S T O S S Books
S T O S S Books
Picture of DNA which is Salt and Dust in the Bible

Salt, Dust, Light, and Water in the Bible

Study of Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Bible

S T O S S Books

The Study of Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible

S T O S S Books
Studying Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible
S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

What is salt, dust, and stone in the Bible
In Scripture, DNA is both dust and salt
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Jesus is the first born of all creation. At the very instant of creation, did Jesus possess a human body? Was it a mortal body? Was it a glorious body? When Jesus Ascended to the Father, was his Divinity and his humanity able to be present throughout eternity — space and time? Was the fruit from the Tree of Life the first Holy Eucharist? How could Jesus eat himself at the Last Supper? What was the burning bush on Mt. Horeb? All of these questions will be answered in Part Two of our series on the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden has always been a great mystery. What is it? Did Adam and Eve age? What is the Tree of Life? What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Is Eden and its garden an actual place on earth? Why can’t we see it. Did our parents really die from just eating an apple? Seems rather harsh. Was the whole story a fiction? A symbol? Why are all of us punished for their disobedience? What is this whole “rib” thing? Were both Adam and Eve born from different ancestral parents? This two-part series will answer most, if not all, of those question, either directly or by linking to other writings that will answer them.
Then Cardinal Ratzinger said, “The inability to understand original sin and make it comprehensible is really one of the most serious problems of current theology and pastoring.
1. What was the ACTUAL knowledge the fruit of the Tree gave?
2. Why were Eve's eyes not opened until after Adam ate?
3. What role does DNA have in the Knowledge gained?
4. Does the human heart play a role in concupiscence?
In Part II:
1) Why mtEve is NOT biblical Eve;
2) Why interpretations of mtEve do not apply to biblical Eve;
3) What faults in research design led to interpretations that exclude biblical Eve;
4) What heresies proceed from faulty interpretations;
5) Why mtEve research actually proves the Bible account of Adam & Eve's creation.
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