S T O S S Books
S T O S S Books
Picture of DNA which is Salt and Dust in the Bible

Salt, Dust, Light, and Water in the Bible

Study of Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Bible

S T O S S Books

The Study of Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible

S T O S S Books
Studying Salt, Dust, Water, and Light in the Bible
S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water, & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Studying Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

S T O S S Books

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

Salt, Dust, Water & Light in Scripture

What is salt, dust, and stone in the Bible
In Scripture, DNA is both dust and salt
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Below is a short description of all blog posts and article Pages. The link above each description will take you to the post.
Eucharist: Understood Through the Instrumentality & Language of the Body
The Eucharist is Real Food & Real Drink — Understood Through the Instrumentality and Language of the Body. When Jesus says his body is REAL food and his blood is REAL drink ( John 6:54-55 ), he means it literally. NOT symbolically. Eucharistic miracles have scientifically proven its Truth. St. John Paul II examines meaning of man’s body in light of Scripture. It would be accurate to add one word to the title of Saint John Paul’s theology. That word is instrumentality. The better title would be: The Theology of the Instrumentality of the Body for receiving and expressing grace. The Holy Spirit uses the body to express and receive His graces.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 22 Jun 2023
The Garden of Eden: Location of the Very First Eucharistic Celebration Within History? Part II of II
Jesus is the first born of all creation. At the very instant of creation, did Jesus possess a human body? Was it a mortal body? Was it a glorious body? When Jesus Ascended to the Father, was his Divinity and his humanity able to be present throughout eternity — space and time? Was the fruit from the Tree of Life the first Holy Eucharist? How could Jesus eat himself at the Last Supper? What was the burning bush on Mt. Horeb? All of these questions will be answered in Part Two of our series on the Garden of Eden.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 27 Dec 2022
The Garden of Eden: Location of the Very First Eucharistic Celebration Within History? Part I of II
The Garden of Eden has always been a great mystery. What is it? Did Adam and Eve age? What is the Tree of Life? What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Is Eden and its garden an actual place on earth? Why can’t we see it. Did our parents really die from just eating an apple? Seems rather harsh. Was the whole story a fiction? A symbol? Why are all of us punished for their disobedience? What is this whole “rib” thing? Were both Adam and Eve born from different ancestral parents? This two-part series will answer most, if not all, of those question, either directly or by linking to other writings that will answer them.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 14 Nov 2022
New Eucharistic Sacred Heart Miracle in Mexico
A new Eucharistic miracle has occurred in a chapel in Guadalajara, Mexico. It ocurred during the Stations of the Cross. It happened on July 24, 2022. In this miracle, the sacramental veil is lifted, revealing the beating heart of Jesus in the Eucharist. There is more than one reason to believe this is a true Eucharistic miracle in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus is seen to be beating -- generating visible light!
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 09 Aug 2022
Wedding Feast at Cana: Part 3 0f 3
Why does Jesus go out of his way to emphasis that his body is REAL FOOD and his blood REAL DRINK? Why was this fact so important to him that he was willing to lose his followers? Lose his Apostles? Why did Jesus not clarify what he meant when his listeners interpreted what he was saying as wanting us to eat his real body and drink his real blood? No! John 6:63 does not mean what you think it means.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 12 Feb 2022
The Wedding Feast at Cana: Part 2 of 3
Here is a shortlist of important topics that will be discussed in greater detail in this blog:
1. St. Padre Pio once said that it is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than for it to exist without the Eucharist in the Mass.
2. Whatever moves the spiritual soul closer to or further away from purity will produce an equal movement of the body in the same direction.
3. Through each man’s cooperation, all grace, both Sanctifying and Actual, will impact the overflow of the spiritual heart. The body (i.e., the scriptural mouth) will send that overflow out accurately — in the language of the body, which is both sense-able and meta-sense-able.
4. The Eucharist will produce a profound impact on both the purity of the spiritual soul together with the biological function of the body.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 31 Dec 2021
The Wedding Feast at Cana: Jesus Foretells the Consequences of His Words on the Cross: “Now It Is Finished” (John 19:30)
The Wedding Feast at Cana
Three days after the start of his public ministry, Jesus goes to a wedding at Cana. On the first day of the celebration, he miraculously changes water into wine. By doing so, he shows us what the fulfillment of his redemptive mission will produce.
The Eucharist — the Mass — is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC 1324). It is the fulfillment of the Everlasting Covenant of Salt. The Description of All other Sacraments can be rightly followed by the words: “so that we can receive the body, blood, soul, and Divinity of Jesus in the Eucharist.”
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 23 Sep 2021
Born With It: Does God Will It? Part 3 of 3
In Part III, the following will be discussed:
The Trinity — Our Biblical and True God
Satan Presents to His Followers a Straw God Whose Essence is a Lie
Some Lies That Flow from the Straw/False God
Why we Can Never Tolerate Same-Sex **Behavior**
How Does God View Same-Sex **Behavior**
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 06 Aug 2021
Born With It: Does God Will It? Part 2 of 3
The LGBT plea for legislative enforcement to normalize same-sex-attracted behavior is based on false logic, false love, and false compassion. The argument used to justify this destructive and morally dangerous behavior goes something like this: I was born this way, so it must be God’s will. In other words, they set up a Straw god, and use it to achieve their agenda. Part II begins to show why this reasoning is based on a logical fallacy known as "non causa pro causa."
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 13 May 2021
Born With It: Does God Will It? Part 1 of 3
Does God will spiritually destructive behavior and addictions simply because some are born with those predispositions? To answer that question, we will examine the science of epigenetically–driven biological change. We will use science and theology to refute certain logical fallacies.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 30 Mar 2021
Original Sin: Part III of III
In this final Part of the blog series dealing with Original Sin, we will learn Actual Grace (as opposed to Sanctifying Grace) prevented Eve's eyes from opening until AFTER Adam had also eaten of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The instruments of this grace were: the soul, biological light, structured bio-living water, the human heart, oxygen, and blood.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 15 Feb 2021
Original Sin: Part II of III
In Part II, we will dig deeper into the body’s role, and the language thereof, in inflaming or calming the war between the flesh and the spirit, i.e., concupiscence. Questions to be addressed are:
1. What do biological water, the dust of DNA, and biologically generated light have to do with the grace necessary to help us purify our biological impurities;
2. What role does the human heart play in this war between flesh and spirit, and;
3. What role did the body play in communicating sanctifying (small “s”) grace from pre–fallen Adam to fallen Eve?
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 05 Jan 2021
Original Sin: Part I of III
Then Cardinal Ratzinger said, “The inability to understand original sin and make it comprehensible is really one of the most serious problems of current theology and pastoring.
1. What was the ACTUAL knowledge the fruit of the Tree gave?
2. Why were Eve's eyes not opened until after Adam ate?
3. What role does DNA have in the Knowledge gained?
4. Does the human heart play a role in concupiscence?
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 04 Oct 2020
The Beast in Scripture is Not Coming. It IS Here: Part III
1. What is the Beast versus Antichrist?
2. What did Mary warn us about at Fatima, Portugal?
3. What is Satan's attack plan during the end times?
4. What watershed event changed Church & world history?
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 06 Jul 2020
The Beast in Scripture is Not Coming: It’s Here: Part II of III
The Beast of Scripture is NOT Coming: Part II of III is now available. It has been here since Mary's visit to Fatima. What does "likeness" mean in image and likeness of God? What does "Mark of the Beast" mean? What does Sodom and Gomorrah tell us about Divine fruitfulness?
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 22 May 2020
The Beast of Scripture is NOT Coming, It's Here: Part I of III
The Beast of Revelation 13 is NOT coming. It has been here for many years. Satan has succeeded in fooling the world. What IS the Beast? The vast majority of the world has helped to make it.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 21 Apr 2020
Covenants Part IV: Ezekiel's Dream of the New Covenant of Salt Temple
Ezekiel's dream of the rebuilt Temple (i.e., Jesus' resurrected body) informs us about God's Covenant of Salt and what our world looks like when it is fulfilled. It informs us of why the Eucharist and biological living water are required to fulfill the Old Covenant of Salt.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 23 Mar 2020
Covenants Part III: The Dead Sea & the Biology of Fallen Man
The Dead/Salt Sea is a profoundly deep symbol of the biology of fallen man. It contains scientific mysteries hidden in Scripture since the very early days of the children of God. It reveals more clearly why God entered into a covenant of salt with man.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 14 Nov 2019
Covenants Part II: What Does Lot's Wife Teach us About the “Big Picture” of Scripture?
"Salt covenants" or "covenants of salt" provide us with the big picture that helps us to more fuller understand what God is trying to teach. In this Part II of this blog series, we explore what the story of Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt teaches us about covenants in the Bible.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 03 Sep 2019
Covenants Part I ... Lot's Wife, the Dead Sea, Sodom & Gomorrah, and Ezekiel's Dream: Signposts of the "Big Picture" of Scripture
Covenants are the Big Picture of the Bible. What are they, and why are they vital to understanding Scripture is discussed in this (Part I)of this blog series. Part II will discuss Lot's wife. Part III will discuss the deeper meaning of the Dead (Salt) Sea. Sodom & Gomorrah will be dealt with in Part IV. Lastly, Ezekiel's dream of the rebuilt Temple will be examined in Part V.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 20 Jul 2019
Mitochondrial Eve: Should Christians Be Worried Part III
Adam & Eve were NOT:
1) Conceived by animals;
2) The same as mtEve;
3) Part of a population bottleneck;
4) Immaculately Conceived
5) Irrational animals --- EVER
6) Married (if you believe 1-5 are
true, then "rib" =//= married).

ALL of the above are FALSE & contain (at least) two heresies.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 11 Mar 2019
Set Me Free
We live in a time when our fellow man is all too often viewed as a commodity; Something to be used for someone else's gain. Sadly, we often imprison ourselves through the bad choices that we make. What's the solution?
Published by Augustine Kelechi IKEGWU, O.ss.t - 14 Sep 2018
Mitochondrial Eve: Should Christians Be Worried Part II
In Part II:
1) Why mtEve is NOT biblical Eve;
2) Why interpretations of mtEve do not apply to biblical Eve;
3) What faults in research design led to interpretations that exclude biblical Eve;
4) What heresies proceed from faulty interpretations;
5) Why mtEve research actually proves the Bible account of Adam & Eve's creation.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 18 Jan 2018
Mitochondrial Eve: Should Christians be Worried? – Part I
Does the discovery of mitochondrial Eve contradict Genesis? Did all humans descend from a woman in Africa who lived some 200,000 years ago? Was Eve literally taken from Adam's rib. This three-part blog answers those questions. In Part One, we will examine the Magisterial documents relative to these questions.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 24 Nov 2017
Evil Exists! Therefore, God Does Not Exist = Very Bad Logic!!
The title of this blog points to an argument very often used by atheists and agnostics to try and prove that a good God does not exist.

Atheists like to set up a straw-god, then proceed to knock it down. Read this article to know why their straw-god fails in this case. It is their complete ignorance of the TRUE God that allows them to make these ridiculous claims.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 16 Oct 2017
Woman: The holy spirit of the Family Part II
This blog post instructs us as to the Genesis account of Eve's creation was scientifically accurate. It also shows us how Eve was created in such a way as to make her the holy spirit of the family.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 15 Sep 2017
Woman: The holy spirit of the Family Part I
God created women as the holy spirit of the family. He did so from the very beginning, as detailed in the Genesis account of Eve's creation.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 16 Aug 2017
Lourdes and The Science & Theology of Salt in Scripture
There are many parallels that exist between apparition of Mary to St. Bernadette Soubirous at Lourdes and the science and theology of salt, dust, water, and stone in the Bible. This blog elaborates on those parallels.
Published by Stephen Michael Leininger - 17 Jul 2017
Atheist Page
Atheists Bible Challenge
In the Book of Genesis, Moses describes how Eve was created by God. Moses uses very precise wording. Why is that? Was he being symbolic?
Did God Replace the Rib He Took From Adam
If one believes that God took Adam's rib, the question that must be answered is, did he grow it back. If not, then wouldn't Adam have been left imperfect?
DNA is specifically referred to in many places in Scripture. It is a scientific FACT. Words such as Salt, Dust, and Stone directly refer to DNA. This article shows how and why of those facts.
Questions answered in this article:
1) Why mtEve is NOT biblical Eve;
2) Why interpretations of mtEve do not apply to biblical Eve;
3) What faults in research design led to interpretations that exclude biblical Eve;
4) What heresies proceed from faulty interpretations;
5) Why mtEve research actually proves the Bible account of Adam & Eve's creation.
Over one-hundred fifty saints have some degree of incorruptibiliy of their body. No other faith tradition has even one such example. It is the Eucharist, Holy Communion, that causes that phenomenon. It is the Holy Spirit using the instrumentality of the saint's body; using the science of the body affect incorruptibility.
Bishop Barron’s latest Wonder Series Videos: Animals, the Human Animal, and God. is not heterodox, but it most certainly opens the door to heresy and invites them in. Many will fall for the errors the Out of Africa hypothesis creates. Researchers Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson have created doubts about the creation account in Genesis.
I have uncovered thirty-four mysteries of cutting-edge biological science that have only recently been discovered by modern-day science. These mysteries are not written in Scripture in a textbook fashion. Instead, they are written and hidden in an applied sciences fashion. Why applied science? Because the Bible was not written for scientists alone. It was written so that all could understand its words to the specific degree that each individual could receive it.
When I first realized that salt and dust in Scripture refer to the salt and dust of DNA, I was puzzled at the same time. Why hadn’t someone in the scientific community already discovered it? The root of the problem is the three separate scientific disciplines (Biology, Chemistry, and Geology) and the specific terminology used in each discipline—especially Geology. Microbiologist Ben McFarland tells us, “Biology and geology meet through chemistry. . . . when life and rocks interact.”
The Problem of Evil Page
The title of this blog points to an argument very often used by atheists and agnostics to try and prove that a good God does not exist. Atheists like to set up a straw-god, then proceed to knock it down. Read this article to know why their straw-god fails in this case. It is their complete ignorance of the TRUE God that allows them to make these ridiculous claims.
The German Episcopate is on a trajectory leading their flock over a cliff. This Open Letter warns of the impending mortal dangers they are facing. The German Synodal Way (GSW) is laying the foundations for change. Sadly, the foundations are resting on sand. OOPS, I meant to say quicksand. A foundation built with agenda/biased-science, heretical theology, and rationalized via false biochemically-driven compassion. This twenty-seven-thousand-word article exposes the falsity of their claims. I have read many critiques of the GSW, but none have addressed the ROOT error from which the other errors come. I DO address them — comprehensively.
The Church and Junk-, Biased-, Fake-, Agenda-, Biased-Science
For the last one hundred plus years, Satan has focused his attacks — his lies — on destroying marriage and the family. To do so, he uses atheistic scientism to infect scientific research to make his lies to appear as though they are truth. The result: junk science also known as agenda-, fake-, imitation-, biased-science. How successful has he been in achieving his goal?
Is God Serious About Our Being Fruitful? Yes! He IS Deadly Serious
Was God serious when He said be fruitful & multiply? Yes! VERY serious. The LGBTQ movement makes false claims about the morality of intentional/inherent sterility. They engage (whether or not they realize it) in propagating a satanic lie. One Fatima seer says we are in the final battle with Satan, and it centers on marriage and the family.
Liturgy/Mass Pages
A new Eucharistic miracle has very recently taken place in Guadalajara, Mexico. There is a live video of the miracle occurring in a chapel where the Stations of the Cross are being said. The miracle happened on July 24, 2022. During this alleged miracle, the sacramental veil is lifted, revealing the beating heart of Jesus in the Eucharist — the heart of flesh as it is described in Scripture (Ez. 11:19, 36:26). A second Eucharistic miracle involving Jesus’ beating heart took place in Venezuela.
Is the Novus Ordo Mass inferior (or even invalid) in comparison to the Traditional Latin Mass? This article will not get into the minutiae of the debate between the Traditional Latin Mass advocates and the proponents of the Second Vatican Council. The exception to the previous statement will be the topic of the economy of Grace in the Mass. Eucharistic Miracles prove the Novus Ordo Mass is valid. The radical Traditionalists (RadTrads, RadCathRs, Mad Rad Trads) sow disunity, ill feelings, anger, heresy, and a conspicuous lack of charity. Thus, we know the Holy Spirit is not in this movement. The Holy Spirit is Unity, Charity, and Goodness. So, what is the root of this disunity? What is the smoke of Satan!!
Novus Ordo Mass Causes a Decrease in Mass Attendance: True or False
Did the Novus Ordo Mass cause decreased attendance at Catholic Masses? Many Traditionalists are making unsubstantiated claims. Polls are misinterpreted. Correlation is confused with causation, which is a logical fallacy.
Marxism, Communism, and Socialism
In 1917, Jesus mother Mary at Fatima, Portugal, foretold that the world would fall for Russias errors (Marxist Communism). This has largely come true
— even in America. Learn how and why?
The latest attempt to debunk the vaccine-clots linkage comes from Raymond D. Palmer. Before critiquing his article, it should be noted that his background is somewhat questionable. So much so, his history leads to serious questions about his article’s legitimacy. This article will not address the details of his background, but the following linked articles will.
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