/lovable. When the inner heart incarnates  Faith and Charity, the mouth opens wide to breathe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Actual and Sanctifying grace. Each is given to us solely through the body, blood, soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, wholly present in the Eucharist. The following experiment reaffirms what the heart truly desires to possess; the mouth/body will open wide to take it in.
In Biological Mysteries 27, 33, and 31, we show the scientific evidence demonstrating that the state of coherence or incoherence of one person’s heart can directly impact another person’s salt of DNA, particularly of the heart. The change can include, but is not limited to, the structure and functioning of their genes and the state of the electromagnetic field in and around their cells, which, in turn, significantly affect the human organism, including the blood (Gen 9:4; Lev 17:11-14; Deut 12:23; Jn 6:53-54).
Faith is one of three Theological Virtues. According to St. Hildegard, virtues work through the body and soul together;[148] “all virtues are a divine quality that … fully incarnates itself [SML].”[149] What does this mean? It means that as the heart is purified, so is the body.
The Upper Powers of the spiritual soul (where the Holy Spirit dwells) are not fenced off from the Lower Powers (which control the body). Why is this necessary? As the mouth for the overflow of the spiritual heart, the body must accurately express (both sense-ably and meta-sense-ably) virtuous acts that will bear good fruit. West tells us the body expresses the experiences of the heart.[150] As St. John Paul II tells us, the spirit expresses itself in the Language of the Body — using the instrumentality of the body. It is in this context that the following science must be understood.
Before moving on, we must first explain what is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). This diagnostic tool measures “the oscillation in the interval between consecutive heartbeats and the oscillations between consecutive instantaneous heart rates. “Heart rate variability” has become the conventionally accepted term to describe variations of both instantaneous heart rate and RR intervals.[151]
The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two autonomic nervous system (ANS) branches—the part of the nervous system that regulates most of the body’s internal functions.
The sympathetic nerves accelerate heart rate, while the parasympathetic (vagus) nerves slow it down. The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS continually interact to maintain cardiovascular activity in its optimal range and to permit appropriate reactions to changing external and internal conditions. Therefore, The HRV analysis serves as a dynamic window into the function and balance of the autonomic nervous system.
HRV measurement is a powerful factor in identifying the existence of feelings and emotions through the heart’s changing rhythm. Research has shown that generating sustained positive emotions facilitates a body-wide shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state. This state is termed psychophysiological coherence.[152][153][154]
Remember what Pope St. John Paul II wrote:
The body speaks not merely with the whole external expression of masculinity and femininity, but also with the internal structures of the organism, of the somatic [the entire body and its aggregate parts] and psychosomatic [relating to the mind/mental] reaction.[155]
A study was conducted to answer the question: could a group of people trained in achieving higher and more stable HRV rates facilitate higher HRV levels in untrained subjects?[156] The study did not address the holy desire issue. However, faith (the openness to the efforts and intentions of the “senders”) was shown to be a factor that produced statistically significant (p = <0.05) results. Recall that the heart produces the largest electromagnetic (quantum) field of any other body part, including the brain. Furthermore, the level of physiological coherence of the heart energy in one person can produce a coherent energy field that extends out from the heart and impacts the electromagnetic field and heart-energy coherence of target specimens of the salt of DNA.
In this experiment, the target specimen is a person. In this study, fifteen school teachers and administrators from the International School of Singapore were trained over eight weeks to achieve higher levels of HRVC. In addition, another fifteen educators served as non-trained subjects, and ten other volunteers. In a series of 148 ten-minute trials using six different trial protocols, three trained participants (senders) would pair up with one untrained subject (receiver). The results of the tests revealed a statistically significant relationship between participants who felt comfortable with each other and were, therefore, more open to the sender’s efforts, which produced a greater level of positive inter-group achievement of HRVC.
This openness was also linked to a higher degree of heart rhythm synchronization among the group members who were comfortable with each other. Conversely, receivers who did not experience a degree of openness for their senders did not experience higher HRVC or heart rhythm synchronization. As the researchers discovered, the mental and emotional states of the receivers had a direct and significant impact on their psychophysiological “receptivity” to the senders and thus impacted the results of the tests.
The researchers state in their report that the sender-receiver “circuit” is a two-way channel that can be enhanced or retarded by either end of the circuit. This result surprised the researchers since they had assumed that communication could be productive without the consent or participation of the receiving party.[157]
To summarize, the study showed that openness and receptivity to a “sender” of coherent electromagnetic energy would lead to a proportionately more significant and efficacious impact on the person to whom it was targeted.
I see no reason why this principle of proportionality would not also apply to our relationship with Jesus, who is truly present in the Eucharist and wants to “target” us with his efficacious Love. Reception of the Eucharist by those absent of holy desire and faith should expect little or no benefit. On the contrary, as St. Paul tells us, they should instead expect harm, sickness, or maybe even death (1 Cor. 11:29).
When one sees pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, one may notice flames coming from his heart; those flames symbolize the Holy Spirit—Holy Desire, Divine Charity. Recall Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles (Acts 2:1-4). He took the form of fiery tongues, inflaming the Apostles' hearts. The fire represents the radiating Holy Desire of the Holy Spirit, bringing all truth and recalling to their minds all the Truth that Jesus had taught them (Jn. 14:25-26). The tongues represented the Holy Fire of Truth that must be radiated outward—must be expressed. Absent breathing in and out, we would quickly die. This breathing in and out is an oft-used description of the action of the Holy Spirit.[158]
Jesus tells us that he came to set the world on fire (Lk 12:49-56). The Holy Spirit is the oxygen (the Breath) without which a fire cannot burn. The person in whom the Breath dwells is on fire to breathe out the Breath (the Truth known and Loved) and then breathe in the Breath—the Holy Desire for union with that known Truth (cf. Lk 24:32, 3:16).

Biological Mystery #19

Can the Human Rib in Genesis Naturally Re-Generates Itself

In Genesis 2:22, we are informed that God took one of Adam’s ribs, and from it, He formed Eve. I believe the literal and literalistic interpretations of this passage are virtually the same, both describe a historical event. This shared understanding between religious and scientific interpretations is a fascinating point of enlightenment and information.
The answer to the question posed in this section’s title has been experimentally shown, under specific circumstances, to be yes. Mammalian long bones, such as the rib, are not capable of naturally regenerating a significant portion of a bone that is missing. However, it is important to further frame the word natural. Are we referring to Adam and Eve powers prior to the fall—or after the fall? Either would produce a significant impact on the biology behind the event. A fuller treatment of that and other questions answered in “Did God Replace the Rib He Took from Adam?
By studying creatures such as salamanders, flatworms, etc., scientists have discovered the biological components necessary to accomplish regeneration. In the article linked above, we learn of five biological potentialities that can induce full regeneration. In brief, those essential biological potentialities are 1) The presence of a DC electrical current, 2) Proper innervation by branches of the Central Nervous System, 3) Sufficient presence of epidermal tissue, 4) Negative polarity at the distal end of the remaining bone, and 5) Presence of intrinsic electromagnetic energy.
Some argue that modern man does not lack the full number of ribs, thus suggesting that the Scripture account of Eve’s creation from Adam’s rib is either a fable or merely a symbolic representation. However, a scientific understanding of rib regeneration can shed light on both the literal and literalistic meanings of Eve’s creation, revealing a potential intersection between scientific and religious interpretations.
While all bones can repair themselves, Dr. Georgia Purdom believes that ribs are the only ones that can naturally regenerate themselves.[159] I disagree. Purdom cites Page 64 of Keith L. Moore and Arthur F. Dalley’s book, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 4th edition for the belief. The topic dealt with on that page is known as supernumerary ribs. There are two subcategories of supernumerary ribs, cervical (0.5–1% of the population) and lumbar. The latter is less common than the cervical. Because this phenomenon is congenital and not true regeneration, it is not germane to the subject of regeneration. It is more properly classified as a morphological consideration and, therefore, not truly relative to our discussion of Adam’s rib.
In Genesis, God removed a rib, which thus needed to be regenerated in order to return Adam to his original state of biological perfection—that state God characterized as “very good.” Part of the ribs’ functions is to protect the biological heart and the lungs from potentially fatal injury. By not replacing the missing rib, Adam’s body would cease to function as God originally designed it. Thus, creation would have ceased to be very good.
I would say that the contents of this mystery, #20 below, and #21 provide insight as to the prominence of the rib in Genesis.

Section above Updated 09/19/2024

Biological Mystery #20

More About Adam’s Rib: Bones Are Some of the Most Dynamic Organs in the Body

Bones, in general, are some of the most dynamic organs in the body.[160] They constantly change to help the body.[161]
The perfect design of the rib cage is such that all the ribs need to be present to accomplish three jobs. First, protect the lungs by forming a sort of cage. Second, they continue making red bone marrow and red blood cells. Third, they act as handles through which muscle expansion and contraction allow the lungs to expand and contract proportionately.
In 2 Kings, it reads:
So Eli′sha died, and they buried him. Now bands of Moabites used to invade the land in the spring of the year. And as a man was being buried, lo, a marauding band was seen and the man was cast into the grave of Eli′sha; and as soon as the [dead] man touched the bones of Eli′sha, he revived, and stood on his feet (2 Kgs 13:20-21).
Remember, Elisha was dead. His spiritual soul had long ago left his body. Since only Elisha’s bones were present in the grave, we can conclude his death occurred a considerable time before the events described in this Scripture passage. The dead man dumped in Elisha’s grave came back to life only after touching Elisha’s bones.
The spiritual souls of the dead man that was dumped into the grave and Elisha were not present. Consequently, faith played no part in this miracle. Instead, the Holy Spirit’s power was given using Elisha’s salt of DNA as an instrument. I would venture to say that the presence of bone marrow played a role in the instrumentality of Elisha’s bones in the resurrection of the dead man.

Biological Mystery #21

More About Adam’s Rib; Ribs Continually Produce Blood Cells

Ribs are one of the very few bones that continue to make red marrow, which means the rib continues to make blood cells in adults (Adam, incidentally, was formed as an adult). Why is this fact important? Remember what it says in Scripture. Our life is in the blood (cf. Gen. 9:4; Lev 17:11-14; Deut. 12:23).
Leviticus tells us, “For the life of flesh is its blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for its blood shall make atonement for the soul” (Lev. 17:11). Can you begin to see that the rib is both a reality and a symbol of life in Scripture.
According to JP II’s thoughts, the word sleep in this passage could very well have been a state of ecstasy.[162] The Hebrew word for Adam’s sleep is tardemah. The Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures) translates the word into ekstasis (ecstasy).[163] Theologian Francois-Xavier Durrwell tells us that the Holy Spirit is the ecstasy of the Father and the Son.[164] This is very significant. The Holy Spirit is the ecstasy of God; the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart.
Take note of the location of the rib taken from Adam. The woman was taken out of man—more precisely, man’s stem cells. These stem cells were bathed in electromagnetic radiation generated by a heart in ecstasy due to the special indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who is Divine Light and Divine Charity. Remember, this was before the fall. So, Adam was already in a state of perfect goodness and coherence/order,[165] even before his ecstasy.
Remember that spiritual light directs what stem cells become, how they function, and their functional coherence. Contrary to old and traditionally held beliefs, research is beginning to dispel the idea that hormones are the primary cause for the triggering of cell division (mitosis) in growing embryos.[166] Instead, research suggests it is signaling coming from light in the UV spectrum originating from within the cell itself, termed mitogenic radiation (MGR).[167] Research indicates that MGR-accompanied enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions[168], providing active oxygen and structured water were present.[169]
In other words, hormones are involved, but they are reacting to information that comes from photons of light which were produced in part by the presence of structured biological water molecules.[170] Most importantly, Spiritual Light coming from the Spiritual Soul gives organizational instructions to the cells that form the body.
God breathed the Breath of life into the fertilized egg, and it began to grow and multiply as a man created in the image and likeness of God. The Spiritual Soul is the substantial form of the rational human body. The spiritual light of the soul tells cells when to divide and what type of cell to become, doing so in sense-able and meta-sense-able the Language of the Body. For your information, electromagnetic radiation, soundwaves, vibrations of cell fibers, and protons in motion are all examples of components comprising the Language of the Body.
While I don’t know the particulars (I doubt anybody can), I have no doubt that stem cells exposed, directly or indirectly, to the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit would result in the woman’s creation such that she possesses the image of the appropriations of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, evidence presented by some saints proves that the Divine Light of the Holy Spirit produces profound physical effects on the human heart.
Does the heart inform the brain how to act (we’ve recently shown it does)? In that case, it is logical to conclude that a woman created from stem cells radically exposed to a beating heart would be built to think and act very much different than a man, especially in matters of the heart. In the event of Adam’s creation, there was no other human heart to exert the extraordinary influence that Eve experienced.
Furthermore, the rib plays a role in understanding that women are made to be an image of the appropriations of the Holy Spirit in the family.

Biological Mystery #22

More About Adam’s Rib; The Rib is a Prolific Producers of Stem Cells

The rib is one of the most prolific producers of stem cells, which would be necessary if, as revealed in Genesis, God intended to make from Adam’s body (Adam declared Eve to be bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh) a fully developed female body. Therefore, God also knew about and revealed to us, in an applied science way, the science of stem cells.[171] Stem cells are cells capable of differentiating, i.e., becoming other types of cells. For example, a stem cell can become (turn into) a brain cell, a nerve cell, a heart cell, and so on.

Biological Mystery #23

More About Adam’s Rib; The Rib is Rich in Unipotent, Multipotent, and Pluripotent Stem Cells

In the Genesis account of Eve’s creation, the genetic material from Adam’s rib is directly pointed to as the means through which Eve could be created. In turn, it directly points to stem cell therapies.
The rib is rich in unipotent, multipotent, and pluripotent stem cells[172][173] Of the three types of stem cells, only the pluripotent cells can differentiate into every cell type necessary to make a complete human body.[174] God revealed the science behind stem cells and the various types of stem cells.

Biological Mystery #24

God Shows Us the Science Behind Surgery

In the creation account of Eve, God showed us the science behind medical surgery. In Genesis, God tells us, “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh” (Gen 2:21-22).
Research authors Michele and Francesco Callea marveled at the analogy between sleep and anesthesia (as would be necessary for bone marrow transplant) and that the origin of the two humans involved in this episode (Adam and Eve) is not comparable. Furthermore, they admit to the aims I am attempting to illustrate here relative to Genesis. Many scientific discoveries in modern-day biology have already been hidden in Scripture for over three thousand years—beginning with the Genesis account of Adam and Eve.[175]

Biological Mystery #25

The Science of the Voice and Heart in Scripture

In Scripture, the voice conveys the overflow of the heart. The biological heart responds to the inner heart of the spiritual soul. The visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth is just one of many examples in Scripture. Be it lust, sorrow, joy, anger, worldly desires, etc., the voice betrays those feelings. The scientific link between the human heart and the voice in the Bible is profound. Here are only a few passages showing the scriptural significance of the human voice: Bar 2:21-29; Eccl 5:6, 6:5, 34:24-26; 1 Sam 8:22; Josh 10:14; and Gen 21:16, 27:38, 39:14.
The voice and the heart directly connect via the vagus nerve, which affects the sense-able and meta-sense-able expression sent out to others via the Language of the Body. Therefore, it is not a coincidence that the vagus nerve was one of the tissues present when examined by scientists investigating the Eucharistic miracle at Lanciano.
The heart sends and receives messages to/from the brain via the vagus nerve. It is important to recall that roughly 90% of the nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are dedicated to sending messages originating in the heart-brain and going to the cranial brain and other destinations. One of those other destinations is the voice box (the larynx).[176]
The heart sends information that directly impacts the physiological coherence of the brain[177], as well as other parts of the body, via the vagus nerve. A nerve is a cell that sends electrochemical signals (electrical signals within the cell and chemical signals between cells). If electrons are flowing (i.e., generating electrical current), then electromagnetic energy (light) is generated. The vagus nerve going through the myocardium of the heart would have been bathed in the heart's electromagnetic field. One of the branches of the vagus nerve (i.e., the recurrent (inferior) laryngeal nerve) innervates (supplies motor function and sensation) to the larynx (in general) and the vocal cords (in particular) and ends there.[178]
Positive or negative emotions significantly impact the messaging of signals the vagus nerve conducts to the cranial brain and the voice box. In turn, these signals would affect the harmony and coherence of all the muscles (including the vocal cords) innervated by the vagus nerve.[179] Doctors have discovered that by placing a pacemaker-type device in the chest and wrapping the wires around the vagus nerve in the neck area, 40% of the patients in a pilot study experienced relief from chronic depression (usually an emotion triggered by abnormal brain chemical expression). However, researchers are not yet aware of why this treatment is successful.[180]
A research team at UC Berkeley has been increasingly focusing on the relationship between the vagus nerve and the hormone oxytocin (the love, bonding hormone). They believe the vagus nerve and oxytocin play a relational role in communicating and calming.[181] So powerful is this nerve-hormone system’s ability to communicate, one person's emotions can be transmitted to another (and correctly interpreted) through no other sense-based means except touch.
In most cases, according to Berkeley researchers, subjects could convey emotions to another person only by touching them through a hole in a barrier that prevented any other type of sense-based communication. However, when researchers monitored the portion of the brain associated with threat response, they found that a sympathetic touch by a stranger, occurring through this hole, would trigger a vagus nerve response on the part of those females who had become anxious while waiting to be tested. Consequently, oxytocin was released, and the subjects immediately became calm.[182] Again, we see there is more to the vagus nerve than meets the eye—or the voice.
Dr. Jean Abitbol has spent his entire professional career researching the voice and the mechanisms that produce it. Listed below is some of the exciting information he has acquired:
1) The vagus (aka pneumogastric) nerve alone creates the voice and the emotions it conveys;[183]
2) “Our voice betrays our deepest feelings and our inner self;”[184]
3) The voice is “the imprint of the breath of life [sic];”[185]
4) The sounds received by the auditory nerves of the ear are transmitted to the brain at a speed of 40 m/s. The vagus nerve sends instructions to the vocal cords at a rate of 100 m/s;[186] and,
5) The vagus nerve interacts with the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.[187]
All indications are that the overflow of the inner heart impacts the biological heart, directly affecting the “quality of the tone” of the bodys senseable language, of which the voice is part.

Biological Mystery #25-B

The Voice in Scripture

Can examining the meaning of voice in Scripture help clarify our understanding of Elizabeth’s words to Mary and the joy that both Elizabeth and her son experienced upon hearing Mary’s voice? I will let you be the judge. Let’s start by making some observations about Scripture and “voice.”
In the first century of the establishment of Christ’s Church, St. Clement of Rome, in his Epistle to the Corinthians, tells us the Holy Spirit is the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to us in Scripture.[188] The voice also brings the Father and the Son. Nineteenth-century priest and biblical scholar Jacques Forget tells us, “Both send Him [i.e., the Holy Spirit], but He is not separated from Them, for the Father and the Son come with Him when He descends into our [spiritual] souls (Jn 14:23).” David writes, “The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (Ps 29:3-4). In Scripture, the Holy Spirit is intimately linked to water. He is the force behind all manifestations of Divine power.[189] Let’s provide a couple of quick passages showing the relationship of the voice with power.
In the following article detailing how the Holy Spirit uses different aspects of the human body to achieve the incorruptibility of certain saints’ bodies, soundwaves are one of those instruments explained. The article can be found here.
In Scripture, the voice is how we know who is speaking. Furthermore, the voice of the Father is the Son in the Holy Spirit, and this voice imparts eternal life. Below are three examples of the link between the voice and life itself.
1). Christ went down into the depths of death so that “the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live” (Jn 5:25; cf. Mt 12:40; Rom 10:7; Eph 4:9). Jesus, “the Author of life,” by dying destroyed “him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and [delivered] all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage (Heb 2:14–15; cf. Acts 3:15.).”[190]
2). “The resurrection of all the dead, ‘of both the just and the unjust (Acts 24:15),’ will precede the Last Judgment. This will be ‘the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man’s] voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment (Jn 5:28–29.).’ ”[191]
3). “When [Jesus] had said this, he cried with a loud voice, ‘Laz′arus, come out’ ” (Jn 11:43).
For fallen man, Baptism of water and Spirit is how we gain access to eternal life. All resurrections from the dead (Jesus included) are accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit expressed through the voice of Jesus, who says:
Truly, truly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself, and has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice (Jn 5:25-28).
Through the voice of the Son, the dead arise through the power of that same Spirit. For a Sacrament to be valid, it must employ proper matter and form. The form consists of spoken words, i.e., words spoken utilizing the voice.
Jesus tells us the overflow of the heart flows out through the mouth (Mt. 12:34), to which the voice is integral. Therefore, the voice is part of sending out the hearts overflow. That being sent is either the Spirit of truth (light) or the darkness of lies. The heart is integral for sending out. That is why the mention of voice is frequently modified by an adjective (such as loud, soft, joyful, bitter, angry, etc.) which identifies the condition or the quality of the heart from which the voice proceeds. Other writings may help to provide us with better understanding.
St. Hilary of Poitiers writes, “[That this is my Son], and nothing less than this, it was that the Fathers voice proclaimed. He willed that we should not be left in ignorance of the nature of Him Who came to be baptized, that He might fulfill all righteousness; that by the voice of God we might recognize as the Son of God Him Who was visible as Man [SML].”[192] St. Paul tells us, “no one speaking by the Spirit of God ever says ‘Jesus be cursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12:3). By coupling the two we can surmise that the voice of God must be conveying the Holy Spirit to all who hear it, for by no other way, according to Paul, could we be able to recognize that Jesus is the Son of God.
We have repeatedly made the point that we receive the Holy Spirit in our hearts and our flesh through a one-flesh union with Jesus, the resurrected NC Temple. Through this one-flesh union, our voice can also send out the Breath. In Acts, we read, “And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:3-4). Let’s couple this with God’s words to St. Hildegard. She writes: “Because the true Word had become incarnate, the Holy Spirit [through the Word’s body] came openly in tongues of fire…and, because their souls ruled their bodies, they cried out so that the whole world was shaken by their voices [SML].”[193] If the Apostles shook the whole world with their voices at Pentecost, it follows they were sending out the power and joy of the Holy Spirit through those voices—as was Mary at the Visitation! JP II, in his encyclical letter Ecclesia de Eucharistia, writes, “at the Visitation, [Mary] bore in her womb the Word made flesh, she became in some way a ‘tabernacle’–the first ‘tabernacle’ in history–in which the Son of God, still invisible to our human gaze, allowed himself to be adored by Elizabeth, radiating his light as it were through the eyes and the voice of Mary.”[194]
In Luke 24:13-32 we read about the two followers of Jesus going home to Emmaus. The two disciples did not recognize the risen Jesus. Along the journey, Jesus instructed the two on why Christ needed to suffer all he did. If an ordinary person said these same things, the two disciples would most likely have processed it on an intellectual plane. Despite their lack of recognition of who it was talking to them, in v.32, it says, “They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures?’ ”
In Luke 12:49, Jesus tells us he came to set the world of fire, i.e., the same tongues of fire at Pentecost.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the spiritual heart (upper powers of the spiritual soul), and He inflames the human heart. So, if their hearts burned, it was because of the Holy Spirit. It was in Jesus’ voice that the Holy Spirit was sent out to them. We might be tempted to say it was Jesus’ words alone that caused that burning, but that wouldn’t be the case, given the events surrounding Pentecost. Tongues, alone, didn’t come to rest on the Apostles. It was tongues of fire that led to their words of preaching.
And also, “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness’ ” (Mt 3:1-3). What John’s voice was crying was grace. Tertullian wrote, “Promising freely the grace….through His Spirit, He bade the baptism of repentance lead the way [for]…them whom He was calling, through grace, to (inherit) the promise surely made to Abraham.”[195]
We must understand the difference between the Divine voice and the human voice. According to St. Hildegard of Bingen (a Doctor of the Church), the Divine Voice is sent out from the mouth of God. It consists of the Breath (Spirit), which carries the Sound (the Father) and Meaning (the Son).[196] Through a one-flesh union with the Word of God incarnate, our body/mouth becomes the means through which our human voice, in the language of the body, sends out the invisible things of God, expressing them sense-ably and meta-sense-ably into physical creation.

Biological Mystery #26

The Science Behind the Energetic Power of the Voice

Biological Mystery #26-A

The Holy Spirit, Sound, and The Biblical Parting of Waters

I am not including the Scripture/science discussed in this section as a separate biological mystery which would add to the other thirty-four mysteries. The only reason I am not is because the linkage is a little too speculative for my liking. I feel uncomfortable claiming a direct link between Scripture and science. However, I believe the Scripture/scientific link presents a valid and separate biological mystery.
In the books of Exodus, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Joshua, there are multiple mentions of bodies of water being divided by the power of the Holy Spirit. Could this mystery be linked to the “splitting” or “dividing” of the H2O water molecule? If so, what parts do Divine Light, bio-living water, and audible sound waves play in the phenomenon? When the water molecule is split, you get two hydrogen ions (the most common element in the universe—i.e., 90% of visible and meta-sense-able parts and one oxygen ion[197]).
Hydrogen is the same element comprising the vast majority of the sun, an element essential to life. Oxygen is necessary for metabolism; it is also critical to the existence of all life. The fusion of two hydrogen atoms starts the chain reaction that leads to the radiant light (electromagnetic energy) and heat that reaches our planet from the sun.[198]
This “splitting” of the water molecule occurs naturally in plants through photosynthesis; this process is the source of all oxygen on earth.[199] The splitting of the water molecule in the living organism is critical to the function of every cell in our body;[200] absent that splitting process, we would die very quickly. Is it possible that references to parted waters in Scripture are God’s way of providing clues that can guide us to an understanding of how all created light and energy came into existence?
Bioenergetics and bio-regulation involve the interaction of photons with the electrons that are part of the atoms that make up all matter within the living organism. Structured Biological Water (aka bio-living water) is vital to that interaction. This process may seem counterintuitive, but water is essential for the regular combustion flow in living cells. Even more startling is that water itself can be burnt by splitting water molecules.[201]
Obviously, this would result in the emission of photons. Water burning has to do with the transformation of ordinary H2O (the water molecule) being changed into H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide gas) through various means within the body and then being split—separating the hydrogen atom(s) from the oxygen atom(s). Hydrogen is an energy source, and oxygen gas (O2) is a vast energy store. However, due to the laws of quantum physics, the O2 must be activated before it can release its energy (in the form of photons). This activation occurs when it comes into contact with an atom with two unpaired electrons, resulting in a chain of events that allows the oxygen to release its electromagnetic energy (light) with each successive electron reduction.[202][203]
Interesting is the fact that audible sound, like a voice (recall our discussion on Mary and Jesus’ voice and the effects of sound on human organisms)—not only increased the presence of split-able molecules (H2O2) but also increased the efficiency of its splitting by 70%.[204] The concept of splitting water to produce energy (essential for life) is not new to scientists. They have tried to discover a way to split the water molecule in a commercially viable way.
By doing so, they can use the hydrogen for energy (essentially, hydrogen powers the sun). Good thing our body isn’t concerned with the commercial viability of producing energy via water splitting? The share of oxygen in the bloodstream that contributes to this water-splitting process is very high. According to recent research, white blood cells (neutrophils and eosinophils) are actively respiring (combusting) and converting all the oxygen they consume into light. Consequently, blood is a significant producer of photons in the ultra-weak range.[205] Because these photons exist in the ultra-weak range, they cannot be seen by the human eye (even when the frequency is in the visible spectrum). We should not, however, make the mistake of believing this EMR is too weak to affect the bodys function.
Hmm, here’s a thought: does the fact that our blood emits EMR (the audible sound of which can be digitally recorded[206]) have any implications for the deeper meaning of the Scripture passage in which God tells Cain that his brother’s blood cries out from the ground (Gen 4:10) [If the EMR produced sound can be digitally recorded—God can hear it]; or the ones where God tells us that the life of every creature is in its blood (Lev. 17:11, 14)? Does the generated light from man’s blood (the same blood that courses through his heart) cry out to the uncreated source of that light, i.e., God, when it is spilled?
Does the presence of EMR resulting from cellular structured water also impact the function of the products of our salt of DNA? According to Voeikov, splitting the water molecule is a prerequisite for the emergence of electromagnetic radiation. Furthermore, the resultant photon emissions from within living cells affect:
1) the activity of proteins produced by DNA;
2) the functioning of cell tissues;
3) the movement and orientation of cell populations;
4) the intensity of the immune response as a result of respiratory bursts within the human bloodstream; and,
5) the architecture of cell tissue. Some researchers believe that water splitting is necessary for generating electron excitation (EEE) that ‘feeds’ our biophotonic field.[207]

Biological Mystery #26B

Effect of Sound/Voice on Inorganic Matter

The most dramatic example of sound’s effect on inorganic material is in Scripture. I’m referring to the sixth chapter of the book of Joshua. With the continual blowing of ram’s horns for six days, culminating on the seventh day with a “great shout of the voices” of the people, the wall of Jericho collapsed. Now, it’s hard to separate the effect of the shout of the people from the effect of the sound of the ram’s horns on the collapse, but it’s clear from this account that neither one alone would have achieved the dramatic effect.
Around the late 1700s or early 1800s, Ernst Chladni invented a method for visualizing the patterns of sound vibrations on a mechanical surface. For example, he found that the sand would form beautiful shapes by running a violin bow across the edge of a metal plate containing fine-grained sand. This phenomenon occurred because the sand would migrate to the portions of the metal plate where there was zero sound wave displacement.[208] In 1967 Hans Jenny took up the work of Chladni and coined the term “cymatics.” Jenny found when “the vowels of ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanscrit were pronounced, ‘the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels,’ notes a review of his work, ‘while our modern language did not generate the same result!’ ”[209]
The effects of sound waves, including the voice, can be visualized through cymatics. Also able to be visualized are the impacts of soundwaves on the movement of electrons (i.e., electrical current). Here is an entertaining and informative video.
The phenomenon of soundwaves affecting water also indicates sound’s effect on inorganic materials. Experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto, detailed in his book The Hidden Messages in Water,[210] produced some exciting results which, he says, have been replicated by hundreds of others. In these experiments, both the type of water used and the source of the sounds to which it was exposed dramatically impacted water crystals thus formed. Emoto froze the water for three hours at minus four degrees Fahrenheit. The surface tension of the ice develops tiny drops of ice measuring about one millimeter across. When light is shined on the droplets, it starts to melt, and that is when the crystals appear.[211]
Emoto says varied sounds and waters produced either: beautiful, intricate, and symmetrical crystals; or distorted, malformed, and/or partially formed crystals. For example, the sound of classical music, somebody praying out loud, or somebody speaking positive words (remember, the heart, via the vagus nerve, controls the voice box muscles) will produce well-formed and beautiful crystals. On the other hand, heavy metal music, polluted water, or words of negativity, e.g., the words “Satan,” “you fool,” and “you make me sick,” produced misshapen and poorly formed crystals. Water from Tokyo failed to produce a single complete crystal regardless of the sounds it was exposed to. Compare that with the miraculous water from Lourdes that formed beautiful and intricate crystals when exposed to Gospel music. In our discussion of the science behind Baptism (Biological Mystery #34), we learned that one of the reasons for Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan was the purification of the waters through his Divine body. The experiment by Emoto involving Lourdes water may indicate that understanding.
Emoto says, of all the sounds to which the various samples of water were subjected, the voice conveying words of gratitude, regardless of the language in which they were spoken, produced the most beautiful and brilliant crystals.[212] St. Hildegard was told the voice and language of mankind are beautiful and “makes music at the altar of God.”[213]
Because water is inorganic, we have included sound’s effect on it in this section. However, as we will discover later, the energy of sound waves also significantly impact structured bio-water existing within the bodies/cells of organic matter, e.g., plants, animals, and humans. Therefore, in the next section, we will discuss sound's impact on non-human living organisms without directly referencing its effect on the water within the cell or the consequences of said exposure.

Biological Mystery #26-C

Effect of Sound / Voice on Non-Human Life

When pondering the significance of the information in this section, we would do well to keep the knowledge gained through our discussions of the heart’s brain, containing its own independent nervous system.[214][215][216] We would also do well to remember that the coherence, or lack thereof, of the heart’s electromagnetic field, will also impact the voice through the cells of the vagus nerve's afferent (ascending) fibers.
The information in this paragraph comes from an audio presentation by Andrew Pudewa titled, The Profound Effects of Music on Living Things.[217] Let’s start by discussing the effects of music on mice. In the 1980s, a researcher named Harvey Bird studied the brain cells of mice. He found that music from a waltz caused rodent brain cells to be more organized (coherent) and more connected. In stark contrast, a voodoo-type drumbeat caused a pathological growth pattern. Moreover, when the mice were exposed to that drumbeat all day, the mice would start to attack and cannibalize each other.
In 1997, a high school student (he won the state fair for his research) subjected one group of mice to Mozart music and another to the heavy-metal rock group, Anthrax. The mice exposed to Mozart experienced dramatically lowered times needed to navigate through a maze (times ranged from ten minutes to just two). On the other hand, the mice exposed to the music of Anthrax went from navigating the maze in ten minutes to taking thirty minutes. When the mice were exposed to heavy-metal music all day, they attacked and killed each other.
Pudewa says:[218]
1) Rhythmic dominant music stimulates the body and may cause the release of endorphins and adrenalin;
2) Melodic dominant music connects to the mind and;
3) Harmonic dominant music opens up emotions.
In the 1970s, a woman named Dorothy Retallack conducted a series of experiments involving the effects of sound and music on plants at the Colorado Woman’s College in Denver, CO. In 1974, she published a book about the results of her experiments. Using the school’s three Biotronic Control Chambers, she placed plants in each of the chambers and subjected them to different types of sound and music. For her first experiment, she played a constant tone. In the first chamber, the tone was played continuously for eight hours. In the second chamber, she played the tone for three hours intermittently. Finally, in the third chamber, she did not play the tone at all. The plants exposed to the tone for eight consecutive hours died within fourteen days. The plants exposed to the tone intermittently grew very well and were very healthy. The plants not exposed to any tone also grew and were healthy, but not as much as those subjected to intermittent exposure.
These results were similar to those of the Muzak Corporation's studies on people exposed to background music and the subsequent effects on productivity. In Retallack’s next experiment, she used only two of the Biotronic chambers, placing a radio in each chamber. In the first chamber, she tuned the radio to a local rock station; in the second, she turned the radio to a soothing music station. Each day she played the radio for three hours.
After two weeks, the plants in the soothing music chamber were uniform in size, lush, and green. Additionally, they were leaning 15 to 20 degrees toward the radio. In contrast, all the plants in the rock music chamber had grown extremely tall but were drooping. The blooms had faded, and the stems bent away from the radio. By the sixteenth day, all the plants in the rock music chamber were in the last stages of dying. The ones in the soothing music chamber were all alive and doing quite well.[219]
Her research has been criticized for lack of scientific rigor. Here is a link to one such criticism. However, despite the accurate description of her methodology, the scientific literature is increasingly showing that soundwaves produce profound effects on plants and other organisms. J. Jung et al. write:
Recent evidence supports the notion that naturally occurring and artificially generated sound waves contribute to plant robustness. New information is emerging about the responses of plants to sound and the associated downstream signaling pathways.  . . . There is accumulating information about plant responses to different wavelengths of sound and the responses of different plant species.[220]
Another example of the growing evidence supporting the belief that soundwaves have biological impacts on plant life comes from Joo-Yeol Kim, et al.[221] It would seem the energy of sound waves produced a direct and proportional effect on the target organism. More specifically, the soundwaves profoundly affected the function of both the nuclear DNA and the cells within which that DNA resided.

Biological Mystery#26-D

Effect of Sound / Voice on the Human Person

As part of the mouth/body, the human voice speaks/expresses the overflow of the inner heart. Therefore, the biological heart (together with the rest of the mouth) must accurately reflect the inner heart/soul of man employing the language of the body. This overflow includes the voice’s connection with the biological heart[222] via both biological and quantum realities, of which bio-living water plays a part. An example of this biological and quantum (light) mix comes from cell biologist and chemist Vladimir Voeikov. He informs us that DNA, RNA, and proteins undergo chemical transformations resulting from exposure to audible sound energy (e.g., voice and pulsating heart) [223] and ultrasound.[224] In other words, the sound waves of the voice impact the function and signaling of the salt of DNA and its products (i.e., proteins and light).
The internal matrix of the cell is permeated by a sort of scaffolding made up of fibers. These fibers continuously vibrate at specific frequencies that change in response to environmental factors. The entire world of cells also vibrates in resonance with the cell’s scaffold matrix.[225] Until the development of Atomic Force Microscopy, these nanomechanical vibrations could not be detected.
Is the phenomenon of cellular vibration important? Drs. Carlo Ventura and James K. Gimzewski have been investigating that issue. The cellular vibrations can be recorded as sound. They are now investigating whether or not the oscillations recorded from a beating heart affect the differentiation of stem cells exposed to that sound (recall Adam’s rib). Initial results are promising.[226] Several other experiments have shown the significant impact of mechanical vibration, including sound, on cell functioning.[227]
For more specific examples of this, let’s look at the work of musician, composer, and researcher Fabien Maman and Helene Grimal (a senior researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris), as detailed in Maman’s book, The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century, Raising Human Frequencies. The pair studied the effect of sound on uterine cancer cells at the University of Jussieu in Paris.
In the first batch of experiments, they mounted a camera to a microscope and documented the impact of playing various acoustic musical instruments on the cells. In the second batch of experiments, they used Kirlian photography to document the effects of sound on the electromagnetic field surrounding the cells. For twenty minutes, they repeatedly played (at 30-40 decibels) the Ionian Scale (i.e., notes C-D-E-F-G-A-B and C and D from the next octave above). In one set of experiments using the xylophone, only fourteen minutes of exposure caused the cancer cell to be destroyed.
According to Drs. Marion Ross and Tracy Latz, the human voice produced the most dramatic effect on these cancer cells. Something peculiar to man’s voice (i.e., likely the Holy Spirit dwelling within the spirit of the spiritual soul, which then overflows to the soul and is sent out through the body and in the Language of the Body—specifically the human heart, the vagus nerve, and the voice) singing the Ionian scale carries frequencies of vibration that caused the cancer cells to explode within nine minutes of exposure.[228] Remember the walls of Jericho tumbling down through a combination of trumpets and voices (Joshua 6:1-20)?
In the next experiment, researchers employed the help of two breast cancer patients. Each woman committed to subjecting themselves to ‘tone’ for three and a half hours each day for one month. In the case of one woman, the tumor disappeared completely. For the other, the surgeon who removed the tumor stated that it had shrunk considerably and had also dried up.[229] In the next experiment, researchers drew blood from the finger of a subject and asked the donor to sing to their blood cell using the seven notes of the Major scale. Using the microscope and Kirlian photography, they could document, with each musical note the subject sang, the shape and color of the electromagnetic energy field generated by the cell would change. For example, when the subject sang the note “F,” the cells resonated perfectly with the voice, and the shape of the field became round and symmetric with the human cell.[230] It would seem that sound—especially the voice—affects all living organisms, right down to the molecular and quantum level.
Let’s briefly transition from science to prophesy to look at the potential significance of the science we’ve just discussed. Maria Esperanza was a prime visionary at a Church-approved Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Betania, Venezuela. Subsequent to the Apparitions, four Eucharistic miracles also occurred. One of which involved the consecrated host visibly appearing as a pulsating heart, making visible the electromagnetic radiation generated by its pulsations. Esperanza was a mystic and had the gift of the stigmata. As of this date, her cause for sainthood is under consideration by the Church. What follows is part of a message given to Esperanza by the Lord in 1981 but not made public until 2004.[231]
The prophecy she received is this: a new type of music will be discovered, which, when combined with light (EMR), will heal the human body of illness and dysfunction.[232] I believe the experiments discussed in this article may identify one or two components of this new music. Though I think the appropriate science, to one degree or another, is now in the Literature, it has not yet developed sufficiently to fulfill this prophecy. But it is very close. According to Michael Brown of SpiritDaily, Jesus told Esperanza the following would occur after world purification and a return to Christ-centered scientific endeavors:
1). Technology would be discovered to neutralize harmful nuclear radiation;[233]
2). The key to nuclear energy will be unlocked, allowing its reactions to be halted. Esperanza states, “This will come about with the sun and with the drive of magnetic forces of earthly energies [SML]: volcanic forces, wind, water [SML], certain kinds of seaweed because phosphorus will be better assimilated;”[234] and,
3). New inventions derived from secret forces hidden in the rhythms of nature.[235]
Dr. Kieth Scott-Mumby writes:
Ever since music has been used as therapy, people have suspected that acoustic vibrations have a direct or indirect influence on the human organism, but no scientific proof has ever been advanced. Indeed, there was not even a satisfactory theoretical approach. But with the work of Szent Gyorgyi and Herbert Frolich (both Nobel prize winners) and especially the recent work of Fritz Albert [Popp] on the biology of light and electromagnetic inter-cellular bio-communication, we know today that the nucleated cells, by the way of physical and vibratory configuration of its DNA, is capable of picking up, storing and broadcasting information… [And] demonstrated that cells communicate with one another, coherently, by exchange of photon quanta [light].[236]
Dr. Werner R. Loewenstein confirms this fact. He describes how the vast amounts of information necessary to make the living organism’s hardware (DNA, RNA, and proteins) ultimately come from photons (i.e., discreet bundles of energy identified as light).[237][238][239] Drs. Muehsam and Ventura do a good job of summarizing and revealing the support in the literature for the role of light and sound waves in gene expression.[240]

Biological Mystery #27

Sound Waves in Scripture Increases Either Coherence or Disorder

As shown by the following Scripture Passages, we see that sound energy increases coherence or disorder in all living organisms. Furthermore, the voice in confecting the Sacraments could never be incoherent:
A) the story of David playing his harp to soothe the melancholy of Saul and to drive out the evil spirits that tormented him [1 Sam 16:14-22];
B) the music and dance that was used to raise great and loud sounds of joy to the Lord [many examples in 1 Sam and 1 Chron];
C) all of the Scripture passages relating to the voice; and,
D) The requirements necessary for a Sacrament to be valid. Two things are required: Form and Matter. The matter is the materials used and the actions taken. The form is the audible words used to confect the Sacrament. The Sacrament is not valid without the precise audible words spoken through the medium of voice. The priest cannot merely think the words. He must vocalize them. According to the Modern Catholic Dictionary, “form is the sacramental sign or the words that specify the function of the matter and confer on it the power of sanctifying.” In other words, the voice is efficacious in conferring Sanctifying grace.
See also #26-C, #26-D above, and #31, #32, #33, and #34 below.

Biological Mystery #28

The Science Behind the Spiritual Soul in Scripture.

The Holy Spirit dwells in the spiritual heart, which, in turn, purifies the biological heart and body. This indwelling of the Holy Spirit, in turn, increases order/harmony and coherence between soul and body. As a result, the mouth, which includes the energy of soundwaves generated and sent out through the biological mouth, is a conduit of Gratuitous graces—including healing graces radiating out to others—affecting them down to the molecular level, again, pointing to the Scripture passages dealing with the voice.
It might be a good time to refresh your knowledge of the economy of Grace in mans human body containing a spiritual soul.
See also numbers #26 A-D above.

Biological Mystery #29

The Energy of Sound Waves Has a Dramatic Impact on the Intrauterine Child

(Updated 08/28/2024)
Before addressing the biological mystery associated with Marys visitation to her cousin Elizabeth (the mother of John, the future Baptist), let’s look at information germane to answering the why of Mary’s visit. To start, a closer look at the Bible passages surrounding the Annunciation, i.e., the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary, her subsequent overshadowing by the Holy Spirit, and the conception of Jesus, are important contributors to that discussion.
In Luke 1:36-40 (DRA 1899), we read:
36 And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren:
37 Because no word shall be impossible with God.
38 And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
39 And Mary rising up in those days, went into the hill country with haste into a city of Juda.
40 And she entered into the house of Zachary, and saluted Elizabeth.
41 And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the infant leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy [Spirit]:          
In v. 39, we are informed that Mary left in haste. The literal sense of haste in Verbum’s Scripture datasets[240A] is interpreted as eagerness[240B], which is defined by Thompson et al. as “excited fervor to do something or accomplish some end.” According to this same literal sense, this eagerness is directly related to feelings/emotions—or holy desire/fire when it’s a prompting of the Holy Spirit—within the inner heart. The latter is more likely, given v. 41 above.
In v. 28, the angel Gabriel addresses Mary as full of grace, which could only be accurate through the full indwelling of the Holy Spirit within Mary’s spiritual soul. The Holy Spirit incites that eagerness to do something that God wills. Even Jesus is subject to the Holy Spirit’s actions. In Mark, we read:
And there came a voice from heaven: Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. And immediately the Spirit drove him out into the desert (Mk 1:11-12).
Thus, I believe Mary was called. What is a call from the Spirit? According to Theologian Francois-Xavier Durrwell:
The Spirit who lives in the believer is not therefore inactive. He is power and action and is manifested as a presence and as a call towards the future.  . . . All the action of the Spirit in the faithful is in the form of a call.  . . . St Paul combines the two notions of call and grace.  . . . The presence of the Spirit is active like a call; God transforms the earthly man by call, by attraction towards fullness of being. Christ was the first to be called in this way, to be raised to life by the God who “brings the dead to life and calls into being what does not exist” (Rom 4:17).[240C]
Put another way, Mary was sent on a mission to visit Elizabeth by the Holy Spirit. God intervenes through his Spirit in the created world, using Mary as the human instrument. However, it is God who intervenes! But the question is, why?
In the not-yet-published volume two of the book, The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture, it reads:
I believe Mary’s mission was to act as a mediatrix of the Gratuitous graces necessary for John to successfully fulfill his “call” to be, as Isaiah prophesied, “A voice cries: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God’” (Is. 40:3). As you may recall, all ‘calls’ come from the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit always gives us the graces necessary to accomplish that to which we are called.
There are some, not including me, who believe Mary went to her cousin’s because she was afraid of what people might do when they found out she was an “unwed” mother. We already know Mary was full of the Holy Spirit (Lk 1:26, 35). When someone is “full” of the Spirit, their courage completely overcomes any fear their fallen biology may produce—including of death itself. Recall how the Apostles were so fearful after Jesus’ death they hid in a house. When the Holy Spirit descended upon them at Pentecost, they lost all fear and went out openly and publicly to preach the risen Christ.  . . . As a man called to be a preacher and a prophet, calling for repentance and for preparation for the coming of the kingdom of God, John (the future Baptist) would have had to have been given the graces necessary to accomplish his mission. He would need to have excellent language skills, good communication skills, and a fire in his heart to communicate his message—as was the case when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost.[240D]
So, let’s look at the science I believe underpins the purpose of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, and gives us a clue as to how the sound of her voice would have accomplished those things described in v. 41 and also the very mission that the Baptizer was being called to do.
We will discuss Dr. Alfred Tomatiss research, especially as it relates to the intrauterine child, for the rest of this section. During fifty years of clinical research on the effects of music and the voice on the physiology of humans, Tomatis has uncovered a fantastic connection between the ear, the brain, and the nervous system. This connection starts before birth and lasts the rest of a person’s life. This connection produces a significant impact on human development. So profound were these interconnections that Tomatis came to see human life through the focal point of the ear![241]
Citing Tomatis’ research, Drs. Thompson and Andrews tell us the ear and the larynx are part of the same neurological loop (vocal cords—hmmm; there’s that heart/voice/vagus nerve connection again). It can thus be concluded that what the ear hears will impact the quality and speech fluency of the hearer. The French Academies of Medicine and Science documented this fact and the intimate relationship between the entire nervous system and the auditory system in 1957[242].[243] The findings of Tomatis, relative to the effects of sound on the intrauterine child, are particularly pertinent to our current discussion concerning the purpose of Mary’s visit to her pregnant relative, Elizabeth. Also crucial to this topic are discussions on the efficacy of grace and how its effects are directly proportional to, among other factors, the openness to the instrument of that grace, the closeness to the human agent in the bloodline, and the holy desire of the recipient.
That the Holy Spirit would wait until Elizabeth’s intrauterine child was six months old before sending Mary on her mission is significant. It is around the fifth month that the ear and the neural tracks between the ear and the childs brain in the womb fully develop and function. Research shows the ear to facilitate the development of the following attributes:[244]
1) The development of human potential;
2) The normal growth and maturation of the brain;
3) Language acquisition and development; and
4) The acquisition of appropriate social communication skills.
In short, all of the above attributes would be necessary for the precursor of the Messiah to accomplish his mission of preparing the way for the Messiah. Moreover, at this stage of development, an astonishing 85% to 90% of the neural pathways of the intrauterine child’s brain are devoted to auditory and vestibular functions.[245] So, what role does the voice play in this physiological preparation? Research has shown that pre-born children, at around four and a half months, begin to hear speech and exhibit a preference for certain people’s speech and the intonation (the inner quality) of that speech, especially that of its biological mother—or the Mother of God. Tomatis’ research shows that during the pregnancy—especially the last half of the pregnancy—every aspect of the mother’s voice (e.g., emotional coloring, intonation, language structuring, rhythm) will be “imprinted” onto the nervous system of the pre-born child. Everything is stored for future use. What’s most significant, however, is that it enkindles in the pre-born child the desire to communicate![246] Hmm, it sounds like the Holy Spirit at work. Remember the tongues of fire at Pentecost—tongues on fire to communicate the Truth of Jesus!

How important is a mother’s voice to an intrauterine child?

Alfred A. Tomatis, through extensive research, has discovered an inextricable link between the ear and the larynx. Remember that most of the vagus nerve fibers lead from the heart to the brain—branching through the larynx. Thus, changes in the ear will immediately affect the voice and vice versa. Therefore, the vagus nerve plays a significant role in this ear-larynx loop. The bone surrounding the middle and inner ear (endochondral capsule) is well suited to conducting sound. It is a static medium formed from fetal cartilage and remains unchanged (no resorption) from before birth to after death.[247]
The mother’s voice and the high-frequency sounds are received and stimulate the fetus's brain. Following are some examples of the impact of the mothers voice on the child.[248]
1). The fetus hears by at least four and a half months in utero.
2). Newborns prefer the voice of their mother over other voices.
3). More specifically, they prefer her intonation pattern.
4). Newborns prefer familiar stories and poems read by their mothers to non-familiar ones.
Keep in mind that Mary remained in the state of Original Justice. Her body, including her voice, was perfectly ordered to her spiritual soul in which dwelt the Holy Spirit. The Son of God dwelt physically within her body—no wonder Elizabeth’s child leaped with joy in her womb. John leaped for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice—even before his mother had said a word in response to Mary’s greeting. Thus, there was, as yet, no intonation in Elizabeth’s voice that could have led to joyful leaping by her intrauterine child. The only “intonation, richness, and emotional coloring” that John heard was from Mary. According to Tomatis’s research, John’s six-month development would not have made it possible for him to understand Mary’s words. He could only have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit conveyed through her voice.
It was at the sound (not the words) of Mary’s voice—expressing the overflow of her spiritual heart—that both Elizabeth and John were filled with the Holy Spirit and that John received the “spirit and power of Eli′jah” (Lk 1:17)—the same Elijah from whom Elisha received a double portion of his Spirit (2 Kgs. 2:9). Incidentally, it was likely because John received the spirit and power of Elijah as foretold by the angel Gabriel, that Jesus referred to John the Baptist as Elijah come back (Mt. 11:14, 17:12-13).
It is also significant to note that John’s father, Zechariah, had his voice taken away because of his lack of faith in God. He didn’t believe that God could give Elizabeth a child. He did not get his voice back until immediately after John’s birth (Lk 1:20). Coincidence? God does not do coincidence. I believe the Holy Spirit did not want Zechariah’s lack of faith to negatively impact John via the vibratory energy conveyed through his unbelieving voice. It was indeed an overflow of Zechariah’s faithless heart that would likely have affected his scriptural mouth, including his biological heart and voice.
In short, the energy of soundwaves dramatically impacts the intrauterine child, affecting the entire nervous system, communication skills, emotions, social skills, and other areas. This biblical narrative can be seen upon Mary’s arrival and greeting to Elizabeth, at which point her baby leaped inside her womb (Lk 1:41).

Biological Mystery #30

The Science and Typology of Sodium in Scripture

Sodium, which is part of the crystalline makeup of DNA, is a metal that converts into a transparent glass-like non-metal under severe pressure. Hence, many references in Scripture (some cited above) about precious crystalline gems, transparent gold, and clear crystal seas (which are the opposite of salt seas).
Additional scientific note: my cardiologist told me that elemental sodium (a metal) is an integral part of generating the electric flow, which causes heart muscle cells to contract.[249] This ability, in turn, produces the most extensive electromagnetic field in the body; which may positively affect the coherence/harmony of every cell in our body; it may be an instrument for Gratuitous grace; which, in turn, helps the mouth to accurately reflect the inner heart; which may lead to a final result where we, ultimately, could be eschatologically identified as transparent crystals.

Biological Mystery #31

Water Molecules Participate in Altering the Function of Cells and the DNA Within Them

Water molecules alter the function of cells and the DNA within them. This participation is seen in Scripture by linking New Covenant Baptism (and its purifying consequences) to Old Covenant Circumcision, a sign of purity of body and heart. In addition, the many references in Scripture connecting water to the cleansing of fallen man further solidify this linkage.
At this point, it would be highly profitable to read the entire section titled “The Economy of Grace Within Rational/Spiritual Man” and its subsections, which are located at the very beginning of this Article. It will help to tie together everything in this specific Biological Mystery.
It is through Baptism that the Holy Spirit, for the first time since Adam’s fall, comes to dwell within the human spirit within the Spiritual Soul. Through this indwelling, the Holy Spirit directly communicates Sanctifying Grace to the human spirit. In other words, the Holy Spirit communicates Living Water to the human spirit. St. Paul writes:
1). “He is a Jew who is one inwardly, and real circumcision is a matter of the heart, spiritual and not literal. His praise is not from men but from God” (Rom 2:29).
2). “For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation [only possible through Baptism]” (Gal 6:15).
However, because of the spiritual soul, grace cannot be confined to the spirit alone. Grace must overflow to the soul, which, in turn, overflows to the human body (including the biological heart) — and doing so in the Language of the Body. As previously discussed, the Language of the Body includes the energies produced by the human heart, light, structured bio-living water, moving protons, etc.
Scripture confirms this to be true. Ezekiel writes, “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ez 36:26). This passage refers to the biological heart experiencing the overflow of the human spirit within which dwells the Holy Spirit.
It is part of the Magisterium that the Sacred Heart of Jesus is interpreted as referring to his biological Heart.[250][251] What do we often see in pictures of Jesus’ Sacred Heart? Rays depicting grace overflowing from his Heart. A Fountain of Living Water.
In Baptism, the Matter (water) plays an efficacious role in purifying the physical body. Aquinas writes:
In regard to the effects of Baptism, to which the properties of water correspond. For by reason of its moistness it cleanses; and hence it fittingly signifies and causes [emphasis SML] the cleansing from sins.[252]
In the following linked Glossary entry, I make a case for the instrumentality of structured bio-living water in purifying the biology of fallen man. It can be read here.
Two Persons of the Trinity were sent into creation; Jesus and the Holy Spirit each have a specific purpose to achieve in their mission. Jesus’ mission is to Redeem man through a Covenant of Salt involving the instrumentality of His human body. The Holy Spirit’s mission is to purify, making each man into a perfect image of the Incarnate Son of God. The Holy Spirit’s instrument to accomplish the Divine Person’s mission seems to be water, especially man’s structured bio-living water.
In the books of Exodus, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Joshua, there are mentions of bodies of water being divided or, in the case of rivers, stopping the flow of the water by the power of the Holy Spirit. Could this mystery be linked to the splitting or dividing of the H2O water molecule? When the water molecule is split, you get two hydrogen ions (the most common element in the universe — 90% of visible and meta-sense-able parts[253]) and one oxygen ion.
Hydrogen is the same element comprising the vast majority of the sun, an element essential to life. Oxygen is critical for metabolism; it is also necessary for the existence of all life. The fusion of two hydrogen atoms starts the chain reaction that leads to the radiant light (electromagnetic energy) and heat that reaches our planet from the sun.[254] This “splitting” of the water molecule occurs naturally in plants through photosynthesis, and it is this process that is the source of all oxygen on earth.[255] The splitting of the water molecule in the living organism is critical to the function of every cell in our body;[256] absent that splitting process, we would die very quickly.
According to one scientist, the more science understands water, the more widespread the opinion that it is the strangest yet most beautiful substance in the Universe.[257]
According to researchers at the University of Washington, electronic devices, such as computers and iPads, send and receive information using electrons (hence the description, electronic devices). In contrast, humans, all biological life for that matter, use protons or ions. It might help to understand the preceding statement by also understanding that: 1) electrons and protons are part of the atom; 2) electrons are the negatively charged sub-atomic particles that orbit the nucleus of the atom; and 3) protons are the sub-atomic particles that give the nucleus of the atom its positive charge.
Electric current is nothing more than the movement of negatively charged electrons through a conductive medium (sodium, for example! Hmm, isn’t sodium a part of the salt of DNA). Biologically speaking, protons activate on and off switches (somewhat analogous to the function of computer chips) and are essential elements for energy transfer.[258]
Research shows that protons moving within and between cells do not travel independently of the changing structure of the water molecules coating the cell's surfaces, its contents (e.g., proteins), and even the cell structure itself. The ever-changing three-dimensional structure of structured water, which covers all the surfaces within the cell, including proteins, is shaped by the environment within the cell. This water molecule topography (topography is not a term normally used in cell physiology, but I think it helps visualize the described process) “enslaves” the migrating proton and guides it through the cell.[259] You may be asking yourself about the significance of protons in the body’s functioning. According to Mae-Wan Ho, research indicates that protons are involved in regulating the function of enzymes (a protein that significantly speeds up chemical reactions within the cell).[260][261]
In other words, protons play a role in the speed (even to the point of stopping chemical reactions) with which proteins can do their job. Extrapolating from that, we can say that protons play a role in whether our biological water is either fresh or salty. All living organisms are liquid crystal mineral/dust/stone matrices. Research now points to the belief that the primary purpose of this cellular connectedness is to facilitate ultra-fast communication (i.e., expression in the context of STOSS) within the body, thus enabling the many trillions of cells that comprise the human body to function as a cohesive and coherent whole. It also points to the belief that biological water plays a significant role in this process.[262]

Biological Mystery #31-B

The Body Communicates Change by Transmitting the Electromagnetic Signal Produced by Proteins Produced by Our DNA

How closely are water and light tied together in Jesus’ plan for the redemption and sanctification of our bodies? First, look at some experiments related to biological signaling, i.e., how all body parts talk to each other and communicate change.
Before discussing this next experiment, a word of caution is warranted. There is some controversy involving the hypothesis known as the memory of water. In short, when Benveniste submitted his research for peer review, the peer review scientists could not duplicate the results of his experiments. Following an investigation by Benveniste’s team, it was determined that this failure was due to the peer review scientists not controlling for other sources of EMR (we’ll call it background EMR) in the laboratory setting. The presence of background radiation led to the contamination of the experiments. This is not a baseless claim.
The study of the electromagnetic field of the heart, brain, and other biological components is taking on increased significance for the bio-scientific community. Consequently, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Institute Berlin has designed and built a structure specifically designed to shield from all forms of background electromagnetic fields. The shielding quality of this building enables researchers to obtain data uncorrupted by the influence of any other extrinsic electromagnetic fields. Owing to this unique capability, the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) joined forces with PTB to test a newly designed optical magnetic field sensor designed to measure the pico tesla range of the electromagnetic field more accurately specific to the heart.[263]
Again, team Benvenistes assertions about the peer review process are proving accurate. Many other independent labs have been able to duplicate the research of Benveniste’s team because they did control for background EMR. For a thorough presentation of each side of the debate.[264]
So, what did his research reveal? Based on twenty-four blind experiments and coupling those results with other research, researchers led by Jacques Benveniste felt comfortable theorizing that biological signaling was transmissible to cells and/or water by purely electromagnetic (light) means. He also hypothesized that those signals, when transmitted to target cells in the body, would produce changes in target cells corresponding to what would occur if the signals source were present.[265] A series of experiments were designed to test this theory. The first experiment involved a small molecule drug known as PMA. It affects, among other things, the growth of cells. Benveniste’s team devised a way to transmit the electromagnetic signal produced by PMA to a tube containing either ultra-pure water or directly to cells.
In the experiments involving cells, human white blood cells were used (neutrophils). Twenty sets of experiments were performed, and at least one set each time was performed at a different laboratory to test the repeatability and reliability of the results. In every case, the transmitted electromagnetic signal produced the type of cellular growth that would be expected by PMA’s acting on the human body itself; but it wasn’t the drug that caused the change; it was the light produced by the drug’s molecules that caused the change. Similar experiments were done in which the electromagnetic signal of the hormone thyroxine (which increases metabolism) was transmitted to water. The same results were obtained as the previously discussed PMA experiments[266].[267] To summarize the results: his theory was experimentally supported.
Now, look at some water and light experiments similar to the one above. The water used in the following experiment was ultra-pure in glass tubes. Scientists captured and digitally recorded the electromagnetic signal produced by actual acetylcholine and histamine proteins. Both molecules would decrease blood flow through the heart when present in the human body. After digitizing the signal from each protein, they transmitted the recorded signal to different test tubes containing ultra-pure water. Then they sent this treated/exposed water through an isolated guinea pig heart; the resultant changes to coronary flow, if any, were noted.
When the digitally exposed water was sent through the heart, the effects it produced on the heart tissue cells and the coronary flow were the same as would have been expected by infusing the protein itself through the heart—but the water contained no additives, no proteins; it was pure water. In effect, the water ‘memorized’ the electromagnetic signal sent to it. When the treated water was sent through the guinea pig’s heart, the heart cells ‘read’ it and reacted to what was read.[268] Scientists aren’t sure how this happens.
Current research may provide answers to this question. Gerald Pollack has uncovered what he self-identifies as the fourth phase of water. There are currently 50+ mysteries of water for which scientists have no answer. Pollacks hypothesis is helping to solve some of those mysteries. One phenomenon he has uncovered is that water in the gel state (aka Exclusion Zones) can generate electrical current when exposed to the infrared light spectrum.[269] Another hypothesis involves photons transmitted to the water causing the positive and negative poles of the water molecules to polarize and become remarkably coherent, giving them the ability to send the signal to cell receptors in the same manner as a laser[270].[271]
In a similar experiment, researchers used two proteins to clot blood. They sought to gauge the effect of digitally exposed water on the coagulation process. While there are several different proteins involved in the coagulation process of blood, there are two, i.e., thrombin and fibrinogen, which can create clots in water without the presence of any other proteins. By adding a Direct Thrombin Inhibitor (DTI), coagulation can be delayed or blocked entirely. Scientists digitally recorded the electromagnetic signal that emanated from DTI and then added this digitally exposed water to thrombin and fibrinogen. They monitored the clotting process at specific intervals and compared the results with other experimental “controls,” i.e., plain untreated water, physical DTI, etc.
While the water exposed to the digitally reproduced electromagnetic signal of DTI produced statistically significant changes to the clotting process, it did not have as much impact as the physical DTI. Based on the experiments, researchers concluded that some biological molecules, such as specific proteins expressed by DNA, give off EMR that seems specific to that particular protein and can be recorded and converted into a digital signal. In turn, the digitized signal (isolated from the actual source protein) can be played to water, cells, or whole organs, producing the same, or close to the same, biological impact as the original signal emanating from the actual protein itself.[272]

Biological Mystery #32

Structured Biological Water Produces Light; Splits Hydrogen

See also #26-A and #31 above. For more information concerning Structured Biological Water, go here.
According to biologist Vladimir Voeikov, increasing scientific evidence indicates that biological water, working together with the solid surfaces of and within the cell (e.g., proteins, DNA, and cell membranes), determines the organization of living organisms at all levels.[273] Starting around the 1990s and rapidly accelerating in the early 2000s, knowledge of biological water, especially within and around the cell, has exploded thanks to technological advances and better methodologies by which reliable experimentation could be undertaken. This technical state has not always been the case. According to researcher Gilbert Ling, two old and obsolete cell biology theories known as Membrane Theory and Membrane-pump Theory continue to be taught (especially in U.S. schools) as universally valid, despite the fact they have both been thoroughly and experimentally shown to be false.[274]
Ling is quite blunt about his feelings on this topic. He openly ponders why those responsible for propagating these scientific half-truths and out-and-out lies (intentional or not) have not been held accountable.[275] Why do these antiquated theories persist? According to Dr. Martin Chaplin, chemist and professor of Applied Sciences with special interests in intracellular water,[276] it is simply unacceptable, given the current state of scientific understanding, to treat cells as bags full of water functioning only as a space filler. He blames a whole series of incorrect assumptions and poor experimental methods on the part of scientists for this widespread ignorance.[277]
In other words, scientists drew their conclusions based on results from experiments in which they used artificial means to, unsuccessfully and unrealistically, mimic real-world biological environments. Their models didn’t come close to the real-world biological environment in and around the cell. Consequently, the results of their experiments were very deceptive, albeit not intentionally so.
We are all familiar with the phrase “dead in the water.” It’s a cliché that describes a complete lack of movement, whether on, in, or off the water. We can begin to see water as really alive and moving. Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi characterizes life as water dancing [SML] to the tune of macromolecules.”[278] Incidentally, the salt of DNA and many of the proteins it produces are classified as macromolecules. Another researcher characterizes this watery dance, as it was referred to by Szent-Gyorgyi, as a sort of quantum “jazz” constantly being improvised in response to its environment and coherent beyond our wildest imaginings. Our body is a liquid crystalline (liquid stone) organism that is, in fact, quantum coherent.[279]
The spiritual soul is spiritual light; the body radiates material light. Harmony and order are two words often used to denote coherence. On the other hand, incoherence is another word for disharmony and disorder. The soul and body work together in unity to express either harmoniously or disharmoniously. Let’s look at a couple of quotes from Hildegard.
1). “God has created the [spiritual] soul…so that [it] can guide with wisdom its vessel, the body. Through these basic powers, the soul accomplishes all its tasks in the organism in harmonious cooperation with the body.”[280]
2). “The body is the garment of the soul and it is the soul which gives life to the voice. That’s why the body must raise its voice in harmony with the soul for the praise of God.”[281]
What’s different about water in and around the cell from any other type of water? A explication of biological water (aka bio-living water) can be found here.

Biological Mystery #32-B

Bio-Water’s Role in Expression & DNA / Protein Function

The critical thing to remember from this section is that biological water within the cell—where our salt of DNA is located—is very distinct from other types of water. Those differences are an integral part of how they profoundly affect the functioning of our DNA and cells. For water to be bio-living water, it must somehow assist in the accomplishment of the purification of the body (via Gratuitous, Sanctifying, and/or Actual external grace), which corresponds to the purification of the inner heart. Consequently, there is harmony and order between body and soul. As a result, the mouth/body will accurately express the overflow of the purified inner heart.
By one scientist’s account, over sixty-five water molecule properties are not present in other compounds.[282] (According to another scientist, eighty properties, a, including the ability to exist in all three forms of matter, i.e., solid, liquid, and gas, at the same time—OOPS. A monkey wrench has been thrown into the scientific works. A fourth phase of water has been discovered.).[283] Only some of those behaviors are understood by scientists to one degree or another. The more science understands water, the greater the opinion that it is the strangest yet most beautiful substance in the Universe.[284]
What follows are just a few available examples of biological water’s role in communication and function within the body. Because of the complicated scientific nature inherent in each instance, I felt comprehension was best accomplished by following the axiom: less is more. But, of course, there is nothing to prevent the adventurous mind from accessing and exploring the titles listed in the endnote citations. I assure you, the rewards will be many.
DNA does not function in isolation from other bio-materials within its environment. The combination of bio-living water and electromagnetic radiation plays a vital role in the structure and function of DNA and, thus, whether or not a gene can express a protein.[285] According to Science Daily:
The DNA’s double helix never occurs in isolation; instead, its entire surface is always covered by water molecules which attach themselves with the help of hydrogen bonds.  . . .  “The precise DNA [double-helix] structure depends on the specific amount of water surrounding the molecule,” summarizes Dr. Fahmy.  . . . Oscillations of the water bonds in the hydration shell of the double helix can be excited by infrared light. The higher the frequency of the oscillation, the looser the hydrogen bond.  . . . “DNA is, thus, a responsive material,” explains Karim Fahmy. “By this, we refer to materials which react dynamically to varying conditions. The double helix structure, the strength of the hydrogen bonds, and even the DNA volume tend to change with higher water contents.”[286]
Bio-living water is not limited to changing the conformation of the DNA molecule itself. It also confects the conformation of the proteins a gene expresses.[287] Why is DNA/protein shape important? A segment of the DNA molecule failing to unwind will prevent a protein from being expressed. When an expressed protein fails to fold correctly, it cannot deliver its instructions to the target cell. A protein and a receptor on the target cell have a lock-and-key relationship. The key is the protein, and the lock is the receptor. If the shape of the key does not correspond with the shape of the receptors lock, the door will not open, and the instructions the protein carries will not be delivered to the cell.
One example of a protein’s impact on the body’s sanctification, or lack thereof, is monoamine oxidase. Why is this protein important? It is a protein that degrades amine neurotransmitters, such as dopamine (a major hormone involved in addictionslusts), norepinephrine (a stress hormone that is also involved in the fight-or-flight response and has a serious effect on the entire body), and serotonin (affects the function of most of our forty-million brain cells, including those associated with mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, and more[288]).[289]
Studies have shown that conversions (shape changes) of minor populations of proteins can serve as the seed for shape changes in the entire population of the same kind of protein—creating a domino effect.[290] Can you now see how bio-living water can make our salty water pure/fresh?
As teased above, it is worth noting that Dr. Gerald Pollack has discovered a fourth phase of water. It is called the gel state of water. Through this discovery, he has already explained many of the 65-80 water behaviors that baffled science before his discovery. In addition, his findings are particularly applicable to the behaviors of biological water.[291]
As we discuss water and light in subsequent sections, it should become more evident that both contribute significantly to the overflow of the inner heart, accurately expressed in the sense-able and meta-sense-able language of the body.

Biological Mystery #32-C

Water and Protons

It is water, through the formation of a glass-like structure of water molecules that “coats” the surface of a protein (i.e., a particular set of instructions used to tell the genes within a molecule of DNA what to do). This hydration shell, in conjunction with bio-living water, affects the speed of protein communication—even to the point of stopping it. The impact of structured water on cellular communication occurs both within the cell (intracellular) and between cells in other parts of the body (extracellular).[292] It is only logical, then, to surmise thus: if water can slow or stop how proteins communicate with other cells, then couldn’t it also effectively enhance or stifle the protein’s ability to deliver the information that would produce the intended functional or structural change within the body.[293] In the case of proteins that incite sensual appetites (such as lust or addiction), the ability of water to affect the “delivery” of the protein’s instructions to the cell receptors can help to purify our salt water (cf. James 3:12).
Setting aside, for the time being, the role of light in this biological communication process, we ask the question: how does biological water accomplish this? According to researchers at the University of Washington, electronic devices, such as computers and iPads, work, by sending information and receiving information using electrons (hence the description, electronic devices). On the other hand, humans (all biological life, for that matter) use protons or ions.
The following points might help one to understand the preceding statement:
1) electrons and protons are part of the atom;
2) electrons are the negatively charged sub-atomic particles that orbit the nucleus of the atom; and,
3) protons are the sub-atomic particles that give the atom’s nucleus its positive charge.
Electric current is nothing more than the movement of negatively charged electrons through a conductive medium (sodium, for example! Hmm, isn’t sodium a part of the salt of DNA). Biologically speaking, protons activate on and off switches (somewhat analogous to the junctions within a computers memory chip) and are essential elements for energy transfer.[294]
Research has now shown that protons moving within and between cells do not travel independently of the hydration shell coating the surfaces within the cell, its contents (e.g., proteins), and even the cells membranes. Instead, the ever-changing three-dimensional topography (topography is not part of terminology commonly used in cell physiology) of structured bio-water is shaped by the environment within the cell. It is this water molecule topography that “enslaves” the migrating proton and guides it through the cell.[295]
One may be asking about the significance of protons in the body’s function. According to Mae-Wan Ho, research indicates that protons are involved in regulating the function of enzymes (a protein that significantly speeds up chemical reactions within the cell).[296][297] In other words, protons play a role in the speed (even to the point of stopping a chemical reaction) with which proteins can do their job.
All living organisms are liquid crystal mineral/dust/stone matrices. Research now points to the belief that the primary purpose of this cellular connectedness is to facilitate ultra-fast communication, i.e., expression, within the body. Thus enabling the many trillions of cells that comprise the human body to function as a cohesive and coherent whole. It also points to the belief that biological water plays a significant role in this process.[298]
Before moving on to water’s role in escorting protons out of one cell and into another, I want to tell you about a recently discovered water behavior that is astounding scientists—a behavior that is not even possible in the classical physical world. That behavior is this: water molecules (one oxygen ion and two protons) can behave as though they were photons (i.e., discreet bundles of energy—light) when traveling through the ultra-confined nanotubes of the cell (a nanotube—only recently discovered through the use of light microscopy—is something like a cellular tunnel connecting one cell to other cells.[299]
That means the physical laws of the classical world no longer apply to biological water when exiting or entering the cell; the water molecule becomes delocalized (non-local means the particle no longer exists within the confines of space and time).[300] This quantum tunneling, as it’s called, means that the water molecule simply passes through the cell barrier without any energy consumption.[301] This discovery is so new and profound that scientists aren’t sure what the full ramifications of this understanding will be.
That water molecules traveling through cellular tunnels can take on quantum behavior would indicate that protons being escorted by the water molecule would behave similarly. Protons in ice have also displayed the same quantum tunneling phenomenon exhibited by water molecules.[302] Water’s role in this communication process doesn’t stop after the proton has traversed the cell. Cellular water forms a water molecule chain that guides the migrating proton to a cellular nanotube. These nanotubes are so tiny that only a single water molecule can enter at a time (a water molecule is approximately 0.29 nanometers in diameter.[303] A nanometer is one billionth of a meter;[304] a meter is about three feet). Consequently, forming a chain-like procession, the water molecules escort the proton out of one cell and into the next. Once the traveling protons exit, the water molecules cease to enter the nanotube.[305] These water chains will conduct a proton forty times faster than is possible with bulk (non-structured) water.[306]
How fast will water molecules enslave and guide the proton, you ask? In a computer simulation of water molecules guiding protons through a nanotube tunnel, approximately seventeen water molecules traversed the nanotube every nanosecond (one billionth of a second). Mae-Wan Ho believes that every cell in the entire organism is linked through proton channels; a single cell is connected locally and globally within the human body.[307]
In light (pardon the pun) of the newly discovered quantum behavior of water in the ultra-confined spaces of the body, isn’t it interesting how the Spirit of God, who is Divine light, uses water so frequently in the imagery of Scripture as a sign of what is necessary for the redemption of the body (Rom 8:23)?

Biological Mystery #32-D

Structured Water’s Role in Cell Architecture and Function

As we mentioned earlier, water structuring depends upon the environment within the cell, i.e., the cells energy state and ionic content.[308] The living cell is in a state of continuous fluctuation of the structure of water molecules. These fluctuations maintain balance within the cell. Without this balance, the organism cannot function properly.[309] More and more scientific evidence is leading to the conclusion that structured molecules of water (both intracellular and extracellular) in conjunction with cellular solids, such as proteins, determine biological activity at all levels of organization within living matter.[310]
Thus, we can say again how important bio-living water is for the redemption of the body (cf. Rom 8:23). For example, a protein surrounded by a stabilized structure of water (a state of high hydrogen bonding) will be less likely to unfold. Protein unfolding stops the protein’s function or causes the protein to malfunction.[311] At the same time, a less stable water structure would allow for more protein flexibility and an increased possibility of unfolding.[312] Scientific research is increasingly pointing to the notion that even major conversions of the shape of proteins result from structured water within the protein's environment.[313][314]
Why is protein shape important? When a protein is made by one cell, it is often intended to deliver its instructions to a different cell. Depending on the cell type, each cell in the body contains receptors on the external cell wall. A protein and a receptor have a sort of lock-and-key relationship. The key is the protein. The lock is the receptor. If the shape of the key does not correspond with the shape of the lock, the door will not open, and the instructions the protein carries will not get delivered to the cell. When a protein is made, it folds into a particular shape to fit into the target cell's receptor—opening the cell door. When the door is open to the target cell, it will receive and carry out the instructions from the protein.
Monoamine oxidase is one example of a protein’s impact on the body’s redemption or lack thereof. Why is this protein important? It is a protein that degrades amine neurotransmitters, such as dopamine (a major hormone involved in addictions), norepinephrine (a stress hormone involved in the fight-or-flight response. It produces a severe impact on the entire body), and serotonin (affects the function of most of our 40 million brain cells, including those associated with mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, and more).[315] Studies have shown that conversions (shape changes) of minor populations of proteins can serve as the seed for shape changes in the entire population of the same kind of protein—creating a domino effect.[316]
To summarize:
1) structured water propels and guides protons throughout the body, which affects the function of enzymes (a type of protein), which in turn determines, in some part, whether our bio-water is fresh water or salt water.
2) the actual structuring of water molecules themselves affects the functioning of the cell and its contents (e.g., hormones), which, in turn, affect the “freshness” of our water.

Biological Mystery #33

The Cellular Biology of “Light Breathing” and Delayed Luminescence

Scripture tells us of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. Luke writes, “And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white” (Lk 9:29; cf. Mk 9:3, Mt 17:2). All three of these passages describe Jesus’ face as appearing as bright as the sun. Not just his face but also his clothes. Keep in mind that they did not have synthetic clothes in those days. All clothing was made from organic matter, made of the salt/dust of DNA. Scripture details how Moses’ skin would glow after he was in the presence of God (Ex 34:29-35).
In the 3rd Chapter of Exodus, we read how Moses climbed Mt. Horeb, the mountain of God—the dwelling place of God in creation. He came upon the glory of God, radiating through a burning bush that was not consumed. I believe the bush was nothing more than a multitude of cells containing the salt of DNA and structured bio-living water. The bush was mediating the glory of God through its dust of DNA and cellular water. The bush was not the source of that glory; it only mediated and manifested it.
The key to understanding this phenomenon is that heat did not consume the bush. This lack of heat could only occur in the presence of Divine Glory. If heat were present, it would indicate a physical phenomenon—not a glorified one—in which matter serves as the instrument for its manifestation. It was not a direct encounter with God’s glory but mediated through biological life. How do we know this? Scripture tells us, “‘But,’ he said, ‘you cannot see my face [the Father’s Face]; for man shall not see me and live’ ” (Ex 33:20).
Thus, an argument could be made (and St. Augustine makes such an argument[317]) that the burning bush was merely a masked (think sacramental veil) presence of the Glorified Body of Jesus Christ.
What are these phenomena telling us? Among other mysteries, human DNA—as well as all organic tissue made from the dust of the earth—is made to mediate the glory of God. When Jesus was Transfigured, His clothes could mediate the light of that glory. Man, however, is different because we can have the Holy Spirit dwell directly in us. Our spiritualized body will radiate Gods glory upon our resurrection from the dead.
In Mt 5:13-16, we are told by Jesus that we are salt and light, but if our salt loses its flavor, it is only good to be thrown away. St. Remigius, Bishop of Reims, says that salt has flavor, taste, and savor when it has been “Changed into spiritual regeneration by the water of baptism, the heat of love, and the breath of the Holy Spirit [The Holy Spirit teaches all Truth].”[318] It is clear from these quotes, and many others, that the early Church Fathers felt that salt in the New Covenant of Salt refers to the state where the Holy Spirit dwells within the human spirit of the spiritual soul of Redeemed and Baptized man.
In the New Covenant, we become one Mystical Body with Christ through Baptism. Through the Eucharist, we become one-flesh with Jesus on the Cross. Through the instrument of Jesus’ human body, we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within the spirit of our spiritual soul. In the NC, the only bad connotation of salt is the loss of our salt’s taste, flavor, etc.—i.e., the loss of the indwelling and, subsequently, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I make the case that the Dead Sea symbolizes fallen man’s biology. More specifically, the evil consequences of the interfacing of our salt of DNA and structured biological water.

Biological Mystery #33-B

Delayed Luminescence. The Biological Phenomenon of Light Breathing

Delayed Luminescence (DL) is the afterglow (or re-emission of photons) of biological tissue after it has been illuminated with either white light (all the colors of light combined in the visible light spectrum) or monochromatic light (a single wavelength).[319] This afterglow can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours. DL is not possible in single molecules. It can only happen in tissues, cells, and cell organelles because photon/light breathing occurs only in living and coherent organisms.[320] Interestingly, the degree of water structuring within the cell is directly proportional to the intensity of the Delayed Luminescence, i.e., the greater the water molecule structuring, the greater the intensity of the afterglow.[321]
Tests showed a one-to-one proportionality between the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation from the source of the illumination and the intensity of the afterglow (delayed luminescence) of the organism to which it is exposed. The proportionality is this: the greater the source illumination, the greater the amplitude of the afterglow radiating from the exposed organism.[322]
Incidentally, I suspect the phenomenon with the Shroud of Turin somehow involves Delayed Luminescence.
All the frantic assertions by doubters who say the Shroud is a forgery have been thoroughly debunked by modern science through peer-reviewed research. After five years of intensive research on the image of the Shroud, scientists at ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), despite all the modern scientific equipment available, cannot figure out how the image was made.[323] They can say with certainty that it is not a fake, but not how the image was produced.
Let’s talk about the image itself. As a result of ENEA and STURP research, the following facts were revealed:
1). The image is not a result of heating/burning;[324]
2). The image is not painted or printed;[325]
3). The thickness of the discoloration of the image is around 200 nanometers (one-fifth of a thousandth of a millimeter). This measurement corresponds to the thickness of a single cell wall on the side facing Jesus’ body;[326]
4). The color intensity of the image was directly proportional to the linen fiber’s distance from the body, thus providing three-dimensional information about the body contours;[327] and,
5). The image’s coloration resulted from an unknown process whereby the flax fibers or, more appropriately, the cells of the fibers underwent oxidation, dehydration, and conjugation in the structure of the cellulose of the linen. In other words, the coloration results from an advanced aging process.[328]
These facts are fascinating and have led me to hypothesize thus: the coloration of the image on the linen is the result of a chain reaction in the Shroud, started by the light generated during Jesus’ Resurrection. More specifically, the material light generated from his Glorious Resurrection acted upon and caused activity within the cells of the linen fiber closest to and directly facing his Gloriously Resurrected body (aging, oxidation, and dehydration are all cellular activities; see #5 above).
Remember, DL is generally classified as a “light breathing” phenomenon; light is absorbed from the source, i.e., the Glorious Resurrected body of Jesus, and then intensely re-emitted over some concise period of time. Oxidation is a part of the process of the respiration of cells, a process in which bio-living water plays an essential role.[329] The goal of said respiration is to produce energy/light.[330]
We know the presence of structured water is necessary for DL. We know water was present because dehydration can’t occur without first having been in a state of hydration. We see the intensity of the light proportionately affects the intensity of the DL (can we even fathom the intensity of light radiating during the resurrection of the Son of God?). Consequently, those parts of the Shroud closest to Jesus’ body would have had a higher intensity of DL and would have experienced more significant discoloration—greater aging.
I could delve even deeper. I could hypothesize about the following:
1) the galactan-enriched matrix of the cell wall of the flax;
2) its bands of electron-dense materials [331] (ripe for oxidation); and,
3) the potential for its conversion to an acid through cellular water-splitting (hydrolysis).
However, that would be overkill, and, as I said, this is only a hypothesis.
Speaking of the intensity of the light source, ENEA and STURPA scientists believe a short but very intense burst of some form of structured directional (scattered photons could not have produced the image) EMR is responsible for the coloration and three-dimensional characteristics of the image.* They point out that the energy powerful enough to produce the vacuum ultraviolet radiation [emphasis SML] necessary to reproduce the image on the Shroud would be roughly thirty-four thousand billion watts. Thus, it would be impossible to reproduce in modern times since the most powerful currently on the market comes to only several billion watts.[332]
*German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that the ultra-weak light emitted from a living human organism is so coherent in the UV to red electromagnetic wave spectrum that the human being behaves as if it were a laser, but with a few significant differences. These differences are:
1) the radiation intensity from the living organism is several orders of magnitude weaker than a laser;
2) the degree of coherence of the radiation in the living organism is many orders higher than a technical laser; and
3) the radiation from the living organism is coherent over a range of wavelengths (polychromatic), while a laser is coherent in only one wavelength (monochromatic).[333]

Biological Mystery #34

The Science Behind Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan

In Scripture, we read in several passages that the Holy Spirit is the source of creation’s purity, freshness, greenness, and rebirth through water. It also appears that the Holy Spirit entered into the biological water around all the surfaces of the cell (causing a glassy state resistant to dehydration) of those who died with pure hearts and were in union with Jesus through Baptism and the Eucharist, doing so to demonstrate to all of us that the redemption of the body that St. Paul wrote about can be accomplished to a great degree here on earth.
In the first chapter of John, we read about the baptism of Jesus in the waters of the Jordan. While agreeing with the excellent points made by Pope Benedict XVI in his book, Jesus of Nazareth, I have, nevertheless, often pondered why it was necessary (cf. Mt. 3:15) for him to do so. The baptism of John was a baptism of repentance (Mk 1:4), and I can’t, by any stretch of the imagination, believe that Jesus needed any repentance. The water by which John was baptized was a sign of the sense-able and meta-sense-able purification that would be accomplished by Baptism of both water and Spirit. The baptism of Jesus by John played no efficacious role in the purification of a heart and body that was already divinely pure—already in a state of fullness of Truth.
Since baptism could not have produced an effect on Jesus, could the purpose of the baptism have been to produce an impact on the water? St. Thomas Aquinas writes, “Owing to Christ’s infinite power, just as through contact with His flesh the regenerative power entered not only into the waters which came into contact with Christ but into all waters throughout the whole world and during all future ages.”[334] Furthermore, according to Hildegard, God told her, “The Son of God.  . . . Surrendered to the waters and made them holy with his body [SML].”[335] Did Jesus somehow produce a sense-able and/or meta-sense-able effect on the waters of the Jordan through his baptism? If yes, we can ask:
1) Was the effect localized to the Jordan, or did it spread to all waters in a fashion reminiscent of the Exodus account (Ex. 7:17-21) in which the waters of the Nile, through the power of the Holy Spirit, were changed to blood—a change that spread to all the waters of Egypt;
2) Did the change occur in all water, or just water blessed and used for baptizing; and,
3) Did the effects wear off, or will they last for all time?
At least one Eastern Orthodox Church has performed an experiment that provides us with information that helps answer some of those questions to a minimal degree. On St. Mary's Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church’s website (web-archived on the WayBackMachine) an experiment is detailed in which a hypothesis concerning Holy Water was put to the test, so to speak. They describe the belief that: 1) blessed water is a means by which communion with God is achieved; 2) Jesus’ Baptism purified the very nature of material water; and, 3) that through Baptism (and the union with Christ it affects), humans, as well as the created material world, are redeemed.[336]
In several of the Biological Mysteries hidden in Scripture, we have already shown the human body generates a prominent electromagnetic field, a field of light that can vary in degree of coherence. Furthermore, we have already demonstrated that the degree of this coherent field will cause changes to the quantum field of others. Besides the evidence already provided, is there any further evidence that light affects water?
In Biological Mystery #26-B above, we discussed Dr. Emotos findings about sound’s effect on water. He also used a similar methodology to test the impact of light on water crystals. In these experiments, he exposed water crystals to EMR that had not been produced naturally. Instead, it was generated through machines. As the ice crystals formed, they were exposed to cell phones, microwaves, televisions, and specific computer screens. As a result, the ice crystals formed during the experiment were either not wholly formed or were misshapen.[337]
All four of these modern-day devices generate EMR, i.e., photons of light. In light (sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun) of our definition of information contained in photonic light as organizational, I think it is safe to say the field generated by these devices is not coherent. Therefore, it’s only logical to assume if an incoherent EMR can produce incoherent water crystals, then a coherent EMR should create coherent water crystals.

Biological Mystery #34-B

Holy Water

The information in this section could help reinforce an understanding of the purpose of Jesus’ baptism in the river Jordan; it could have had more to do with the impact his baptism would have had on the water rather than the water’s impact on him. The mystery of the Holy Water is related to Jesus’ baptism. According to the Church, using Holy Water serves as a sign of our Baptism.[338] As an instrument of the Holy Spirit, Holy Water, when not used as part of Baptism, can still convey Gratuitous grace, but not Sanctifying grace. Distinct from its use in the Sacrament of Baptism (and the blessing pronounced over it — as we shall see shortly), the use of Holy Water has been proven to be efficacious for cures, cleansings (of animate and inanimate objects), and protection from — and evictor of — evil spirits.
Lourdes provides many examples of cures realized through contact with its waters. In Baptism, the water must be blessed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the use of Holy Water, however, there are many examples of its effectiveness by invoking only the name of Jesus.[339] For example, St. Epiphanius writes about Joseph in Tiberius, who was neither bishop nor cleric. Joseph baptized a possessed man by invoking only the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, after which the evil spirit fled.[340] Gregory of Tours provides details of a man named Eusitius who cured victims of quartan fever by giving them blessed water to drink.[341]
Furthermore, there is evidence that the effectiveness of the Holy Water was not conditional on the faith of the one on whom it was being used but that the water alone worked cures without the “participation” of the creature. It is recorded that a man named Aphraates cured the horse of an emperor by having it drink water blessed by the local bishop and by making the sign of the cross while it drank.[342]
On St. Marys Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church’s website, an experiment is detailed in which a hypothesis concerning Holy Water was tested. They describe the belief that: 1) blessed water is a means by which communion with God is achieved; 2) Jesus’ Baptism purified the very nature of material water; and 3) that through Baptism (and the union with Christ it affects) humans, as well as the created material world, are redeemed.[343] Note: this experiment was not designed and performed in accordance with the rigor of scientific methodologies.
Please note: this article is no longer available at the original URL. The following are some URLs that explain the Holy Water Miracle.
Previously we discussed the effect that soundwaves had on water crystals. How do soundwaves and/or EMR affect the shape of crystals formed during the simultaneous processes of (un)freezing the water together with the production of sound/light? A similar experiment was performed by St. Mary’s Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church. Unfortunately, a lack of specificity regarding the methodology used in their experiment has left me uncertain about the theological conclusions that could be drawn from the experiment results. I have made inquiries with them and have never received a response.
In the experiment detailed on their website, water crystals were formed using untreated (by the experimenters) water from three different sources: tap water, lake water, and bottled water. Next, they blessed these same waters by reading special prayers and invoking the presence of the Holy Spirit (you remember Him—He’s that Person with the special relationship with water).[344] To summarize the comparison of the two sets of crystals: those formed from water not blessed were not beautiful, intricate, or symmetrical; those formed from the blessed water were very beautiful, intricate, and symmetrical. Without further information from St. Mary’s, it’s impossible to say whether the beautiful crystals resulted from the blessing, the voice that pronounced the blessing, or perhaps both. One thing not clear from reading their website is whether the words of the blessing were spoken while the water crystals were being formed or before they were formed. They simply show a picture of the crystal at some point after the blessing.

Updated 04/09/2024


[1] Gaudium et Spes, 22 § 1.
[2] Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997), 92 (#359).
[3] Hildegard of Bingen, Hildegard of Bingen: Scivias, ed. Bernard McGinn, trans. Columba Hart and Jane Bishop, The Classics of Western Spirituality (New York; Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1990), 98.
[4] St. John Paul II, “Man Enters the World as a Subject of Truth and Love,” n. 4.
[5] Carl E. Olson, “We cannot love what do not know”: An interview with Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P., The Catholic World Report, https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2017/10/03/we-cannot-love-what-do-not-know-an-interview-with-fr-thomas-joseph-white-o-p/, October 3, 2017 (accessed 06/01/2022).
[6] Albert Einstein. BrainyQuote.com, Xplore Inc, 2017. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins161289.html, accessed May 20, 2017.
[7] Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, n. 1074. Used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M.
[8] Sheen, Fulton J., The Mystical Body of Christ (Kindle Locations 215-218), Ave Maria Press, Kindle Edition. This reference is found in the “Introduction of the New Edition” by Brandon Vogt. Excerpted from The Mystical Body of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen. Copyright 2015 by The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Used with permission of the publisher, Ave Maria Press, P.O. Box 428, Notre Dame, IN 46556. www.avemariapress.com.
[9] Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska,, Kindle Locations 2935-2939.
[10] Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska,, Kindle Locations 94.
[11] John Paul II, “Marital Love Reflects God’s Love for His People,” The Theology of the Body, Daughters of St. Paul, General audience of July 28, 1982, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, (Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media, 1997), p. 304-306.
[12] Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997), n. 367, pp. 93–94.
[13] St. John Paul II, “Man Enters the World as a Subject of Truth and Love,” n. 4.
[14] John Paul II, in his general audience of Sept. 5, 1984, “Responsible Parenthood Linked to Moral Maturity,” Theology of the Body, ©Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), n. 1.
[15] Genome. (n.d.) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014). Retrieved June 15, 2021, from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/genome.
[16] Vladimir L. Voeikov, “Biological Significance of Active Oxygen-Dependent Processes in Aqueous Systems,” Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 286.
[17] Gerald H. Pollack; Ivan L. Cameron; Denys N. Wheatley, Water and the Cell (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), viii.
[18] Mae-Wan Ho, Zhou Yu-Ming, Julian Haffegee, and others, “The Liquid Crystalline Organism and Biological Water,” Water and the Cell, eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 220-221.
[19] Michael Kuykendall, “Sea of Glass,” in The Lexham Bible Dictionary, ed. John D. Barry et al. (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).
[20] “Then the dragon took his stand on the sand of the seashore.” Note: the labeling of this verse can vary between different Bible translations. Some identify it as 12:17, some as 13:1, and others as 12:18.
[21] What was meant by Satan’s stand? On October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII had a remarkable vision. In it, Satan told God that he could destroy the Church. Satan was granted 100-120 years (consisting of two consecutive 50–60-year periods, as was also the case in the book of Job) of time, together with extra power, during which the followers of Satan would attempt to destroy the Church (the kingdom of God) that Jesus built. I believe this is the stand that Satan is taking.
[22] Emmett O'Regan, “2020: The Silence in Heaven and the Opening of the Seventh Seal,” https://unveilingtheapocalypse.blogspot.com/2020/04/2020-silence-in-heaven-and-opening-of.html, April 11, 2020.
[23] “Then the dragon took his stand on the sand of the seashore.” Note: the labeling of this verse can vary between different Bible translations. Some identify it as 12:17, some as 13:1, and others as 12:18.
[24] This a three-part blog. Part I can be found here: https://www.stossbooks.com/blog/index.php?the-beast-of-scripture-is-not-coming,-it-s-here. Links to subsequent parts are located within Part I.
[25] Ibid.
[26] David Lyle Jeffrey, Klyne Snodgrass, “Stone,” A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature (Grand Rapids, MI.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1992), 736-737.
[27] Hildegard, Scivias, 400.
[28] Margaret Turek, Atonement: Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2022), Kindle Locations 484-490.
[30] Grace Chen, “Fetal Microchimerism,” (Massachusetts, Harvard Science Review, Fall 2015), https://harvardsciencereview.org/2015/12/04/fetal-microchimerism-2/.
[31] Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, ed. James Canon Bastible, trans. Dr. Patrick Lynch (Cork, Ireland: The Mercier Press, 1952), Kindle Edition, Locations 5739-5832.
[31A] James D. Watson, The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA (New York: Touchstone, 2001), 80, 85.
[32] Ben McFarland, A World From Dust: How the Periodic Table Shaped Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), Kindle Edition, 2, 13.
[33] Vladimir L. Voeikov, “Biological Significance of Active Oxygen-Dependent Processes in Aqueous Systems,” Water and the Cell, ed. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 286.
[34] Gerald H. Pollack; Ivan L. Cameron; Denys N. Wheatley, Water and the Cell (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), viii,
[35] Mae-Wan Ho, Zhou Yu-Ming, Julian Haffegee, and others, “The Liquid Crystalline Organism and Biological Water,” Water and the Cell, eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 220-221.
[36] Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs. Translated by Robert Cunningham, Jerry Dybdal, and Ron Miller. Edited by Matthew Fox. (Santa Fe, NM: Inner Traditions International/Bear & Company, 1987), Kindle Locations 2430-2431.
[37] Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), Jesus of Nazareth Part One, trans. Adrian J. Walker (New York: Doubleday, 2007), Kindle Edition, p. 306-307.
[38] Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth Part One, 306-307.
[39] Scott Hahn, “Temple, Sign, and Sacrament: Towards a New Perspective on the Gospel of John,” (Steubenville: Letter & Spirit, 2008), Vol. 4, 114.
[40] Hahn, Temple, Sign, and Sacrament, pps. 108, 113.
[41] Paul Baldwin, “REVEALED: How life on earth began - and the answer is even crazier than you thought,” Express, https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/752936/Humans-evolved-from-MUD-says-Richard-Dawkins-bible-was-right-evolution-bible, August 31, 2017.
[42] “Clay,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay, (accessed 10/17/2012).
[43] Ron Milo, Rob Phillips, “How Big Is a Human Cell,” Cell Biology By The Numbers, http://book.bionumbers.org/how-big-is-a-human-cell/, (accessed 08/23/2016).
[44] Dr. Gerald Pollack, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor, (Seattle, WA: Ebner and Sons, 2013), Kindle Edition, pp. 15, 25, 40, 67.
[44A] W. Drost-Hanson, “Vicinal Hydration of Biopolymers: Cell Biological Consequences,” eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, and Denys N. Wheatley, Water and the Cell (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 210-211.
[45] Hildegard of Bingen, Hildegard of Bingen: Scivias, ed. Bernard McGinn, trans. Columba Hart and Jane Bishop, The Classics of Western Spirituality (New York; Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1990), 98.
[46] Christine L. Haskin, Gary D. Fullerton, and Ivan L. Cameron, “Molecular Basis of Articular Disk Biomechanics: Fluid Flow and Water Content in the Temporamandibular Disk as Related to Distribution of Sulfur,” in Water and the Cell, Pollack, Gerald H., Cameron, Ivan L., Wheatly, Denys N (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006), 64.
[47] Hormone Foundation, “The Endocrine System: Diseases, Types of Hormones & More,” Endo101. http://www.hormone.org/Endo101/: The Hormone Foundation, accessed May 29, 2008.
[48] Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias, trans. Columba Hart and Jane Bishop (New York: Paulist Press, 1990), 113.
[49] Hildegard, Scivias, 417.
[50] Hildegard, Scivias, 257-258.
[51] Randy L. Jirtle, “Epigenetics,” interview by Neil Degrasse Tyson, Nova scienceNOW, PBS, July 24, 2007, transcript at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3411_sciencen.html.
[52] Robert A. Waterland & Randy L. Jirtle, (2003) “Transposable Elements: Targets for Early Nutritional Effects on Epigenetic Gene Regulation,” Molecular and Cellular Biology, 23:15, 5293-5300, DOI: 10.1128/MCB.23.15.5293-5300.2003.
[53] Jirtle, “Epigenetics,” http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3411_sciencen.html.  
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[55] Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, “Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function,” Nature Review Neuroscience 9, 575–576 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn2421.
[56] G. Kaati, L. O. Bygren, M. Pembrey, & M. Sjöström, “Transgenerational response to nutrition, early life circumstances and longevity,” Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 15, 784–790 (2007).
[57] Natan Kellermann, “Epigenetic transmission of Holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited?” Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 2013;50(1):33-9. PMID: 24029109.
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[59] University of California - Santa Cruz, “How epigenetic memory is passed through generations: Sperm and eggs transmit memory of gene repression to embryos,” Science Daily, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/09/140918141448.htm: ScienceDaily, September 18, 2014 (accessed 09/20/2014);
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[61] Randy L. Jirtle, “Epigenetics,” interview by Neil Degrasse Tyson, Nova scienceNOW, PBS, July 24, 2007, transcript at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3411_sciencen.html.
[62] Robert A. Waterland & Randy L. Jirtle, (2003) “Transposable Elements: Targets for Early Nutritional Effects on Epigenetic Gene Regulation,” Molecular and Cellular Biology, 23:15, 5293-5300, DOI: 10.1128/MCB.23.15.5293-5300.2003.
[63] Jirtle, “Epigenetics,” http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3411_sciencen.html.
[64] W. Wang, M. Peng, H. Yuan, C. Liu, et al., “Studying the mechanism of sperm DNA damage caused by folate deficiency,” J Cell Mol Med, 2022 Feb; 26(3): 776-788, doi: 10.1111/jcmm.17119. Epub 2021 Dec 24. PMID: 34953021; PMCID: PMC8817123.
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[66] G. Kaati, L. O. Bygren, M. Pembrey, & M. Sjöström, “Transgenerational response to nutrition, early life circumstances and longevity,” Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 15, 784–790 (2007).
[67] Natan Kellermann, “Epigenetic transmission of Holocaust trauma: can nightmares be inherited?” Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci, 2013;50(1):33-9. PMID: 24029109.
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[69] Tom Valeo, “Forgive and Forget,” WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/forgive-forget?page=1: WebMD, Inc., September 4, 2007 (accessed 09-04-07).
[70] Jenny Hope. “Fasting for One Day a Month ‘Cuts the Risk of Heart Attack.” Daily Mail Online. November 7, 2007. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-492163/Fasting-day-month-cuts-risk-heart-attack.html. (Accessed 11/04/2007).
[71] Robert Cunningham, Rev. Jerry Dybdal, and Ron Miller trans, Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs, ed. Matthew Fox (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Kindle Edition, June 1, 1987), Kindle Locations 2380-2381.
[72] Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life, 10.
[73] Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, HeartMath Institute, (Boulder Creek, CA: Institute of HeartMath, 2015), 36.
[74] Katharine O. Burleson, Gary E. Schwartz. “Cardiac torsion and electromagnetic fields: The cardiac bioinformation hypothesis,” Medical Hypothesis, 2005, Vol. 64, 1109-1116; DOI:10.1016/j. mehy.2004.12.023.
[75] McCraty et al., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 36.
[76] Katharine O. Burleson, Gary E. Schwartz. “Cardiac torsion and electromagnetic fields: The cardiac bioinformation hypothesis,” Medical Hypothesis, 2005, Vol. 64, 1109-1116; DOI:10.1016/j. mehy.2004.12.023.
[77] McCraty et al., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 36.
[78] Stephen Michael Leininger, The Science & Theology of Salt* in Scripture: *Light, Water, Dust, and Stone too, Volume II, STOSS Books (Raceland, Louisiana: 2017). Not yet published.
[79] Werner R. Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life, (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1999), Kindle Edition, (Kindle Locations 394-397).
[80] Werner R. Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 21.
[81] Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life, 54.
[82] cf. Basil S Davis, The Basic Physics of Quantum Theory, (Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2020), Kindle Edition, 32-33.
[83] Jeffrey A. Armour, D.A. Murphy, B.X. Yuan, S. Macdonald, and D.A. Hopkins, “Gross and microscopic anatomy of the human intrinsic cardiac nervous system,” Anat Rec, 1997 Feb; 247 no. 2:289-98. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L. PMID: 9026008.
[84] Jeffrey A. Armour, D.A. Murphy, B.X. Yuan, S. Macdonald, and D.A. Hopkins, “Gross and microscopic anatomy of the human intrinsic cardiac nervous system,” Anat Rec, 1997 Feb; 247 no. 2:289-98. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0185(199702)247:2<289::AID-AR15>3.0.CO;2-L. PMID: 9026008;
 and Armour, J.A., “Potential clinical relevance of the ‘little brain’ on the mammalian heart.” Exp Physiol, 2008. 93(2): p. 165-76.
[85] K. Prank, et al., Coding of time-varying hormonal signals in intracellular calcium spike trains,V Pac Symp Biocomput, 1998: p. 633-644; C. Schofl, K. Prank, and G. Brabant, Pulsatile hormone secretion for control of target organs,Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1995, 145 nos. 17-18: p. 431-435; and C. Schofl, et al., Frequency and amplitude enhancement of calcium transients by cyclic AMP in hepatocytes, Biochem J, 1991. 273(Pt 3): p. 799-802.
[86] Jeffrey A. Armour, and G.C. Kember, “Cardiac sensory neurons,” in: Armour JA, Ardell JL, eds. Basic and Clinical Neurocardiology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 79-117; M. Cantin, J. Genest, “The heart as an endocrine gland,” Sci Am. 1986; 254 no.2: 76-81; M. Cantin, J. Genest, “The heart and the atrial natriuretic factor,” Endoc Rev. 1985; 6 no.2:107-127; M. Mukoyama, K. Nakao, K. Hosoda, et al, “Brain natriuretic peptide as a novel cardiac hormone in humans: Evidence for an exquisite dual natriuretic peptide system, atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide,” J Clin Invest. 1991; 87 no.4:1402-1412; and J. Gutkowska, M. Jankowski, S. Mukaddam-Daher, and S.M. McCann, “Oxytocin is a cardiovascularhormone,” Braz J Med Biol Res. 2000; 33 no.6: 625-633.
[87] Robert Cunningham, Rev. Jerry Dybdal, and Ron Miller trans, Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs, ed. Matthew Fox (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Kindle Edition, June 1, 1987), Kindle Locations 2380-2381.
It is called external (or exterior) grace because it is presented to a person from outside the intellect and will. External graces alone are not capable of sanctifying, but God often uses them as an occasion for giving internal Actual graces, which can be sanctifying. [Fr. John A. Hardon S.J., “History and Theology of Grace: Grace Considered Extensively,” The Real Presence Association, http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Grace/Grace_002.htm#05: Inter Mirifica, 1998 (accessed 06/23/2014). An external Actual grace can be a person, place, or thing. There may be some confusion about the distinction between External Actual Grace and Gratuitous Grace.
A person who receives and acts upon a Gratuitous Grace becomes an instrument through which a different person receives an External Actual Grace. As the name implies, external grace occurs when the Holy Spirit works from the outside in, so to speak. Using external instruments experienced through our bodily organs, God causes an influx of Divine causation to inspire movement of the will or mind. Examples of these external instruments include the following: words somebody speaks, miracles, beautiful scenery, beautiful music, ideas communicated and heard, and events. [Hardon, “History and Theology of Grace: Actual Graces,” The Real Presence Association, http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Grace/Grace_013.htm: therealpresence.org].
As St. Peter tells us, “Above all hold unfailing your love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another. As each has received a gift [of grace – SML], employ it for one another [as an Actual grace – SML], as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who utters oracles of God; whoever renders service, as one who renders it by the strength which God supplies; in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (1 Peter 4:8-11).
If I have done my job well, we have gained a better understanding of grace. This acquired understanding should enable us to understand the biblical meaning of the word mouth. When it comes to understanding man’s creation in the image and likeness of God, grace and the mouth go indispensably hand-in-hand.
[89] cf. Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul, Marian Press, Kindle Edition. Used with permission of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M., n. 1074.
[90] Mike Aquilina, “Sharing in the Life of the Trinity,” Catholic Exchange, https://catholicexchange.com/sharing-in-the-life-of-the-trinity/, April 24, 2015 (accessed 03/22/2023).
[91] St. Hildegard of Bingen, quoted in an unpublished translation of Helmut Posch, Das wahre Weltbild nach Hildegard von Bingen (The Creation of the World According to Hildegard of Bingen) Deutsche Bibliothek (CIP – Einheitsaufnahme, Aufl. – A-4880 St. Georgen, 1998), translated by Gina O’Brien for the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation (Mt. Jackson, VA: 2009), p. 31/55; Quoted from Hugh Owen, “Adam and Eve in the Writings of the Mystical Saints and Doctors of the Church,” The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, https://kolbecenter.org/adam-and-eve-writings-mystical-saints-doctors-church/#_ftnref30, accessed August 17, 2020.
[92] St. Hildegard of Bingen, quoted in an unpublished translation of Helmut Posch, Das wahre Weltbild nach Hildegard von Bingen (The Creation of the World According to Hildegard of Bingen) Deutsche Bibliothek (CIP – Einheitsaufnahme, Aufl. – A-4880 St. Georgen, 1998), translated by Gina O’Brien for the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation (Mt. Jackson, VA: 2009), p. 40/55.
[93] Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, as recorded in the Journals of Clemens Brentano, arranged and edited by Carl E Schmoger CSSR, Vol 1 of 4, pp. 6-8.
[94] Emmerich, Life of Jesus Christ, 40/55.
[95] Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, as recorded in the Journals of Clemens Brentano, arranged and edited by Carl E Schmoger CSSR, Vol 1 of 4, pp. 6-8].”
[96] St. Hildegard of Bingen, quoted in an unpublished translation of Helmut Posch, Das wahre Weltbild nach Hildegard von Bingen (The Creation of the World According to Hildegard of Bingen) Deutsche Bibliothek (CIP – Einheitsaufnahme, Aufl. – A-4880 St. Georgen, 1998), translated by Gina O’Brien for the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation (Mt. Jackson, VA: 2009), 40/55.
[97] St. Augustin of Hippo, On The Holy Trinity, Book II, n. 228.
[98] Catholic Church, The Catechism of the Council of Trent, trans. Theodore Alois Buckley (London: George Routledge and Co., 1852), 44–45.
[99] St. Bridget of Sweden. Revelations of St. Bridget: On the Life and Passion of Our Lord and the Life of His Blessed Mother. TAN Books. Kindle Edition. Locations 356-363.
[100] cf. Fr. Matthew Macdonald, “On The Perpetual Virginity Of Mary And The Limits Of ‘The Chosen,’” Catholic Spiritual Direction, https://spiritualdirection.com/2021/12/20/on-the-perpetual-virginity-of-mary-and-the-limits-of-the-chosen, December 20, 2021 (accessed 12/23/2021).
[101] cf. Fr. Matthew Macdonald, “On The Perpetual Virginity Of Mary And The Limits Of ‘The Chosen,’” Catholic Spiritual Direction, https://spiritualdirection.com/2021/12/20/on-the-perpetual-virginity-of-mary-and-the-limits-of-the-chosen, December 20, 2021 (accessed 12/23/2021).
[102] Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, as recorded in the Journals of Clemens Brentano, arranged and edited by Carl E Schmoger CSSR, Vol 1 of 4, p. 6-8.
[103] Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, “The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” ed. Terry Jones, CatholicSaints.Info, https://catholicsaints.info/the-nativity-of-our-lord-jesus-christ-by-blessed-anne-catherine-emmerich/, accessed 07/29/2022.
[104] L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov. “From Mitogenetic Rays to Biophotons.” Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology. ed. L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, V.S. Martynyuk (New York: Springer, 2007), Kindle Edition, Locations 260-264.
[105] N.A. Temuryants, V.S. Martynyuk, and E.N. Chuyan. “Influence Of Electromagnetic Fields Of Extremely Different Frequency Diapason On Infradian Rhythms Of Physiological Processes.” Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology. ed. L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, V.S. Martynyuk. (Kindle Locations 2499-2500). Kindle Edition.
[106] Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem., “Love God with Your Body,” Catholic Answers, https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/how-love-god-with-your-heart-of-flesh, January 17, 2023 (accessed 2/21/23).
[107] (Jesus) has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our salvation [Cf. Jn 19:34],” is quite rightly considered the chief sign and symbol of that … love with which the divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father and all human beings” without exception [Pius XII, encyclical, Haurietis aquas (1956): DS 3924; cf. DS 3812. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997), n. 478; Cf. CCC nos. 368, 2669.
[108] Christopher West, Theology of the Body Explained (Boston, MA: Pauline Books and Media, 2003), 152.
[109] West, Theology of the Body Explained, 218.
[110] Robert Cunningham, Rev. Jerry Dybdal, and Ron Miller trans, Hildegard of Bingen's Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Songs, ed. Matthew Fox (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Inner Traditions Bear & Company. Kindle Edition, June 1, 1987), Kindle Locations 2380-2381.
[111] Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, HeartMath Institute, (Boulder Creek, CA: Institute of HeartMath, 2015), p. 3.
[112] Oliver G. Cameron, Visceral Sensory Neuroscience: Interoception, ISBN: 0-19-513601-2 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 3.
[113] K. Prank, et al., Coding of time-varying hormonal signals in intracellular calcium spike trains, V Pac Symp Biocomput, 1998: p. 633-44; C. Schofl, K. Prank, and G. Brabant, Pulsatile hormone secretion for control of target organs, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1995, 145 nos. 17-18: p. 431-435; and C. Schofl, et al., Frequency and amplitude enhancement of calcium transients by cyclic AMP in hepatocytes, Biochem J, 1991. 273(Pt 3): p. 799-802.
[114] Vladimir L. Voeikov, “Fundamental Role of Water in Bioenergetics,” ed. L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, V.S. Martynyuk, Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology (New York: Springer, 2007), Kindle Edition, Location 1297-1298; Werner R. Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), Kindle Edition, Locations 2509-2512 ; Carlos Ventura, DNA and Cell Reprogramming Via Epigenetic Information Delivered By Magnetic Fields, Sound Vibration and Coherent Water, transcript of interview by Rollin McCraty, https://www.scribd.com/document/161598761/Dna-and-Cell-Reprogramming-Transcript.
[115] Armour, J.A., “Peripheral autonomic neuronal interactions in cardiac regulation,” Neurocardiology, eds. J.A. Armour and J.L. Ardell (Oxford University Press: New York, 1994). p. 219-244.
[116] Armour, J.A., Anatomy and function of the intrathoracic neurons regulating the mammalian heart, in Reflex Control of the Circulation, eds. I.H. Zucker and J.P. Gilmore, (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1991), p. 1-37; and also, Armour, J.A., “Potential clinical relevance of the ‘little brain’ on the mammalian heart. Exp Physiol, 2008. 93(2): p. 165-76; cited in McCraty, Ph.D., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 4-5.
[117] McCraty, Ph.D., Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, p. 5.
[118] cf. Kate Ruth Linton, “Knowing by Heart: Cellular Memory in Heart Transplants,” Montgomery College Student Journal of Science & Mathematics, Vol. 2, Spring 2003.
[119] Walter Alexander, "Walter Alexander interviews Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.," Lilipoh (Phoenixville, PA) 14, 55 (Spring 2009)].
[120] Oliver G. Cameron, Visceral Sensory Neuroscience: Interoception, ISBN: 0-19-513601-2 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 108-109; cited in McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 5.
[121] Hoffman, H. H. and Schnitzlein, H. N. (1961), “The numbers of nerve fibers in the vagus nerve of man.” Anat. Rec., 139:429–435. doi: 10.1002/ar.1091390312.
[122] Oliver G. Cameron, Visceral Sensory Neuroscience: Interoception, ISBN: 0-19-513601-2 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 108-109; cited in McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 5.
[123] Jeffrey A. Armour, and G.C. Kember, “Cardiac sensory neurons,” in: Armour JA, Ardell JL, eds. Basic and Clinical Neurocardiology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 79-117 ; M. Cantin, J. Genest, “The heart as an endocrine gland,” Sci Am. 1986; 254 no.2: 76-81 ; M. Cantin, J. Genest, “The heart and the atrial natriuretic factor,” Endoc Rev. 1985; 6 no.2:107-127 ; M. Mukoyama, K. Nakao, K. Hosoda, et al, “Brain natriuretic peptide as a novel cardiac hormone in humans: Evidence for an exquisite dual natriuretic peptide system, atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide,” J Clin Invest. 1991; 87 no.4:1402-1412 ; and J. Gutkowska, M. Jankowski, S. Mukaddam-Daher, and S.M. McCann, “Oxytocin is a cardiovascularhormone,” Braz J Med Biol Res. 2000; 33 no.6: 625-633.
[124] Cantin, M. and J. Genest, “The heart as an endocrine gland.” Pharmacol Res Commun, 1988. 20 Suppl 3: p. 1-22.
[125] M. Huang, et al., “Identification of novel catecholamine containing cells not associated with sympathetic neurons in cardiac muscle.” Circulation, 1995. 92 (8(Suppl)): p. 1-59.
[126] McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 7.
[127] J. Gutkowska, et al., “Oxytocin is a cardiovascular hormone.” Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 2000. 33: p. 625-633.
[128] R. McCraty, M. Atkinson, D. Tomasino, and R. T. Bradley, “The coherent heart: Heart-brain interactions, psychophysiological coherence, and the emergence of system-wide order,” Integral Review, 2009, 5 no.2: p. 10-115 ; F. Halberg, G. Cornélissen, K. Otsuka, et al., “Cross-spectrally coherent ~10.5- and 21-year biological and physical cycles, magnetic storms and myocardial infarctions,” Neuro Endocrinol Lett, 2000;21 no.3: 233-258. PMID: 11455355.
[129] McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 36]
[130] Katharine O. Burleson, Gary E. Schwartz. “Cardiac torsion and electromagnetic fields: The cardiac bioinformation hypothesis,” Medical Hypothesis, 2005, Vol. 64, 1109-1116; DOI:10.1016/j. mehy.2004.12.023.
[131] David Cohen, “Magnetic Fields around the Torso: Production by Electrical Activity of the Human Heart.” Science 156 (1967): 652-654; Andrew A. Marino, and Robert O. Becker, Electromagnetism & Life, (Belcher: Cassandra Publishing, 2010), p. 35; and Zeljko Despotovic, and Vladimir Sinik, “Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation on Health of People: Limits for Exposure to EMF,” Infoteh-Jahorina 11, no. March 2012 (2012): 417-421, Accessed January 31, 2024, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232237544_Influence_of_Electromagnetic_Radiation_on_Health_of_PeopleLimits_for_Exposure_to_EMF.
[132] McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 36.
[133] McCraty, Science of the Heart, Vol. 2, 36.
[134] Laura Sanders, “Children’s cells live on in mothers,” Science News, https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/growth-curve/children%E2%80%99s-cells-live-mothers; May 10, 2015 (accessed 04/12/2016); Journal Source: Boddy A, Fortunato A, Aktipis A, et al. Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb. Bioessays. 2015. Abstract can be read at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bies.201500059/abstract.
[135] Laura Sanders, “Children’s cells live on in mothers,” Science News, https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/growth-curve/children%E2%80%99s-cells-live-mothers; May 10, 2015 (accessed 04/12/2016)]
[136] Kristin Magaldi, “Fetal Cells Can Be Found In A New Mother's Body And Will Effect Her Health Even After Pregnancy,” Medical Daily; http://www.medicaldaily.com/fetal-cells-can-be-found-new-mothers-body-and-will-effect-her-health-even-after-350234, Aug 28, 2015 (accessed 04/12/2016).
[137] Catholic Church, Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Ed. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997), nos. 627, 630.
[138] St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, III, q. 64, a. 1.
[139] Pope Pius X, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, February 1904), n. 14: https://w2.vatican.va/content/pius-x/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-x_enc_02021904_ad-diem-illum-laetissimum.html.
[140] cf. Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, 60-65; Leo XIII, Adiutricem populi; St. Pius X, Ad diem illum; and Pius XI, Miserentissimus Redempto.
[141] Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana: 03/25/1987), nn. 2,5,18,21,39.
[142] “Efficient Cause.” Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com LLC: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/efficient+cause (accessed: March 09, 2010).
[143] Efficient cause. Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com LLC: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/efficient+cause (accessed: March 09, 2010).
[144] Pope Benedict XVI, (2011-03-10). Jesus of Nazareth Part Two, 58-59.
[145] Catherine of Siena, Dialogue, 37.
[146] Archbishop Luis M. Martinez, True Devotion to the Holy Spirit, translated by Sister M. Aquinas O.S.U. of the 1881 book titled El Espiritu Sanctu, (Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press. 2013), p.14.
[147] Archbishop Luis M. Martinez, True Devotion to the Holy Spirit, translated by Sister M. Aquinas O.S.U. of the 1881 book titled El Espiritu Sanctu, (Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press. 2013), p.14.
[148] Hildegard, Scivias, 345.
[149] Hildegard, Scivias, 37.
[150] Christopher West, Theology of the Body Explained, 94.
[151] Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology the North American Society of Pacing Electrophysiology, “Heart Rate Variability: Standards of Measurement, Physiological Interpretation, and Clinical Use,” Circulation, 1996; 93 no.5: 1043–1065: https://doi.org/10.1161/01.CIR.93.5.1043.
[152] Rollin McCraty, and Fred Shaffer, “Heart Rate Variability: New Perspectives on Physiological Mechanisms, Assessment of Self-regulatory Capacity, and Health risk,” Global advances in health and medicine, 4 no.1 (2015): 46-61. https://doi.org/10.7453/gahmj.2014.073.
[153] Raymond T. Bradley, Rollin McCraty, Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, Alane Daugherty, Lourdes Arguelles, “Emotion self-regulation, psychophysiological coherence, and test anxiety: results from an experiment using electrophysiological measures,” Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2010 Dec; 35 no.4: 261-83, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10484-010-9134-x. PMID: 20559707.
[154] Fred Shaffer, Rollin McCraty, & Christopher L. Zerr (2014), “A healthy heart is not a metronome: an integrative review of the heart's anatomy and heart rate variability,” Frontiers in psychology, 5, 1040, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01040.
[155] John Paul II, in his general audience of Sept. 5, 1984, “Responsible Parenthood Linked to Moral Maturity,” Theology of the Body, ©Libreria Editrice Vaticana (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), n. 1.
[156] Steven M. Morris Ph.D., Achieving Collective Coherence: Group Effects on Heart Rate Variability Coherence and Heart Rhythm Synchronization, Alternative Therapies 16, 4 (July/August 2010), 62-72, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.heartmath.org/assets/uploads/2015/01/achieving-collective-coherence.pdf.
[157] Steven M. Morris Ph.D., Achieving Collective Coherence: Group Effects on Heart Rate Variability Coherence and Heart Rhythm Synchronization, Alternative Therapies 16, 4 (July/August 2010), 62-72, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.heartmath.org/assets/uploads/2015/01/achieving-collective-coherence.pdf.
[158] Francois-Xavier Durrwell, Holy Spirit of God (original English translation published by Geoffrey Chapman, a division of Cassell, Ltd., 1986; reprint published by Servant Books, Cinncinati, OH, 2006), 31.
[159] Dr. Georgia Purdom, “The Amazing Regenerating Rib,” Answers in Genesis, https://answersingenesis.org/human-body/the-amazing-regenerating-rib/; February 4, 2009 (accessed 04/15/2016).
[160] Alan D. Martin & R. G. McCulloch, “Bone dynamics: Stress, strain and fracture, (United Kingdom: Journal of Sports Sciences, 1987), 5: no.2, 155-163, https://doi.org/10.1080/02640418708729773.
[161] Keith L. Moore and Arthur F. Dalley, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 4th ed. (Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999), p. 64 ; cited in Georgia Purdom, The Amazing Regenerating Rib, Answers in Genesis, https://answersingenesis.org/human-body/the-amazing-regenerating-rib/; February 4, 2009 (accessed 04/15/2016).
[162] John Paul II, in his general audience of Nov. 7, 1979, "Return to the Subject of Human Love in the Divine Plan," Theology of the Body (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), note #3.
[163] John Paul II, in his general audience of Nov. 7, 1979, "Return to the Subject of Human Love in the Divine Plan," Theology of the Body (Third Millennium Media L.L.C., The Faith Database L.L.C., 2008), note #2-3.
[164] Francois-Xavier Durrwell, Holy Spirit of God (original English translation published by Geoffrey Chapman, a division of Cassell, Ltd., 1986; reprint published by Servant Books, Cinncinati, OH, 2006) 18-19.
[165] If our fallen state is described as “disordered, then are pre-fallen state would necessarily be described as ordered. Scripture tells us, “But thou hast arranged all things by measure and number and weight” (Wisdom 11:20).
[166] L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, “From Mitogenetic Rays to Biophotons.” Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology, ed. L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, V.S. Martynyuk (New York: Springer, 2007), Kindle Edition, Locations 92-94.
[167] Beloussov, Mitogenetic Rays, 105-107.
[168] Beloussov, Mitogenetic Rays, 145-147.
[169] Beloussov, Mitogenetic Rays, 171-172.
[170] Loewenstein, The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life, 14.
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[174] New York State Dept. of Health, “What is the difference between totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent,” NYSTEM, http://stemcell.ny.gov/faqs/what-difference-between-totipotent-pluripotent-and-multipotent; (accessed 04-17-2016).
[175] Callea, F. and Callea, M. (2011), Adam's rib and the origin of stem cells. Am. J. Hematol., 86: 529. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ajh.22005.
[176] Steven Wolf, Ph.D., “Pharynx and Larynx,” Anatomy Manual, (Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1997), http://www.emory.edu/ANATOMY/AnatomyManual/pharynx.html, (accessed 4/24/2012).
[177] Rollin McCraty, and Fred Shaffer, “Heart Rate Variability: New Perspectives on Physiological Mechanisms, Assessment of Self-regulatory Capacity, and Health risk,” Global advances in health and medicine, 4 no.1 (2015): 46-61. https://doi.org/10.7453/gahmj.2014.073 ; Raymond T. Bradley, Rollin McCraty, Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, Alane Daugherty, Lourdes Arguelles, “Emotion self-regulation, psychophysiological coherence, and test anxiety: results from an experiment using electrophysiological measures,” Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2010 Dec; 35 no.4: 261-83, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10484-010-9134-x. PMID: 20559707 ; Fred Shaffer, Rollin McCraty, & Christopher L. Zerr (2014), “A healthy heart is not a metronome: an integrative review of the heart's anatomy and heart rate variability,” Frontiers in psychology, 5, 1040, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01040.
[178] Steven Wolf, Ph.D., “Pharynx and Larynx,” Anatomy Manual, (Emory University, Atlanta, GA, 1997), http://www.emory.edu/ANATOMY/AnatomyManual/pharynx.html, (accessed 4/24/2012).
[179] McCraty et al., Science of the Heart, Vol. 1, 3-7.
[180] Keith Kramlinger, ed., Mayo Clinic on Depression, (Philadelphia: Mason Crest, 2002), 109.
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[244] Andrews, Physiological Effects of Music.
[245] Andrews, Physiological Effects of Music.
[246] Andrews, Physiological Effects of Music.
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[317] cf. St. Augustin of Hippo, On The Holy Trinity, Book II, nos. 217-228.
[318] Thomas Aquinas. (1842). Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels, Collected out of the Works of the Fathers: St. Mark. (J. H. Newman, Ed.) (Vol. 2, p. 191). Oxford: John Henry Parker.
[319] Yu Yan, F.-A. Popp, S. Sigrist, D. Schlesinger, A. Dolt, Zhongchen Yan, S. Cohen, A. Chotia, and D. Busch. “The Oscillation Behavior Of The Delayed Luminescence Of Plant Leaves.” Ed. L.V. Beloussov;V.L. Voeikov;V.S. Martynyuk. Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology (Kindle Locations 863-864). Kindle Edition.
[320] Ibid., Kindle Locations 897-899.
[321] Mae-Wan Ho, Zhou Yu-Ming, Julian Haffegee and others, "The Liquid Cyrstalline Organism and Biological Water," Water and the Cell, eds. Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatly (The Netherlands: Springer, 2006).
[322] Yan et al., Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology, Kindle Locations 915-916.
[323] Marco Tosatti, "The Shroud is not a fake," Vatican Insider, http://www.lastampa.it/2011/12/12/vaticaninsider/eng/inquiries-and-interviews/the-shroud-is-not-a-fake-jdiKKEyJ0uDsE4XpV13TcK/pagina.html: La Stampa, Dec. 12, 2011 (accessed 12/15/2011). NOTE: The original report from ENEA can be found at: http://opac.bologna.enea.it:8991/rt/2011/2011_14_enea.pdf. Unfortunately, it is in Italian.
[324] Tosatti, Shroud.
[325] Tosatti, Shroud.
[326] Tosatti, Shroud.
[327] Tosatti, Shroud.
[328] Tosatti, Shroud.
[329] Voiekov, Water and the Cell, 285-296.
[330] Voiekov, Water and the Cell, 285-296.
[331] Melissa J. Roach, Natalia Y. Mokshina, Ajay Badhan, Anastasiya V. Snegireva, Neil Hobson, Michael K. Deyholos, and Tatyana A. Gorshkova. “Development of Cellulosic Secondary Walls in Flax Fibers Requires b-Galactosidase,” Plant Physiology, July 2011, Vol. 156, pp.1351-1363, http://www.plantphysiol.org/content/156/3/1351, (accessed 05/16/2012).
[332] Marco Tosatti, "The Shroud is not a fake," Vatican Insider, http://www.lastampa.it/2011/12/12/vaticaninsider/eng/inquiries-and-interviews/the-shroud-is-not-a-fake-jdiKKEyJ0uDsE4XpV13TcK/pagina.html: La Stampa, Dec. 12, 2011 (accessed 12/15/2011).
[333] L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov. “From Mitogenetic Rays to Biophotons.” Biophotonics and Coherent Systems in Biology. ed. L.V. Beloussov, V.L. Voeikov, V.S. Martynyuk. (Kindle Locations 260-264).
[334] Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, III, Q. 78, Art. 5.
[335] Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works: With Letters and Song. All rights reserved. Innertraditions.com, reprinted with permission of publisher. Kindle Locations 3213-3216.
[336] St. Mary's Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church, “Holy Water Miracle,” St. Mary's Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church, https://web.archive.org/web/20100628002904/http://stmaryofstamford.org/holywater.html: (accessed 01/30/2011)) Please note: this article is no longer available at the original URL, but was found via the WayBackMachine.
The following are some additional URLs that explain the Holy Water Miracle.

[337] SpiritDaily, “Scientist Claims That Spiritual Dimension Reflected in Water Crystal Structure,” http://www.spiritdaily.net/watercrystals.htm.
[338] CCC, n. 1668.
[339] Henre Leclercq, “Holy Water.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910). http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07432a.htm. (accessed 01/30/2011).
[340] Leclercq, Holy Water.
[341] Leclercq, Holy Water.
[342] Leclercq, Holy Water.
[343] St. Mary’s Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church, “Holy Water Miracle,” St. Mary’s Holy Assumption Russian Orthodox Church, http://stmaryofstamford.org/holywater.html: (accessed 01/30/2011).
[344] St. Marys, Holy Water Miracle.
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