Definition for Scientism
Scientism is a philosophy whose adherents believe that all truth about the material world comes through scientific research and discovery — and only through science. Adherents of Scientism believe religion has no part in determining the truth.[1] Many adherents are atheists or agnostics. If there is a conflict between scientific theory and Scripture, they believe Scripture is de facto wrong. In a sense, their intellect has become self-imprisoned within a box labeled: Big Bang and By-Products Only: God not Allowed. This self-imposed imprisonment does not allow them to even consider God’s intervention into physical creation or His supremacy over it. The outcome of such a philosophy is exemplified by studies and conclusions concerning the so-called Mitochondrial Eve.
[1]. Stacy A. Trasancos, Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science (Kindle Locations 588-589). Ave Maria Press. Kindle Edition.